Sunday, January 20, 2019

Design Realities Come to the Forefront - Part 1

Conceptual impressions surrounding this article are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context, network or post. 

Over time you eventually realize the importance of your imagination. The very concept of “reality” is vividly created in and by your imagination. Your impressions and feelings are uniquely framed within the images of your past, including the feelings you associate with them. These impressions describe your interpretation of these events and experiences. Is it no wonder why many of these ideas/impressions apparent in your virtual reality actually describe to you the unknown?

Underlying every virtual reality rests the opportunity, by virtue of your imagination, to generate another and another. Every step along the way is multidimensional in context. Every reality/universe a private expression/creation of your own made in reference to your current situation and POV.  This is a personal journey/experience being made within a local, regional and global context.

Past patterns remain as guides, but contexts can rapidly change. A generation of concepts, ideas, options and alternatives become of major importance. Design consciousness has always harbored design thinking in the forms of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy. Design consciousness is key in adapting to change.  

Design creates the links between your own virtual reality (awareness) and everything else, i.e. Consciousness.

The goal in exercising a design consciousness is to make known the unknown and sharing its truths with others.

You learn by experiencing only that which you can sense. You recognize the concept of dualism because your currently experiencing it. Many observations are made to be believed before and without knowing, i.e. discernment and introspection. You sense you aware of these "differences" because they reflect upon your own awareness (virtual reality). You find yourself either in resonance with these impressions (feelings) or not. Your are either attracted or repulsed by what you sense. 

Design makes the connection between the senses and what is.

Differences categorize and in some circumstances be measured in the forms of vibration, frequency and resonance. Some impressions are more sentient than others. These differences are in constant motion, congealing and separating within the parameters of 3D, 4D and 5D spacetime. The context expands exponentially in reference to the virtual reality, i.e. POV, of the observer. The complexity surrounding these observations can, at times, feel and become overwhelming. 

Experience can nullify itself and become easily controlled by only believing and never knowing. In order to become design conscious you must maintain balance between believing and knowing by design.

The realm of the quantum rests upon corresponding "impressions", especially in reference to describing a rapidly changing context of virtual origin. Patterns emerge, materialize and disappear in an instant without introspection and/or retrospection.

It is within a comparable field of observation, i.e. virtual reality, where we perceive, observe and materialize our own impressions (experiences). Experiences can be conditioned within a virtual array of belief systems beyond knowledge and therefore awareness.

introspection noun the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes: retrospection noun the action of looking back on or reviewing past events or situations, especially those in one's own life: 

Every creation is symbolic; always observable, never hidden.

Consciousness corresponds with the subconscious in a symbolic manner. Consciousness and its subconscious overlap for the purpose of transition and transformation of energy (in motion).

It must be noted that due to qualities and circumstances intrinsic to 3D space/time, we all participate and contribute to a collective unconscious.* We all participate in this phenomenon every conscious moment simply due to the fact that no one individual can be fully aware of all that there is or can be. For you can never truly know, observe or be assured of what will occur in the next moment. 

* Unlike C.G. Jung's collective unconscious, design consciousness straddles the unconscious, subconscious and conscious realms of awareness. Design consciousness symbolically links the senses surrounding the known and the unknown.

Humanity appears to control and maintain direction by exercising a unique sense of balance by means of choice. The act of balancing is a process fulfilled by blending both individual and collective concepts, ideas and patterns, giving said resolution/s relative form and thereby making them "real".


Design awareness creates the links, consciousness unifies them.

The act of balancing an integral to the design process. The urge to experience form by means of arrangement and cohesion is fundamental to the impulse behind creativity. The innate impulse behind the hidden search for balance is universal, sustained in spacetime and can be measured by means of the harmony of the spheres.

"The RigVeda from, Indian prehistory (Veda meaning "knowledge" or "wisdom" in Sanskrit), is believed to be a mathematical metaphor for a cosmological knowledge base, derived from a musical model. E.G. McClean. Myth of Invariance, 1976, Nicolas Hays Pub."

"In Chartres cathedral, and many other medieval buildings, these harmonic ratios were translated into the architecture of the magnificent structures."

" ... "[the Pythagoreans] saw that the ... ratios of musical scales were expressible in number [and that] ... all things seemed to be modelled on numbers, and numbers seemed to be the first things in the whole of nature, they supposed the elements of number to be the element of all things, and the whole heaven to be a musical scale and a number." (10)

* * *

The imagination acts as a bridge. A mental freeway and active companion of felt origins veiled within an aetheric dimension of energy in motion.

A mystical field of memory and feeling, impressions within and upon an unknown matrix of attraction and reaction filled with illusionary attributes interpreted and made comprehensible by means of sign, symbol, metaphor and analogy. 

Subconscious thoughts, feelings and "imaginings" pre-assembled in reference to past and current events and experiences, that together create and give precedence, to future patterns of energy in spacetime.

Such experiences along with other impressions in space and time, require a symbolic coalescence that embraces both individual and collective concepts of reality. 

"The thing itself is one; the images are many. What leads to a perceptive understanding of the thing is not the focus on one image, but the viewing of many images together."
Rudolf Steiner

Analogy: The image captures a series of ripples (waveforms) being reflected upon the side of a house. These events are made apparent by means of reflection. The origin of these images is the sun. The manner in which they are seen is known yet remains invisible. Light vibrates at a frequency we cannot fully sense because we are an integral part of its context, i.e. the realm in which these events and experiences appear. 

Like a fish in water, we and other forms of life on this planet, partake in the assemblance of a collective ocean of consciousness. We perceive and define this dimension as well as participate in it. Likened to the sun, we can only know it by reflecting upon it. Design provides the potential to fully observe all forms of energy in motion. 

The sun's energy (light) emerge as waves of energy made apparent (particle) by means of observation. 

The causal agent is an impression in the form of a calm breeze moving across the surface of the water. This event cannot be sensed if not for the sun being reflected within the context being observed. The source of an impression cannot be known without first knowing and experiencing the context in which it is observed.

Every impression is the representation of a virtual reality founded upon observation, experience and POV. Every event and experience is the product of countless projections and impressions patterned about a particular pattern and focus. You attract everything that resonates with you.  

How we focus our interests and observe our world is symbolically expressed and reflected in every POV. Every situation we encounter  symbolically reflects upon the events and experiences we subconsciously attract to ourselves. 

We can intentionally or unintentionally, create a perturbation within any virtual field of conscious by means of awareness.
perturbation: anxiety, mental uneasiness, deviation of a system, moving object, or process from its regular or normal state or path, caused by an outside influence. Astronomy; a minor deviation in the course of a celestial body cuased by the gravitational attraction of a neighboring body.

Awareness is the agency by which we describe our consciousness. Focusing describes a heightened state of awareness. 

Note: It would be worthwhile to ponder upon every sign, symbol, metaphor and analogy that presents itself to you. They all embrace a deep meaning that encourages you to become aware of who you are. These "instruments" help identify, describe and define who you are by means of observation. Events in the dream (unconscious) state of awareness, vividly frame these issues for you to interpret for yourself. These are the issues to which you vibrate (resonate) consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously. 

Note: It imperative to realize that all three definitions of consciousness overlap each other, literally meaning you are actually awake every moment of every day.     

Every image and situation harbors, informs and guides you in your design journey. Dreams, by virtue of the imagination, symbolically describe the vibratory agents to which you respond symbolically. In total they help categorize, call out and focus upon the roots surrounding your circumstance. Altogether these events and experiences help you describe who you are - to yourself - whether you "know" it or not. Your imagination is always changing, a reflection in and of the world. 

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
Albert Einstein

The imaginings that run wild in your unconscious are, of course, revealed in your dreams. Together they create an ever changing perspective of the world. All these encounters are symbolic in nature ... they are the reflections of a consciousness designed to actively participate in. 

Note: the subconscious acts as a link between an awakened and unawakened state of conscious awareness. The subconscious is the field of major transition and transformation. The subconscious harbors the cyclic journey between the intangible and the tangible. The subconscious is at the fulcrum between what is known and what is believed. 

Understand that every event and experience describes a piece of a puzzle with no borders. You, along with all things conscious, are an integral part of that puzzle; a unique, multidimensional system of energy in motion made apparent by means of vibration, pattern, frequency and impression. 

Every form of consciousness partakes in the creation of this puzzle's changing blueprint and process. Every form of energy in motion harbors its own meaning and purpose, a perennial mystery that might never be known and/or believed. 


* * *


Every ripple of water in the birdbath is embodied within its circumference, creating a particular "field of awareness" separate from yet a result of, an invisible source of energy in motion. We know this Source exists yet due to change, it cannot be fully measured, interpreted or known. Because of the lack  knowledge and balance, beliefs arise in attempt to describe, categorize and explain this mysterious Source.

What we observe are the effects of a Source. What we observe appears to emerge from within its own context, i.e. the birdbath, or be effectively beyond such parameters, or both.

Note: Reasoning shows that change has many 
sources and resources. From within the framework of being a slight breeze to a tornado or hurricane,  patterns may change but the Source remains. In light of the fact that everything is multidimensional, so are the "agents" that give rise to this "agency" and its never ending creations.
agency: action, activity, effect, influence, force, power, means, work, vehicle, medium, mechanism, instrument, route, mode, technique

In essence, this Source of energy in motion (EIM)  embraces a Supreme identity/context by appearing unified by virtue of its connections, i.e. patterns, influence, design. 

All events and experiences are made conscious by means of awareness.

Consciousness describes a whole made conscious by means of associations created and assembled by virtue of awareness.   

Without water in the birdbath the source of energy could never be observed. Water has its own presence positioned at the interface between the visible and the invisible. 

Water is a source of reflection where knowing and believing become one by means of the imagination. 

Design puts everything into context.

Looking closely the ripples on the surface of the birdbath are likewise reflected on the side of the house. 

If a series of mirrors are randomly arranged in spacetime solely in order to reflect upon the original ripples upon the birdbath, every image may look the same but merely re-represents the original in spacetime. By nature these images will become distorted, reconfigured and rearranged into becoming different and separate from the original. 

Change describes a natural series of events and experiences in spacetime due to the realization that every original event or experience can be reflected in and upon another space and time (dimension). Change might best be described as a "dance of mirrors".

Contexts change as quickly as they are identified. 

While new images continue to appear and multiply all will gradually fade in the light of a setting sun what of the original? Which of the images are real? How many can be measured? How many are felt and understood? Can any ever be truly known? How many have disappeared? Which one is real?

Every form of the imagination changes within the context of every observation. The imagination functions subconsciously and acts instantaneously.

There exist more contexts (dimensions) than can be humanly observed or imagined, contexts which themselves are constantly changing within the framework of spacetime. 

Which symbols need to be recalibrated for ease in transition, transformation and harmonization? Which images retain a meaning and a purpose?      

That which appears to be real are the reflections you have choose as being your own.

Reality possesses the awareness (vibration) required to not only observe the imagination, but also feel it. 

The birdbath is a metaphor, a three dimensional form of energy in motion acting as an instrument of reflection, observation, recognition and change of context in 3D spacetime. Interpretations of these events and experiences describe an assemblance of symbolic references, reconfigurations, pre-determined interpretations and imaginings. 

Please ponder upon the parallels between the hypothesis that a "metaphoric field of symbolic resonance", i.e. design consciousness, appearing in the studies of Prof. Rupert Sheldrake's concerning Morphogenetic Fields, Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance.

The birdbath represents a symbolic constant where change/energy appears both fleeting and permanent, observations easily taken to be real when interpreted within the context of three dimensional space and linear time. Vibratory diversity within certain fields of light are substantiated and/or symbolically implied in all that we do. 

Due to constraints, certain vibratory diversities/frequencies can avoid detection and remain hidden where the circumstances/context lacks accommodation. In other words, certain events and experiences will remain unobserved even in full presence of an observer, there appears a dissonance between the form and its context.

This hypothesis allows for the concept of multidimensionality based upon a limited three dimensional POV. The entire perspective is founded upon a system of labels and symbols describing a virtual field of light as harboring both a linear and/or conceptual event or experience. Most symbolic interpretations stemming from the observation of the ripples appearing in the birdbath, are first made apparent by means of an invisible energy field, i.e. the wind. The wind's presence is implied due to past events and experiences in 3D space/time. These events and experiences appear contained within the context of a comparable field that changes pattern due to the context in which the phenomenon is observed. 

Waves and particles appear to be generated in an during the process of change and seem based upon points and locations (geometries) unknown. These impressions are linked together by means of intention (purpose) and desire (meaning), i.e. forms and images designed to become coordinated within a timeline of your own choosing.

We currently interpret change in the form of particles, waves, photons, ether, plasma, dark energy, etc. symbols reflecting upon our current field of consciousness. In a virtual universe beyond form as we know it, change is without border and time timeless. We operate within the macro shadows of a universal energy source made apparent by means of its geometry. Reality has no observable pattern in form until we focus our design resources upon it. 

Synchronistic moments appear before our awareness when appropriate. At first these moments appear to be undetermined until consciously linked with an unknown meaning and purpose beyond observation. These moments allow us to contemplate, sense and experience the links between the puzzle (macro) and the pieces (micro) that together create a greater picture, i.e. re-presentation of reality.

Consciousness becomes truly "reflective" during the course of entering and observing yourself within the presence of a quantum field/reality. The field (quantum) has been sensed, measured, observed and interpreted by means of metaphor and symbolic reflection. The quantum field appears to be veiled while duly representing its own images of a reality contained within every contextual situation ... thus the need for acute awareness every moment. 

So what does this mean? It means that yes, quantum fields do exist and appear to be virtual in character and essence. This will slowly be personally revealed to you by means of experiencing your own creations over time. The design process likewise reflects upon what you have yet to experience, observe and create. This unique circumstance might be likened to a circle created in the form of a mobius strip where the past and the future can be symbolically revealed in the present. Revelations are synchronistic events reflected and presented before one's awareness. Revelations are represented only in the most appropriate space and at the most appropriate time. 

Note: The concept of time is best illustrated in the curvature of the mobius strip. Time is both linear and cyclical. The concept of time is never ending and will eventually appear to return upon itself in a cyclical manner. This trek will continue ad infinitum until a point when the observer becomes affiliated with what is being observed.  

An observer can be an active participant and causal source of any event symbolically contained in the moment simply by sensing the event by means of exercising a finite acuity that can be either biologically or bio-technically interpreted. 

It is imperative that one’s imagination is fully functioning, adaptable and absorbent when desiring to make sense and/or reason out of any multidimensional process and/or system. One Reality (mirrored spatial context) distinguishes itself from another by means of the imagination.

Note: the concept of what might be considered "sensible" carries with it limitless potential and connotation. Focus implies that there is a concentrated effort to invoke an idea of centralization, i.e. balance, within every construct, including those previously deemed unnecessary to re-present current impressions of reality. The strength in maintaining focus is a prerequisite to designing a new earth. 

The question remains … where does reality truly exist? Every idea and experience contributes to the birth of the next idea/experience. Every experience adds to every desire and every intention. Reality appears before consciousness in the format of a conceptual exercise. What appears to be a real can be discovered within every context, scale, dimension and/or frequency range made aware/cognizant to each observer. Every concept of reality is designed about a specific POV aka observation. Every “observer”expands by means of experience/s that through examination, vibrate/resonate in unity (Oneness) with others. 

All energy leans towards balance and harmony by virtue of a collective awareness, an accepting/flexible/open field of consciousness that will naturally emerge by means of a common symbolic idea/bond/pattern/design. In this sense consciousness might be described as an ever-changing state of awareness that can both expand and contract at every moment by virtue of the impressions it responds to internally and externally; a position taken within the context from which it is observed. This impression/force creates the bonds between frequencies, it is the connector of every "idea" while simultaneously bearing witness to its own creation. This harmonic energy/force might be interpreted as being the love connection.

What have you decided to be real? What will you accept as being real? What will you reject as being real? What will you never accept as being real? From which set or series of realities do you choose to view and/or unite your world? Which reality do you choose as being human, material, planetary, collective and/or galactic in character? Is your reality truly yours or have you chosen to participate/share in the creation of a field/consciousness shared by other POV as being your own? How and why does every reality change before your eyes? Which reality do you believe is truly free? Is it agreeably yours or is it the product of others? Where is your reality headed? Do you sincerely desire and choose to contribute/sustain/retain certain belief systems that repeatedly continue to disconnect you from your innate POV or not? 

"When we are born, the stories of our lives are, on the whole, unwritten and undefined. Letters dance around, slowly forming words, and then sentences. As we grow and evolve, the sentences grow and merge, forming story lines and beliefs. As children, we have the freedom to tap into the magic and wonder of the imagination where we know no boundaries or limits, but, over time, conditioning slowly erodes this for many, leaving us like sheep, a part of the flock of ‘normal’.

As a child, a cardboard box was a castle; a blanket was a magic carpet. Potential was only limited by the far realms of the imagination. If we’re lucky, this is nurtured in us by family, educators and friends, allowing us to grow and develop, embracing our unique gifts and fulfilling our dreams and goals. Yet, for many, we are slowly shaped and defined by the world in which we live and, very often, the letters stop dancing around as we start walking the treadmill of existence. Of course, all is not lost, but it can become inexplicably hard to extricate ourselves and re-define our way of living and being. Yet, ‘inexplicably hard’ isn’t impossible, and, with determination, it is possible to reconnect to at least some of that childhood magic.

I think we all spend time trying to sharpen and hone the undefined pieces of ourselves. Some pieces get lost due to life events or trauma, and others fade away, losing their significance over time. Yet, we all have many pieces, and, over the years, we may reconnect to some of these in an attempt to rediscover our essence and sense of self.

It’s only when we rediscover the dancing words - which never stopped dancing (we just stopped noticing them) - that we begin to see the possibility and potential once again. In our haste to grow up and live life, we often lose sight of the magic of what life truly has to offer. It can sometimes be hard to see the relevance of the imagination, or the significance of the potential within our hearts and souls, but this is usually because we are trapped in a cycle of keeping on keeping on, trying to live life, but denying ourselves the opportunity to wholeheartedly embrace it at the same time.

We are complex beings living complex lives, and it’s hard to step back at times to see the wood for the trees. It’s often only when we’re tripped up by life events that we pause for long enough to take stock and reassess. Yet, why can’t we all pause, even for a moment, to do this? Just remember, the magic isn’t lost, it’s just hidden behind the curtains of everyday life.
For now, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.” 
With love,


Our concept of what our Source might become is a significant point of demarcation/creation. An unknowable source of unity, balance and harmony is symbolically contained, i.e. designed, in all that humanity might create and therefore believe in. The concept of singularity encapsulates what we know and what we don’t know. Unity/reality is in itself, better felt than understood.

Based upon a variety of experiences attributed to our reasoning power, we as a species have attempted to venture out in quest to learn/know more. Why have we as a species, found responsible for being the primary caregiver of this planet, disregarded the need to feel more? You have been given the choice and power to attain and absorb knowledge, understanding and wisdom (Manas). Feelings in the form of energy in motion (Kama) allows for the imagination to center upon and therefore enter into that which you don’t know, i.e. the unconscious. 

Being honest with yourself, do the current belief systems you've chosen to symbolically represent your concept of reality allow you to be free to exercise and experience the reality you know/feel exists beyond the control of others? Is your concept of reality truly your own or has it been contrived and designed in order to inhibit or control you? Are you aware of a force of consciousness that is in a perpetual state of change for purposes of achieving a perfect balance? Every agent that collectively re-presents your perspective of what might be considered a planetary awareness, is required for the survival of every formation of Consciousness/Light sharing your current reality/presence on Earth. 

Your attention is brought forward and into awareness/consciousness/focus while simultaneously "hidden" within what might be described as, a conceptual unawareness or ignorance. This state of confusion, ignorance and disconnect describes the unconscious. The unconscious surrounds you. It permeates the universe. Look no further for the concept of dark energy or dark matter. It permeates the universe and can be measured. It is part of the engine we interpret as Life. It is the "stuff " in which consciousness designs and is designed. Size is merely relative, scale a matter of context and focus a matter of observation. Design might appear to be conceptual in definition yet remains the tool required to bring unity to every idea/pattern/form of energy. 

Design is implemented within the boundaries/constraints of every organism, pattern, system of being-ness that appears "observable" by humanity, whether scientifically measurable or not.  Design converts that which appears intangible into a tangible state of "cohesion". The design process becomes exalted in both meaning and purpose while being "observed" within the contextual constraints surrounding it.    

The unconscious will remain separate and unknown until it becomes purposely and meaningfully unified by means of design. Design affords harmony and balance, a requirement for every definition of consciousness and state of being/awareness. Design is the glue of consciousness. Design is the facilitator, the loving force that leaps between, within and beyond the unknown/unconscious. Humanity at this time, is ill configured to resonate at frequencies that lie beyond the observations/parameters of the very vehicles (forms) we've designed for ourselves. 

These forces will always appear to exit just outside our reach ... for good purpose. Consciousness is all inclusive, never-ending, limitless and like the Unconscious, permeates all there is. Consciousness can been described as the Light and the Way. Consciousness is the stuff the Unconscious is made from as is the Unconscious the "stuff" Consciousness is made of. This might be considered the closest we may ever arrive at in the attempt to try and understand the Tao at this point in our evolution. Design brings out a "sense of reality" to the paradox of Life (The Tao) as inscribed within the relationship between meaning and purpose.

inscribe verb [ trans. ] (usu. be inscribed1 write or carve (words or symbols) on something, esp. as a formal or permanent record   mark (an object) with characters | [as adj. ] ( inscribed)  write an informal dedication to someone in or on (a book)  archaic enter the name of (someone) on a list or in a book; enroll.  2 Geometry draw (a figure) within another so that their boundaries touch but do not intersect  

Consciousness has the power to exchange energy with and within itself as long as its expression/s remains in balance and have been designed appropriately 


"To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 01.21.2019, 01.25.2019, 01.28.2019, 02.17.2019, 07.04.2019, 08.04.2019, 10.28.2019, 01.29.2020, 04.01.2020, 04.12.2021, 03.15.2022, 09.05.2022, 02.19.2023, 03.23.2023, 05.18.2023, 08.08.2023, 12.05.2023, 12.24.2023
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