Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Making Connections

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

To attain and/or maintain a design perspective congruent with your own plan, at some point an elder form of awareness (experience) will eventually flower in the reflection of your own childishness. 

All forms of energy in motion vibrate and collectedly hum to a cadence created by virtue of its assembly. Parts vibrate in reference to, and in result of, the connections made (resonant and non-resonant) between them. Micro imbalances maintain vibration until terminated by means of the friction created between them and the contextual frame (event/experience) in which they were observed. Fractures can likewise appear by means of interferences and outside/contextual impressions beyond the scope of the observer. Energy in motion has a unique power all its own, especially when framed within the context of a 2D,3D, 4D and 5D spacetime. 

Awareness is conscious energy in motion (A=CEIM). Awareness brings focus. Awareness by virtue of the intuition and imagination, is the symbolic trigger harbored within a field of potential, desire and attraction. Each impulse embraces the potential and desire to create, materialize and bring to reality its' own unique meaning and purpose. 

Every creation can be described by means of its attachments and how they are coupled together into a network of energy in motion. Design is the link and catalyst in support of such relationships. Design creates a symbolic bridge between conscious and subconscious agencies of energy in motion (CEIM). 

Every creation is a symbolic reflection of what is sensed by virtue of observation and introspection. introspection: self-analysis, soul-searching, heart-searching, introversion, self-observation, self-absorption; contemplation, thoughtfulness, pensiveness, thought, thinking, musing, rumination, meditation, pondering, reflection, cogitation; informal navel-gazing. 

Consciousness is the product of a multitude of experiences categorized in reference to a multidimensional network of energy agents and agencies, i.e. forms and levels of awareness. The expansion of awareness includes all forms of meaning and purpose into what we perceive as consciousness. 

The power of design is distinctly felt when thoughts and emotions marry into shared feelings. Design describes an instinctive and intuitive impression that by nature, accompanies the imagination. Vibration (EIM) focuses, digresses, egresses, and progresses into and out of nothingness.
digress: deviate, diverge, depart, drift, stray, wander, meander, stray from the subject, stray from the point, deviate from the topic,f get sidetracked.
egress: departs, leaves, withdraws, retreats, emerges, flows out, escapes.
progress: move forward, proceed, continue, goes on, makes headway, pushes forward, advances, improves, grows, breaks through

Resonance is the result of an attraction found to be both relative and symbolically apparent by virtue of a congruence created between the vestiges of the material and the non-material. 
congruence: compatibility conformity, match, balance, consonance, rapport, parallelism, congruity, agreement, accord, consensus harmony, concert, unity. 
vestige: remnants, fragments, indications, signs, traces, marks, impressions, legacy, reminders, remains, tokens, suggestions, suspicions.

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Design Permutation

design permutation: a way, especially one of several possible variations, in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged, ordered, grouped, disposed, presented, sorted, organized, combined, varied, transformed, transposed.

Modeled Attributes:

- A point of focus of energy in motion (EIM) is a perpetually moving source of coherent resonance.
- An observer/attractor/agent affords composition to its own agency, i.e. unification, by means of applying an intuitive imagination created and designed solely in order to expand in awareness by means of self knowledge.

- Unity might be described and/or interpreted as a diametric state of motion spiraling within its own field of creation and wholeness.
- Unity is symbolic expression of a Oneness or Source surrounding and radiating about its own agency. 
- Entrances into the void are felt and rarely understood because there is no thing to be observed.
- Energy, light and information are forms of EIM (vibration) drawn from and defined within the quantum state of virtual potential and probability. 
- An agent or agency is a point of focus streaming through the quantum field of virtual potential and probability. 
- Consciousness appears to be in eternal flux as awareness streams through spacetime affixing and detaching into and out of patterns of EIM.
affixing: attaching, sticking, fastening, binding, securing, joining, connecting, 
- Unity might be perceived and/or measured, as a spiraling coherence contained within the parameters of its own conscious awareness that in turn radiates in the form of a causal energy (agent/agency) throughout the presence of the QFVPP.
- Wholeness is an encapsulation of components flowing in, about and around a centrally focused point of concentration.
- In Truth there is no insideness and/or outsideness. There is only Insideness made whole by observation. 

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A) Radiant energy in motion expanding and contracting about a central core, causal source, or observer C.
B) Peripheral energy in motion surrounding a causal source, observer or immaterial central core. Acting in reference to, and in conjunction with, vectors of radiation. A dualistic circumstance emerges where  an immeasurable and omnidirectional stream of vectors become entangled while simultaneously being attracted to a common source C. The result is a toroidal shape formed about a spiraling vector of macro scale and proportion D.

All vectors harbor the same potential for agency and probability of "materialising" by means of attraction and coherent resonance.

The magnetic field about this immaterial center is of lesser density than at the core.

C) Light as "particle" stemming from a macrocosmic context (QFVPP) spiraling in duality as a waveform being designed by means of attraction and coherence. 

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Radiation frequency within visible color spectrum. Not all manifestations arrive at same level of density within the QFVPP. Patterns, shapes and forms emerge as result of a series of progressive attractions, i.e. coherencies made apparent by virtue of observation, focus and the context to which they resonate. All original blueprints are designed to acquiesce to change. 

Due to the Eternal range of frequency and dimension that preceded the QFVPP, manifestation should be considered part of a cyclical event opposite nothingness

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

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Edited: 01.01.2024, 01.21.2024, 02.17.2024, 03.09.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.