Sunday, February 21, 2021

Design Metaphysics: Observing Virtual Elements in a Virtual World - Part 1


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The universe is vibratory in essence and function. The universe consists of a multitude of micro cosmic "elements" contained and surrounded within a field of their own origin. They appear as energy in motion. These microcosmic forms of matter are so small as to appear invisible when attempting to locate them within the context of 3D space/time. We know these forces exist, we can feel their affects by means of the impressions they leave upon us. We can't measure all these impressions without technology. They appear to be multidimensional in context as they appear and disappear before our awareness. 

When thinking multi-dimensionally, i.e. quantum like, we begin to understand the strength and power that lies dormant in this invisible transfer of energy. Energy is attracted and repulsed by forces that cause of these changes, changes that occur within a context that appears to be seemingly unchanged.   ... in a sense the context acts as a backdrop or ground plane allowing for individual observation and interpretation. Energy is observed within the context of the moment. When energy makes its impression upon this context an event or experience becomes realized.

Energy is attracted and repulsed by changes that effect/affect the field in which it is observed. It is within the context of these fractal/holographic/mental/emotional/spiritual/atomic/quantum, i.e. multidimensional fields of light and information, that energy in motion begins to form within the "substance" that describes/defines them.  Forms of energy appear and disappear and in some cases are described as being is "virtual" in character and quality. 

Energy in motion will change and become patterned in reference to the context in which the event and or experience is observed. As has been already scientifically theorized, the mere act of observing changes the circumstance surrounding this observation ... but not necessarily the situation or circumstance (context) in which it is made conscionable. At what point does the context change? Wouldn't the context of the event be changing spontaneously in a stream of events while being observed? Does the context have length, depth and breadth, or is it the same "stuff" as all the impressions traveling through it? Could they represent/symbolize an all consuming State of Energy made observable only by means of these perturbations occurring as result of forming the context in which they vibrate? Each stream of disturbance partially describes its great source or essence in a symbolic fashion. Together they qualify the presence of a contextual backdrop or medium, that symbolically veils its essence behind a vibratory dimension virtually unrecognizable except for design. This unknown state is revealed by means of establishing a coherent resonance between its multidimensionality a the level of consciousness commensurate with that of the observer. This condition implies that each revelation harbors a language commensurate with that of the observer's technical or otherwise, and that these revelations will be made apparent symbolically and made reference to by means of  reflection at lower vibratory states.   

Observation is thoughtfully framed in language and the parameters generated by means of its own terminology. Our language whether written, drawn or measured allows us to get our minds and feelings around events and experiences. Our ability to observe, experience and comprehend internal, external and eternal realms to which we bring our attention, are dependent upon these languages. All language is reliant upon signs, symbols, metaphor, simile, analogy, etc. for purposes of communication and transformation, i.e. correspondences between a variety of situations (events and experiences).
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What about the Quantum Physics observer effect?
"The default or classical understanding of the observer effect is the phenomenon of changing the situation from the way it was before being observed to something different. But when the world and all its components are viewed as the result of interpretation by the observer, the observer effect is no longer an agent of change but rather an agent of creation. The observer brings the world he/she is experiencing into being through interpretation. There is no situation prior to its observation, and therefore there can be no effect on the situation in the usual sense."

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Every corresponding language has been designed to have a meaning and a purpose within the ranks of every individual observer. 

All human observers are limited by the language they use to perceive the world/reality they imagine and reflect upon. Symbols along with their appropriate language, need to be dynamic, multidimensional and more encompassing/cohesive. Silos need to be removed and each language more embracing. Awareness multiplies and consciousness expands as result of creating and implementing a more comprehensive, communicative and sweeping language in the form of symbolic correspondences resulting in more expansive, intelligent, compassionate and cohesive design. 

Design speaks in a silent language both visible and invisible to the eye. Design can be felt, learned and understood without speaking a word or creating any object or experience. Design will presents itself to you if you choose to acknowledge it. If you choose to do so you will be actively corresponding with yourself. Design is the resourced in every language, sense and feeling. Design creates a malleable mainframe of personal codes and programs of which only an observer is aware. 

Changing and shifting contexts require greater and greater access to a language of greater magnitude and significance. This language has been designed to never be spoken at all. Design is a silent language that doesn't need to be heard due to its' lone coherency between space and time. These are observations made within a timeless and spaceless moment. 

What is sensed in our three dimensional world are reflections and refractions of Light observed through the lens of a predisposed mindset. Most impressions are preconceived and conditioned, which in turn ignore certain patterns of recognition at quantum levels of coherence. Impressions make specific reference to certain outlooks or expectations, a work of the imagination functioning in coordination with prior memories and experiences. 

We project upon ourselves every impression we are consciously and subconsciously aware of. By virtue of an objective world we reflect and reveal to ourselves our very own character. This process of revelation (awareness) is symbolically represented in an insightful and intimate design language patterned and presented before consciousness in the form of awareness. 

The concept of reality is not outside us but correspondingly rests within us in the form of symbolic impressions stemming from our own observation POV. We observe and respond to reality in a symbolic, i.e. designed, manner and fashion,  patterns of experiences made symbolically apparent in every moment. The outside world is an expression of who we are and how capable we are of sharing our conscious awareness with others. 

Patterns of energy are of both lesser and greater frequency and vibration than at the core of observation. This characterizes what is meant by taking a quantum/multidimensional stance in reference to every event/experience/observation we may encounter. Every observer views the current field/context/situation in his/her own way. We are all contributors to a multidimensional array of fields that interpenetrate our consciousness at quantum scales beyond our imagination.

“ … in the micro-world of atoms and particles that is governed by the strange rules of quantum mechanics, two different observers are entitled to their own facts. In other words, according to our best theory of the building blocks of nature itself, facts can actually be subjective.”

In essence the universe and all that it contains is virtual in character. The universe is in a perpetual state of becoming (change) and so are the multitude of observations that attempt to define and describe it. Quantum computing describes our current venture into consciousness by means of the symbols/languages applied in re-presenting this venture. This is a never ending multidimensional process occurring within a perpetually changing and somewhat immeasurable environment. These events and experiences may not be fully understood at or in this time, yet will continue to be discovered based upon earlier designs, symbols and languages of a representative consciousness. 
virtual adjective  almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition:     Computing not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so: a virtual computer. See also virtual reality.     carried out, accessed, or stored by means of a computer, especially over a network: a virtual library | virtual learning.      Optics relating to the points at which rays would meet if produced backward.      Physics denoting particles or interactions with extremely short lifetimes and (owing to the uncertainty principle) indefinitely great energies, postulated as intermediates in some processes.

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"The researchers built a framework in which computers propose new rules for how supermassive black holes grow over time. They then used those rules to simulate the growth of billions of black holes in a virtual universe and "observed" the virtual universe to test whether it agreed with decades of actual observations of black holes across the real universe. After millions of proposed and rejected rule sets, the computers settled on rules that best described existing observations.

According to the researchers, this approach works equally well for anything else inside of the universe, not just galaxies."

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Such are certain designs based upon human observation and response - patterns grounded and substantiated in our DNA. They describe a series of evolutionary methodologies focusing upon survival both in origin and context. Reality is composed of whatever qualities and characteristics we direct and/or project upon ourselves by means of the languages we use to explore our own consciousness.

The universe is what we perceive it to be. We currently describe design as containing both a meaning and a purpose. Design makes the connections necessary in a dualistic and somewhat measurable environment/field/context. Design is the vehicle required to expand upon the parametric constraints of duality and to enter and participate within more expansive fields of awareness/consciousness. Design brings into light the added venture (adventure) in support of  expansion, understanding, compassion and forgiveness. 

The concept of wholeness is a journey where attainment is made manifest in the space of a fleeting moment. You/we are already an expression of what it means to be whole. You/we are in quest of even a greater "wholeness" that rests in and behind a veil concealing an ever present unknown. We are observing our own journey towards enlightenment. All the more reason we must be honest with ourselves. 

Our field of light/energy and information attempts to describe a fluctuating perimeter of elemental consciousness in which we symbolically observe what we have described/believed and viewed as real. 

Agreements upon what is being observed and made variable is dependent upon the degree of resonance observers share between themselves. Technology may be able to observe an event, but it cannot fully evaluate its importance or relevance to human evolution until a more embracing language is created. Technology is merely an extension of a virtual genesis that has emerged and permeates everything human. Every element in the universe remains virtual in its context until influenced by an outside force/frequency/impression that customizes/refines the context in which they are defined, perceived and/or applied. This ability is fundamental to what might be described as a virtue/ous birthright we innately acknowledge as free choice. Is it no wonder that practicing the virtues are instrumental to the expansion of consciousness.

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Mayank Mehta, Professor of Physics, neurology and neurobiology UCLA 
"The neural pattern in virtual reality is substantially different from the activity pattern in the real world. We need to fully understand how virtual reality affects the brain."

by Lawrence Weschler

“The digital maven Jaron Lanier once wrote about the way that “Information systems need to have information in order to run. But information under-represents reality. What makes something fully real is that it’s impossible to fully represent it to completion” (going on to elaborate: “A digital image of a painting is forever a re-presentation, not a real thing. A real painting is a bottomless mystery, like any other real thing. An oil painting changes over time; cracks appear on its face. It has texture, odor, and a sense of presence and history.”) Such that again we’re back with Nicholas of Cusa: Information is the million-sided polygon, whereas The Real is the circle. Or with Eudora Welty: “Making reality real is art’s responsibility.” Kant says somewhere that a work of art is a specific instance of a general law that cannot be stated.

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To be design conscious you must be more than a observer.

Edited: 02.21.2021, 04.22.2021, 06.28.2021, 07.14.2021, 01.19.2022, 03.15.2022, 10.04.2022, 12.24.2022, 02.11.2023, 05.07.2023, 05.15.2023, 06.12.2023, 08.24.2023, 10.28.2023, 11.02.2023, 11.21.2023, 01.06.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage prohibited. You are also invited to visit and and


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Dark Matter Dark Energy

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The virtual field we perceive as consciousness is a radiant thermodynamic system, that is essentially neutral in composition and character until induced by a force in the form of an energy in motion, i.e. an e-motion, driven desire or intuitive feeling (impression) often initiated by means of attraction.  A melding dynamic is generated between two or more fields of energy, which when in balance form a temporal coherency within the symbolic vocabulary of the observer. In essence, with every thought there is an accompanying emotion and with every emotion a complementary thought, aka kama manas. This dynamic relationship is result of the interaction of a cornucopia of potential being changed and generated as result of the interaction between light (radiant energy) and dark energy emerging from within the depths of an ocean of quantum consciousness. 

"The principle of quantum superposition states that if a physical system may be in one of many configurations—arrangements of particles or fields—then the most general state is a combination of all of these possibilities, where the amount in each configuration is specified by a complex number. 
The principle was described by Paul Dirac as follows: The general principle of superposition of quantum mechanics applies to the states [that are theoretically possible without mutual interference or contradiction] ... of any one dynamical system. It requires us to assume that between these states there exist peculiar relationships such that whenever the system is definitely in one state we can consider it as being partly in each of two or more other states. The original state must be regarded as the result of a kind of superposition of the two or more new states, in a way that cannot be conceived on classical ideas. Any state may be considered as the result of a superposition of two or more other states, and indeed in an infinite number of ways. Conversely, any two or more states may be superposed to give a new state... 
The non-classical nature of the superposition process is brought out clearly if we consider the superposition of two states, A and B, such that there exists an observation which, when made on the system in state A, is certain to lead to one particular result, a say, and when made on the system in state B is certain to lead to some different result, b say. What will be the result of the observation when made on the system in the superposed state? The answer is that the result will be sometimes a and sometimes b, according to a probability law depending on the relative weights of A and B in the superposition process. It will never be different from both a and b [i.e., either a or b]. The intermediate character of the state formed by superposition thus expresses itself through the probability of a particular result for an observation being intermediate between the corresponding probabilities for the original states, not through the result itself being intermediate between the corresponding results for the original states.[1]" 
1. P.A.M. Dirac (1947). The Principles of Quantum Mechanics(2nd ed.). Clarendon Press. p. 12.
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Meaning and purpose need to be interpreted in conjunction with each other. They are idioms meant to describe design as fundamental in interpreting the concept of quantum consciousness.
idiom noun1 a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light).  a form of expression natural to a language, person, or group of people: he had a feeling for phrase and idiom.  the dialect of a people or part of a country. 2 a characteristic mode of expression in music or art: they were both working in a neo-impressionist idiom.
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"Superpositions of mental states are created by complex networks of neurons (and these are classical neural networks). Quantum cognition community states that the activity of such neural networks can produce effects formally described as interference (of probabilities) and entanglement. In principle, the community does not try to create the concrete models of quantum (-like) representation of information in the brain.[12] Quantum mechanics is fundamentally contextual.[14] Quantum systems do not have objective properties which can be defined independently of measurement context. (As was pointed by N. Bohr, the whole experimental arrangement must be taken into account.) Contextuality implies existence of incompatible mental variables, violation of the classical law of total probability and (constructive and destructive) interference effects. Thus the quantum cognition approach can be considered as an attempt to formalize contextuality of mental processes by using the mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics. 
12. Khrennikov, A. (2008). "The Quantum-Like Brain on the Cognitive and Subcognitive Time Scales". Journal of Consciousness Studies. 15 (7): 39–77. ISSN 1355-8250. 
 14. Khrennikov, A. (2009). Contextual Approach to Quantum Formalism. Fundamental Theories of Physics. 160. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020-9592-4. 
"More is unknown than is known. We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the universe's expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery." 

“Most of the universe is made up of dark energy, a mysterious force that drives the accelerating expansion of the universe. The next largest ingredient is dark matter, which only interacts with the rest of the universe through its gravity. Normal matter, including all the visible stars, planets and galaxies, makes up less than 5 percent of the total mass of the universe."
Karl Tate
New Dark Matter Map Reveals Hidden Bridges Between Galaxies 
Likened to not being able to see the forest for the trees, what appears to emerge from this invisible backdrop are the reflections of a primordial energy that appears to complement the unknown by means of the known. What is revealed as being "in the light" is an image stemming from the imagination of a conscious intelligence, i.e. an appropriation made manifest within the context of a virtual reality, i.e. unified field/theory. This circumstantial background has been symbolically tagged as a universal mind, universal intelligence, the unconscious, consciousness, etc. Every label a symbolic re-presentation, a conceptual impression, an all encompassing presence conceptually linked to bring to awareness what physicist have described as a quantum universe. (The origin of the unified field has been designated the Zero Point, the Omega Point, the Source, the Tao and God.) Scientifically we've discovered and in turn labeled, our universe as being composed of "dark energy and dark matter " held in contrast to light in the form of quantum "matter" both of which can be observed, somewhat measured and theoretically apparent.

The universe appears to be both electric (yang) and magnetic (yin). Each quality appears to conjoin to form an expanding and contracting field described as space/time. Originating from what might be described and considered a universal intelligence, intuitive gestures seem to be fueled by an electric desire (intention, focus) held together by means of a magnetic imagination. When in balance this creative power can remain hidden within a quantum field and beyond any known context. At the moment of reflection that which is appropriate, i.e. desired, emerges out from the darkness, i.e. a virtual reality of quantum and multidimensional origin into light. 

Dark matter and dark energy sustain a bipolarity between them that remains incomprehensible. Dark matter might be perceived as giving relative "form" to what might be considered the unconscious as does dark energy the impetus behind it. Both propositions remain well hidden behind a veil of dimensional incongruity and constraint. Together they give precedence to a quantum "state/dimension/frequency" from which they originate. 

What can be known can be reflected upon. What remains unknown affords humanity the opportunity to do so.

What cannot be comprehended always remain unknown. Dark energy is an unknown, an unlearned quality of a multidimensional Cosmos/Universe. 

Dark energy and dark matter exist beyond the parameters of human awareness, i.e. humanity's ring-pass-not, which might be considered equivalent to observing the universe from within the constraints of 3D space/timeDark matter and dark energy participate in the realization/fabrication of a virtual field of energy designated as having the potential to "bring light" to the universe. This interpretation is spurred forward by a primordial drive (desire) to expand awareness by means of the scientific method. Science is our most reliable tool by which we can enter this cryptic field. 

Dark matter and dark energy harbor their own abstraction of space/time as incomprehensible and out of the reach of human awareness. This concept contains the potential for becoming known "out of time" by virtue of exercising an intuitively driven designed intelligencePlease note that there are significant differences between current interpretations of an Intelligent Design and what has been presented to you as a Designed Intelligence. I leave it up to your own discretion to comprehend the distinctions between the two.

“Darkness does not destroy the light, it frames it and gives it form.”

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Predicting the composition of dark matter
The New York University 
In the research, conducted with Hongwan Liu, an NYU postdoctoral fellow, Joshua Ruderman, an associate professor in NYU's Department of Physics, and Princeton physicist Mariangela Lisanti, Giovanetti and her co-authors focused on big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN)—a process by which light forms of matter, such as helium, hydrogen, and lithium, are created. The presence of invisible dark matter affects how each of these elements will form. Also vital to these phenomena is the cosmic microwave background (CMB)—electromagnetic radiation, generated by combining electrons and protons, that remained after the universe's formation. 
In its research, the team made predictions of cosmological signatures linked to the presence of certain forms of dark matter. These signatures are the result of dark matter changing the temperatures of different particles or altering how fast the universe expands. 

Their results showed that dark matter that is too light will lead to different amounts of light elements than what astrophysical observations see. 

"Lighter forms of dark matter might make the universe expand so fast that these elements don't have a chance to form," says Giovanetti, outlining one scenario. 

"We learn from our analysis that some models of dark matter can't have a mass that's too small, otherwise the universe would look different from the one we observe," she adds. 


This visualization of a computer simulation showcases the ‘cosmic web’, the large scale structure of the universe. Each bright knot is an entire galaxy, while the purple filaments show where material exists between the galaxies. To the human eye, only the galaxies would be visible, and this visualization allows us to see the strands of material connecting the galaxies and forming the cosmic web. This visualization is based on a scientific simulation of the growth of structure in the universe. The matter, dark matter, and dark energy in a region of the universe are followed from very early times of the universe through to the present day using the equations of gravity, hydrodynamics, and cosmology. The normal matter has been clipped to show only the densest regions, which are the galaxies, and is shown in white. The dark matter is shown in purple. The size of the simulation is a cube with a side length of 134 megaparsecs (437 million light-years). Credit: Hubblesite; Visualization: Frank Summers, Space Telescope Science Institute; Simulation: Martin White and Lars Hernquist, Harvard University. 

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Highly refined distinctions between frequencies generate an undulating and billowing affect/motion upon an ocean of consciousness. These waves/impressions are for all intents and purposes, relatively invisible and the product of an interaction between attractive (+) and repulsive (-) forces. Likened to wind blowing across the surface of a pond, energy in its quantum state appears invisible if not for its effect. This source of energy can at times, appear metaphysical. 

A quantum field of virtual potential (QFVP) embraces change and recalibration, a transformative and transitional field of energy whose idea of structure and pattern emerge when driven by the interest, desire and focus of an observer/creator. 

Scientists Develop New, Faster Method Seeking Out Dark Matter

Energy in the form of matter, light and information is shared between quantum fields of energy. Quantum fields of awareness overlap and interpenetrate each other. Dark energy is merely a proposition used to describe a "symbolic reality" observed from within the constraints of a dualistic POV. For the sake of argument we might envision "dark" energy to skim** upon and at times penetrate, these states/fields of transparency solely to distinguish the observable from the unobservable, the known from the unknown, the tangible from the intangible.  

“In our model, dark energy possesses peculiar properties: its mass term is related to the density of the environment, so that the denser materials would shield the effects of dark energy, while lighter environments such as the intergalactic space would allow a long-range of the dark energy. 

In this model called “chameleon,” quanta of dark energy are produced in the region of the Sun in which the electromagnetic field is the strongest, the tachocline, which is the region in which the transport of the energy inside the Sun transitions from radiative to convective. The high energy density in electromagnetic radiation in the region allows for a strong coupling with the chameleon field and to its production.” 

Discernment needs to be exercised in order to properly expand consciousness beyond the limitations of our senses. The challenge is to find balance and harmony by means of sign, symbol, metaphor and design. 
** skim 
    2 the boat skimmed over the water: glide, move lightly, slide, sail, skate, float.
3 he skimmed the pebble across the water: throw, toss, cast, pitch; bounce.

These subdued distinctions harbor a never-ending transitional process appearing to be both in and out of form and formlessness, light and dark, classical and quantum physics, yin and yang, etc. They conceal their origin by means of exercising a stream of awareness/focus emerging from within a symbolic ocean. This is a phenomenon that interacts within the context of its own virtual presence. Every field of energy-in-motion in this oceanic multiverse take shape in the form of concepts, imaginings and ideas. These forms might also be considered the result of a series of dark and light impressions/frequencies stemming from a multitude of re-sources and/or dimensions. We observe ourselves from within the parameters of our own field of awareness, patterns of energy in motion (e-motion) i.e. "rippling formations of energy" always changing within a quantum ocean of timelessness and multidimensional emergence.

The concept of objectivity is a holographic composition made in reference to 3D space/time, i.e. an image or impression, patterns of energy, light and information emerging from within a quantum field of virtual potential (QFVP).  Forms of energy are made tangible by means of exercising our imagination.

The entire design process, which includes a perpetual reformation in every dimension, is symbolic in character, i.e. a process of expansion and contraction that endlessly mirrors its being-ness through self reflection. These are the attributes that symbolically quantify and qualify our own existence to ourselves. These multidimensional gestures are constantly expanding and contracting thereby effecting and affecting our perception of change. Change brings re-cognition and identity to this undefinable state of presence.

These events are made observable and cognizant when in the "presence" of the moment. Change harbors the concept of three dimensional space and time while appearing to be timeless when observed from a quantum POV. 

“Both DM and DE are part of the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model of cosmology, which posits that the Universe is filled with cold, slow-moving particles (DM) that interact with normal matter via the force of gravity alone. The Lambda represents DE, which is accelerating the expansion of the Universe. Since they are only discerned by observing their effect on the large-scale structure of the Universe, conventional thinking has it that neither force interacts with normal matter via electromagnetism or the weak or strong nuclear force. 
However, some DM theories posit that there is some level of interaction with visible matter, which researchers are actively testing. However, in lieu of more test results, astrophysicists and cosmologists remain unclear about how DE fits in with the physical laws that govern the Universe.” 

Dark energy/dark matter describe a dormant and static condition interspersed throughout the universe. Light's presence is at a minimum in these regions limiting reflection and measurability,  static until moved by consubstantial and circumstantial “events” causing the field to ripple. In essence, dark energy and dark matter reflect no energy/light of its own accept what has been cast upon it. 

Consciousness creates a mirrored background (context) for reflection.  It is where an intuitive imagination can draw upon the virtual/multidimensional blackboard of dark and light energy while focused within the silos of thought, form and emotion. Consciousness describes a quantum field of virtual energy seeking balance and harmony in the form of truth, beauty and goodness - wisdom notwithstanding.

By means of attraction and repulsion, energy-in-motion influences the changing boundaries of every virtual field made conscious. Self consciousness is intuitively guided, directed and connected to a universal network designed to expand in awareness by means of its own creations. In this process energy flows from what appears to be an unending Source. Energy appears to emerge and collect into pools and patterns of space/time forming eddies (events/patterns) of semi-permanence and change.

Coherency occurs at quantum levels. Light i.e. bundles of energy, appear to manifest from within this "virtual field". Light, energy and in-form-ation become realized by means of a series of holographic constructs, i.e. patterns, reflecting upon its own virtual parameters.

“A key concept in this new effect is that that it happens “coherently”, which means that a photon can be absorbed to turn a pair of atoms into a molecule, then emitted back, then reabsorbed multiple times. “This implies the pair-photon system forms a new type of ‘particle’ – technically an excitation – which we call ‘pair-polariton’,” says Brantut. “This is made possible in our system, where photons are confined in an ‘optical cavity’ – a closed box that forces them to interact strongly with the atoms.”
Breakthrough in Light-Matter Interactions Propels Quantum Technologies Forward 

"Fractals: A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos. Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions. Fractal patterns are extremely familiar, since nature is full of fractals. For instance: trees, rivers, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hurricanes, etc."
Fractals emerge as a series of iterations about a shared blueprint, plan or equation designed/programmed for purposes of cyclic regeneration, growth and rejuvenation. Fractal patterns of energy in motion (EIM) are repeatedly attracted about a central purpose, meaning and focus over time. 
Focus, concentration and the activation of our intuitive imagination allows humanity to act as a co-creator in this energy dynamic defined as the universe. Humanity has the power to cast its light upon the darkness of the unknown by tangentially shaping and shifting energy  into the next evolutionary cycle. However simply stated, this option will always remain a matter of individual choice.
“It all surrounds what’s known as scale invariance. This is when the properties of something do not change no matter how you measure it, regardless of scale. We can multiply their energies or lengths by whatever number and they do not change. Certain fractals for instance, if we zoom in or fade back, remain the same size and shape. Their properties don’t change. The same is true of empty space. Whether you pan out or in, it’s the same. This isn’t exactly foreign to physics. Scale invariance is actually a fundamental part of the theory of electromagnetism. 
Dark Matter and Dark Energy Don’t Exist. New Theory Says the Universe Works Without Them 
"Space and time are created by the mind."
Charles Tart

"The updated measurement questions the laws of nature that treat electrons and their heavier cousins, muons, identically, except for small differences due to their different masses. 
But these new measurements suggest the decays could be happening at different rates, which could suggest never-before-seen particles tipping the scales away from muons. 
Dr. Michael McCann, who also played a leading role in the Imperial team, said: “We know there must be new particles out there to discover because our current understanding of the Universe falls short in so many ways – we do not know what 95% of the Universe is made of, or why there is such a large imbalance between matter and anti-matter, nor do we understand the patterns in the properties of the particles that we do know about." 
New Result From Large Hadron Collider Challenges Leading Theory in Physics – Cannot Be Explained by Our Current Laws of Nature 

New Result from the LHCb experiment challenges leading theory in physics  

The concept of dark matter currently exists yet remains relatively invisible and unmeasurable within the constraints surrounding human consciousness. Dark energy in the form of "matter" should be considered as light yet to be formed, reflected upon, observed or measured. "Dark matter" is energy created, defined, described and patterned around the limitations of an observer's POV. 

That which cannot be fully observed and/or measured implies there being a "grey region" or  dynamic field of potential established between two or more complementary states of energy in motion. It is within this region where design reigns and choices are made. Dark energy and dark matter have overtones when interpreted within the symbolic range of human consciousness. These substantially dormant regions of dark energy are dispersed throughout the multiverse, invisible and greatly misunderstood from a human point of view. 

Mysterious clouds could offer new clues on dark matter 

The Universe is multi dimensional in context and therefore may or may not be fully observed or measured from every perspective. 


Dark matter participates in the creation of a contextual field of consciousness about which certain regions, for purposes of balance, retain a sense of "formlessness". In other words, dark energy and dark matter perpetuate the concept of there existing a Design Archetype by both creating and deconstructing patterns of energy in motion. 

Darkness is a form of light made malleable for purposes of growth and expansion. Dark matter is the stuff of creation. Dark energy participates in a universe attracted to the Light of a common blueprint. 

“In the mathematical field of dynamical systems, an attractor is a set of states toward which a system tends to evolve,[2] for a wide variety of starting conditions of the system. System values that get close enough to the attractor values remain close even if slightly disturbed.” 1. Weisstein, Eric W. "Attractor". MathWorld. Retrieved 30 May 2021. (magnetic field) 

Dark energy/matter is an integral part/attribute of the QFVP. DE/DM are conceptual* in context and harbor the potential of being replaced at the most appropriate time.
* DE/DM are symbolic tools scientifically used (designed) to describe energy that cannot, nor ever will be, described or measured in 3D space/time. Currently this terminology is instrumental in establishing the most meaningful designs/blueprints required for the next evolutionary phase of human consciousness. Change is a priori.

DE/DM conforms to the duality being experienced in 3D space/time by supporting every concept of reality/universe we might observe and/or project.

Dark energy - and hence the concept of dark matter - is an oxymoron that possess no power until recognized, chosen and reflected upon in the Light of the design process.

“In physics, quintessence is a hypothetical form of dark energy, more precisely a scalar field, postulated as an explanation of the observation of an accelerating rate of expansion of the universe. The first example of this scenario was proposed by Ratra and Peebles (1988).[1] The concept was expanded to more general types of time-varying dark energy and the term "quintessence" was first introduced in a 1998 paper by Robert R. Caldwell, Rahul Dave and Paul Steinhardt.[2] It has been proposed by some physicists to be a fifth fundamental force.[3][4][5][6] Quintessence differs from the cosmological constant explanation of dark energy in that it is dynamic; that is, it changes over time, unlike the cosmological constant which, by definition, does not change. Quintessence can be either attractive or repulsive depending on the ratio of its kinetic and potential energy. Those working with this postulate believe that quintessence became repulsive about ten billion years ago, about 3.5 billion years after the Big Bang.[7] 
“It’s as though there is something present through all of space that isn’t dependent upon anything else: matter density, radiation density, temperature, changes in volume, etc. Although we can measure and quantify its effects on the universe, we cannot say that we understand dark energy’s nature.”\ 
Darkness describes a quality of Light designed for purposes of stability, continuity, balance and the expansion of consciousness. Dark matter is the “stuff” of creation. Dark matter is veiled within the lowest spectrum/states of vibration. Dark energy and dark matter are made apparent by means of design observation. In other words, change can appear to be changeless merely by virtue of the context in which it is perceived, described and/or defined. Design symbolically reflects, i.e. mirrors, upon the intention, desire and impulse of an observer's POV.

Dark matter and dark energy are characteristic of a prevalent number of complementary events and experiences spawned within the presence of both strong and weak forces. Interactions, influences and impressions are precipitated by means of a never ending flow of energy in motion. Together they conform to a spiral path of expansion and contraction, attraction and repulsion.

From a human POV the universe appears dualistic in context and content. This observation is a matter of vibration and perspective. The concept of balance is made real by means of vibration and coherence. A wide spectrum of events and experiences surround us however, our sense of perception vibrates at a different measure (physical, mental, emotional).

Balance is made cognizant by means of observation. The context in which and event or experience is shared vibrates at a commonly shared frequency. The higher the frequency of observation the greater and more expansive the context and potential for creative expression and growth in awareness.  The lesser the frequency the smaller the context and probability for expansion. This pattern is universal and mimicked in the relationship between light and dark energy. 

Consciousness is a matter of balancing the scale of awareness. Reality is an observable measure of this same vibration.

Dark matter and dark energy have their own symbolic counterparts in the light particle and wave.  Energy exchanges reflect upon an endless series of  patterns previously based upon two or more independent principles or relationships. More appropriate terminology describing this semi-state of changing presence as the relationship between strong and weak forces.  

The gap or differences between these labels are minimal and in some circumstances overlap. Such subtleties create situations, i.e. contexts, that allow for energy exchange under the fleeting guise of transition and transformation by means of coherent and non-coherent correspondences. 

Every example of dualism creates a self contained frame of reference and constraint. Comparable patterns of energy exchange are reflected throughout the universe at both micro and macro levels of awareness. Such consistencies reflect upon a fundamental proposition that support and characterize design's relationship to consciousness - as humanity might perceive it.

The relationship between consciousness and awareness is an exercise in and a reflection of, the design archetype. Your own field of conscious awareness is dependent upon the language you've created and designed for yourself and to that which cannot be described or explained. 

“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery. Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations. These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gate to all mystery.” 
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

This premise stands strong when considering the fact that we live in a vibratory universe where the concept of reality is defined by change. Design is at the heart of this phenomenon and all conscious networks of energy in motion.

The more refined and expansive the field of consciousness the greater the potential for balance. 

Is dark matter real? Astronomy’s multi-decade mystery 

All things dark are unknowing.

To be design conscious you must be more than an observer.

Edited: 02.26.2014, 02.28.2014, 03.01.2014, 03.17.2014, 10.12.2014, 10.16.2014, 10.17.2014, 10.18.2014, 10.22.2014, 12. 06.2014, 04.27.2015, 07.09.2015, 07.31.2015, 09.22.2015, 07.16.2016, 01.11.2017, 03.26.2017, 04.24.2017, 03.05.2018, 03.20.2018, 12.06.2018, 01.27.2019, 06.30.2019, 09.22.2019, 10.17.2019, 11.08.2020, 01.22.2021, 02.11.2021, 03.26.2021, 04.22.2021. 05.28.2021, 06.09.2021, 07.17.2021, 09.22.2021, 10.22.2021, 10.25.2021, 11.01.2021, 11.05.2021, 11.20.2021, 12.05.2012, 12.24.2021, 01.05.2022, 01.19.2022, 03.15.2022, 08.01.2022, 08.20.2022, 12.31.2022, 01.06.2023, 02.11.2023, 06.19.2023, 10.30.2023
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Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role of observer and contributor to a reality of your own design and creation – be aware of the by-products that surround every choice and decision.