Monday, October 26, 2020

Toroidal Origins: Part 2

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The line, the piercing, penetrating and symbolic re-presentation of a resourceful intention, emotionally targeted and designed to be made real describes its trail and direction in relative space/time. This path makes itself apparent in 3D space/time, yet will become relatively "directionless" when encountering a contextually quantum environment. What is currently described as a type of pulse in the form of a projection or vector, will be lacking the attribute of time and space (measurement) as it relates to consciousness. Design at this level is timeless and invisible until meaningfully materialized for the purpose of achieving a wholeness/balance from within. The context/field in which these impulses originate stem from a heart consciousness functioning in coordination with the mind simply revealed by means of a collective vibration.  

The concepts and ideas surrounding the impetus behind this "desire" are imprinted within the blueprint of the observer/perceiver, i.e. the designer. These patterns originate in a manner that parallels the contextual dynamic of the observer/perceiver.  This heartfelt intention emerges as a spiraling force of attraction towards a resourceful unknown. Originating deep within the heart of every human observer/perceiver is a drive to expand in consciousness by virtue of recognizing one's own internal origin/s. This unconscious drive is an exercise in persistence, a striving for integration, a desire to experience a more expansive context/field/consciousness by means of absorption by virtue of integrating the wholesome concepts of understanding, empathy, love, compassion, goodwill and wisdom.

wholesome adjective1 healthy, health-giving, healthful, good (for one), nutritious, nourishing; natural, uncontaminated, organic.2  good, ethical, moral, clean, virtuous, pure, innocent, chaste; uplifting, edifying, proper, correct, decent, harmless;
An observer views and interprets reality from a particular point of view (POV) which is a position that for all intents and purposes, always changing. All events and experiences are interpreted from within this framework. Reality is measurable within constraints, both tangible and intangible and interpreted, described and acted upon symbolically. This position can be often be mistakingly interpreted as being objective in character when actually it isn't. 

observer noun 1  spectator, onlooker, watcher, looker-on, fly on the wall, viewer, witness, eyewitness, bystander; informal rubberneck; literary beholder.2  commentator, reporter; monitor.
Our views of reality are subjective in content and context, constantly changing, substantiated and often imposed upon by belief systems created, implemented and instituted by others. Due to our own unique vibratory composition we will naturally identify/connect with certain frequencies over others by means of coherent resonance. These attractions are designs, meaning the entire process is an exercise in symbolic impression, interpretation, response and expression, i.e. vibratory patterns triggered by signs, symbols, metaphor, analogy, proverb and parable.

signnoun1  indication, signal, symptom, pointer, suggestion, intimation, mark, manifestation, demonstration, token, evidence; literary sigil.2  portent, omen, warning, forewarning, augury, presage, danger sign; promise, threat.3 gesture, signal, wave, gesticulation, cue, nod.4  notice, signpost, signboard, warning sign, road sign, traffic sign, guidepost, marquee.5  symbol, mark, cipher, letter, character, figure, hieroglyph, ideogram, rune, emblem, device, logo.symbol    1  emblem, token, sign, representation, figure, image; metaphor, allegory; icon.    2 sign, character, mark, letter, ideogram    3 logo, emblem, badge, stamp, trademark, crest, insignia, coat of arms, seal, device, monogram, hallmark, flag, motif, icon
A perceiver views and interprets reality based solely upon a personal point of view, where context becomes apparent only when viewed within the parameters of an intimate experience, event or interpretation. This position is primarily subjective in character. 

perceive verb.   1  discern, recognize, become aware of, see, distinguish, realize, grasp, understand, take in, make out, find, identify, hit on, comprehend, apprehend, appreciate, sense, divine; informal figure outtwig; formal become cognizant of.    2 see, discern, detect, catch sight of, spot, observe, notice.    3 regard, look on, view, consider, think of, judge, deem, adjudge.

A quantum POV remains timeless, harbors no preconceptions, interpretation, or belief, is entirely symbolic in interpretation and response, strives to maintain balance and harmony between subjective and "objective" interpretations of reality, is focused upon understanding, wisdom and compassion and the expansion of consciousness for the purposes of energy transition, transformation and exaltation.

exaltation 1  elation, joy, rapture, ecstasy, bliss, happiness, delight, gladness

Every sensation that defines and describes the human condition contains a vibratory Source of origination contained and expressed into patterns, i.e. re-sources, of energy designed to bring expression to its own particularly unique configuration. The majority of these patterns remain invisible in reference to three dimensional space/time. In light of this situation these same energies appear to describe, define and veil both the known and the unknown. 

Note: a re-source is a term that singles out a quality or vibratory attribute, type or condition that together with other re-sources, describe a convergence of energy "states" appearing in the form of patterns, designs, arrangements and frameworks hovering about, around and within a central core of energy in perpetual motion, i.e. change.   

Every creative source brings into relative manifestation its own traits, patterns and characteristics by means of reflection. These qualities and characteristics are imbedded within the cohesiveness re-presented in every form and situation. 

Stillness has no definition, no reality, no meaning and no purpose - unless disturbed. Stillness is being without doing. Stillness need not ponder upon its own creative Presence whose result is a "reality" made cognizant and apparent by virtue of its doing - it merely is that which it is. Design is the process that accounts for doing, i.e. creation, in a manner that brings symbolic expression to its own Presence. Design creates every situation where one's Presence can be described both as an observer and perceiver within the process of revelation.

revelation | ˌrevəˈlāSH(ə)n | noun 1 a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way: the making known of something that was previously secret or unknown:  used to emphasize the surprising or remarkable quality of someone or something:2 the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world:
Duality is the expression of a creative agent appearing to be misaligned within the Presence of its own countenance. Duality allows for re-cognition, i.e. awareness/consciousness, by means of focusing upon own reflection. Reflections are made apparent by virtue of the impressions/vibrations/perturbations that emerge from within the depths of a quantum stasis. That which is unknown is symbolically discovered by all appearances. The original cause/vibration can be recognized only by the observer/perceiver of the event or experience, aka the creative source. Only the creator knows the meaning and the purpose, i.e. the intention, behind every form of energy. All that resonates to the same vibration will likewise come to know its meaning and purpose, i.e. the intention behind the creative source.
Duality was the first creation whose intention was symbolically revealed by means of reflecting upon what had been created/formed by virtue of association. 

Duality allows for the unknown to become known. Duality creates a dynamic exchange between re-sources felt within the stillness of being. These "disturbances" emerge from within the context/field in which they are perceived and observed. They are the result of a cascade of intentions born from a will and desire (duality) designed to expand by means of revelation, i.e. intentions born from within the very context/field in which they are projected. 

The creative source is harbored within the stillness of an observer who reflects upon its own creations by means of what it has designed for its self.  

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Mathematician makes breakthrough in understanding of turbulence 

Quantum Causal Loops: Exotic Processes with Cause Effective Cycles

Scientists discover crystal exhibiting exotic spiral magnetism 

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Little Swirling Mysteries: Dynamics of ultra small, ultrafast groups of atoms discovered.
“Although the motion of individual atoms alone may not be too exciting, these motions join together to create something new — an example of what scientists refer to as emergent phenomena — which may host capabilities we could not imagine before,” said Haidan Wen, a physicist in Argonne’s X-ray Science Division (XSD). 

“From a fundamental perspective we are seeing a new type of matter,” he said. “From a technological perspective of information storage, we want to take advantage of what is happening at these frequencies for high-speed, high-bandwidth storage technology. I am excited about controlling the properties of this material, and this experiment shows possible ways of doing this in a dynamical sense, faster than we thought possible.” 

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A Vortex in a Nanometric Teacup: Researchers Generate a Vortex Beam of Atoms and Molecules “Scientists have long been striving to produce various types of nano-scale vortices in the lab, with recent focus on creating vortex beams – streams of particles having spinning properties – where even their internal quantum structure can be made to spin. Vortices made up of elementary particles, electrons and photons, have been created experimentally in the past, but until now vortex beams of atoms have existed only as a thought experiment. 

 … the very basic property of angular momentum, which characterizes naturally occurring vortices both big and small, takes on a different twist on the quantum scale. Unlike their classical physics equivalents, quantum particles cannot take on any value of angular momentum; rather, they can only take on values in discrete portions, or “quanta.” Another difference is the way in which a vortex particle carries its angular momentum – not as a rigid, spinning propeller, but as a wave that flows and twists around its own axis of motion. 

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These waves can be shaped and manipulated similarly to how breakwaters are used to direct the flow of seawater close to shore, but on a much smaller scale. “By placing physical obstacles in an atom’s path, we can manipulate the shape of its wave into various forms,” says Alon Luski, a PhD student in Narevicius’s group. Luski and Segev, who led the research along with Rea David from their group, collaborated with colleagues from Tel Aviv University to develop an innovative approach for directing the movement of atoms. During the experiments, the researchers made an odd observation. “We saw that next to the perfectly shaped donuts, there were two small spots of ‘noise’ as well,” says Segev. “At first we thought this was a hardware malfunction, but after extensive investigation we realized that what we’re looking at are actually unusual molecules, each made of two helium atoms, that were joined together in our beams.” In other words, they had generated vortices of not only atoms but also of molecules." 

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 10.25.2020, 01.03.2021, 02.21.2021, 04.22.2021, 08.21.2021, 12.07.2021, 03.15.2022, 12.03.2022, 01.25.2023, 12.09.2023, 12,24.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are invited to visit


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Design Metaphysics: Toroidal Evolution Between Dimensions

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.


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The Earth is central to a three dimensional toroidal field symbolized in the two dimensional diagrammatic of the Vesica Piscis. Energy in motion about the central cores of two invisible "solar sources" overlap to symbolically bring into Light their design relationship. This is a microcosmic event appearing within the circumferential field originating from within the center of the Sun. All other manifestations (planets in the solar system) partake is this same toroidal evolution with some being more visible/tangible than others. These events have yet to be discovered lying unseen within the spectrum of solar light. 

The Universe is multidimensional in character with much of it remaining invisible due to differences in coherent resonance. Planetary awareness out of balance and symbolically demonstrated in Earth's tilt, i.e. axial precession/precession of the equinoxes. 

The vibratory transmission of energy, light and information projected from within the core/center of the Sun varies in vibration. The Sun is Earth's Source of Life. The Sun creates a wide variety frequencies (waves) riding an ocean of Universal Light. Interactions with other "sources" create the turbulences


"The updated measurement questions the laws of nature that treat electrons and their heavier cousins, muons, identically, except for small differences due to their different masses. 

But these new measurements suggest the decays could be happening at different rates, which could suggest never-before-seen particles tipping the scales away from muons.

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The concept of dark matter exists yet remains invisible and unmeasurable to human kind. Dark matter is Light energy not yet observed or measured. Dark matter is Light energy in motion described and defined from within the constraints of a dualistic POV. 

That which can be measured but not observed describes a "grey region" between complementary fields of energy in motion within the QFVPP. These substantially dormant regions are dispersed about the Universe and appear invisible from a POV centered within the framework of three dimensional space and time. Time creates the tunnels/portals between dimensions. 

Sources about the Universe are multi dimensional and therefore may or may not be observable.

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Conscious awareness is compartmentalized in all things felt and imagined. Awareness is a derivative of Consciousness - one might call it a spin-off.

A cyclical expansion into and out of transcendence. A retreat into both form and formlessness, time and timelessness. An integrated system that when viewed and/or measured, distinguishes itself by virtue of density, vibration, frequency and coherency. A quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP) holistically observed over time, embraces itself to become a patterned network (universe) of energy in motion (EIM) Each "reality" becomes self apparent by means of its own creation, i.e. agents, agencies, performers and performances, coherently linked into patterns of meaning and purpose.

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by Catherine Zandonella, Princeton University

by National Institute of Standards and Technology, August 19, 2021

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By Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, October 16, 2014

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Time is a measurement attributed to linear thinking in regards to the concept of "three dimensional space".

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 
Nikola Tesla 

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“The first philosophy (Metaphysics) is universal and is exclusively concerned with primary substance. ... And here we will have the science to study that which is just as that which is, both in its essence and in the properties which, just as a thing that is, it has ... That among entities there must be some cause, which moves and combines things. ... There must then be a principle of such a kind that its substance is activity.” 
Aristotle, 340BC 

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

To be design conscious you must be more than an observer.

Edited: 10.25.2020, 11.18.2020, 11.29.2020, 01.19.2021, 03.02.2021, 06.03.2021, 08.21.2021, 12.08.2021, 03.15.2022, 08.14.2022, 12.03.2022, 02.01.2023, 02.11.2023, 06.04.2023, 07.31.2023, 08.18.2023, 09.16.2923, 07.29.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice)  AI usage prohibited. You are also invited to visit and URL and