Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Time's Metaphor


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Linear, cyclical, conceptual and always in motion, does time have a beginning, or is it an endless constant - a vague, mysterious and virtual thought form avoiding all attempts to define it? Or is time a figurative idea stemming from the human imagination, created for the purposes of embracing every literal overtone that symbolically re-presents it.

overtone  1 a musical tone which is a part of the harmonic series above a fundamental note, and may be heard with it. • Physics a component of any oscillation whose frequency is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency. 2 (often overtones) a subtle or subsidiary quality, implication, or connotation: 

Complex situations require metaphorical investigation through symbolic representation, both of which personify a variety of attributes harbored within the process of abductive/design thinking. It is upon this premise that the following inquiry is based.

Time describes a cyclical re-presentation of energy in motion. With time comes change in motion. The concept of time creates a focus about which energy can be contained in three dimensional space. Time "lines" bring forward a variety of options for every observer to choose. Every choice in every moment will influence the next step in a design blueprint filled with options. Repeating past actions, thoughts and feelings create patterns of energy that "in time" become imprinted, ingrained into consciousness.  

Time is energy. Time travels about a cyclical path creating the framework essential to the  paradigm of three dimensional consciousness. Within the framework of three dimensional space and time, time becomes a thing by virtue of its presence (meaning and purpose).

presencenoun 1 existence, being there. ANTONYMS  absence.2 Attendance, appearance; company, companionship. ANTONYMS  absence.3 aura, charisma, (strength/force of) personality; poise, self-assurance, self-confidence.4  ghost, spirit, specter, phantom, apparition, supernatural being;

Time embraces change by creating a format in which change can be formulated, articulated and realized. Time is best re-presented in the shape of a circle. A circular clock face alludes to a "reality designed within the parameters of a cyclical framework" and that it is within this system that human consciousness must function.  A circular clock is a perfect metaphor by reinforcing this phenomenon in forms of shape, number, division and categorization. 

A clock face is divided into numerical fragments, i.e. hours, minutes and seconds. These divisions innumerate certain qualities, i.e. attributes, that together bring into realization the concept of a day with further reference to the concept of a week, month, year, etc. Each category reflects upon a Cosmic network of earthly, solar and galactic forms of energy in motion. 

A simple circular or elliptical shape implies that there exists a certain degree of universal wholeness supporting the concept of time, that time is a constant while observed within the constraints of a three dimensional POV. Awareness changes over time and space through morning, afternoon (light) to evening and night (dark). 

Everything changes yet remains the same.

There are two distinguishable elements that can be identified as contributing to this metaphor; one is the context in which the concept of time is framed and second the human observer who categorizes these events by means of experience. 

Time has been humanly designed in reference to natural events and experiences framed within the constraints of human observation

“In particular, our research shows how electromagnetism is an inherent property of spacetime itself. In a way, spacetime itself is therefore the aether. Electric and magnetic fields represent certain local tensions or twists in the spacetime fabric. 

John Wheeler, the famous physicist, put forward the idea that all of the material world is constructed from the geometry of the spacetime. Our research strongly supports this kind of natural philosophy. It means that the material world always corresponds to some geometric structures of spacetime. Tensions in spacetime manifest themselves as electric and magnetic fields. Moreover, electric charge relates to some compressibility properties of spacetime. Electric current seems to be a re-balancing object, which transports charge in order to keep the spacetime manifold Ricci-flat. This is aesthetically pleasing, as nature seems to strive for harmony, efficiency and simplicity.” 

Electromagnetism is a property of spacetime itself, study finds 

These observations have both a meaning and a purpose made in reference to all seen and unseen forces. Time's impressions are made apparent by means of a coherent resonance. Time like space, creates a symbolic framework for the manifestation of energy in motion. Each frame contributes to a design made apparent by pointing, directing and patterning energy towards its most appropriate form (space) at its most appropriate time. When revealed before a design conscious human observer every "form of energy in motion" is tangible and intangible, conceptual, symbolic and metaphoric both in content and context. 

“Time cannot be forced into pigeonholes. Time has grown wings and takes flight into unfamiliar patterns. The sextants of humanity demand that time fly in a direction that makes sense. All sensors of Earth – smell, taste, touch, feel – are changing values. Do not take them for granted, and do not trust them fully. As what once was written in stone as truth, has now shifted in agenda.” 

Gillian MacBeth Louthan

To be design conscious you must be more than an observer.

Edited: 09.09.2021, 03.15.2022, 08.25.2022
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