Thursday, February 8, 2018

Design Metaphysics: Consciousness is Innate

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

Consciousness is innate *. Consciousness encapsulates certain situations and experiences that together form a multitude of geometries in which all energy, light and information can be shared and made manifest. Consciousness harbors the potential to expand beyond its origin by means of a multitude of cross-linked relationships made within the constructs of both internal and contextual change. 

* innate adjective, inborn; natural :  See note at inherent .
Philosophy originating in the mind.

Any intuitive generation leading to an innate “state” of being is quantum in origin and if successful, can lead towards a projection of holographic importance in dimensional space/time. Upon reaching the most appropriate density for expansion ideas cascade into their most appropriate circumstance (space/time duality) and eventually settle into a somewhat indeterministic “order". Change however must always be taken into account when purposely implementing and overseeing this (design) process.

Everything that surrounds you becomes a potential catalyst when defining yourself as a conscious observer of your own design process. Experiences of a higher nature permeate your quantum being. They encompass and bring to "light" a more intense vibration and reflection of yourself. You participate in a quantum context that appears to be virtual, plasmic, and etheric in character and quality. This state exists if you perceive it as such. Worthy of observation, consideration and contemplation but lacking in action, motivation and the desire necessary to make Life real.

Focus brings attention to every situation. Comparable frequencies resonate, share patterns and emerge from a contextual field in which they are conscious/present. Together they congeal about a common frequency whose holistic pattern remains unknown. Together they gather amongst themselves about certain centers of attraction thereby creating/initiating a uniqueness in the form of a web, matrix or network in which to operate, function, witness, observe and come to be realized for purposes known only by their creator. This energy in motion becomes its own focal point (POV) by virtue of its attraction/desire/intention towards a certain kind of unity patterned about a common meaning and purpose. These elemental agents are the ingredients of a virtual soup, an ocean of swirling tastes that mingle into one flavor when heated. 

First priority … always strive for balance while experiencing the catalytic and synchronistic directives associated with the design process.

The concept of time moves and acts in relationship to the context in which it is observed. Time is an integral part of a framework in which dreams and the creative drive to materialize one’s desires is contained. Along with the concept of “space” time gives every idea surrounding the concept of reality the supportive structures, i.e. configurations, necessary for the integration of a greater matrix that by virtue of design, will typically expand beyond expectation.

Awareness implies context. Attention points to the core of every situation. Consciousness in the form of awareness is the source of every observation within a greater field of power in which all sources, i.e. forms of energy, light and information appear, evolve and are discovered. Every probability imaginable harbors the potential and opportunity of becoming realized by virtue of obseration.

Creativity is an integrating feature dependent upon the ideas that harbor a heightened awareness and intent. Formations of energy are simultaneously attracted and repulsed by desires made apparent by what is experienced. They contain the attributes upon which every choice and decision is made.

To be design conscious you must be more than an observer.

Edited: 03.08.2018, 12.26.2018, 07.17.2019, 10.28.2019, 02.12.2021, 03.15.2022, 02.11.2023, 04.21.2023
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