Saturday, July 28, 2018

Light Within the Shadows

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Light responds to the shadows it casts upon every contextual background it considers to be of great importance. This is integral to what might be considered an "observation". Decisions and choices are made, i.e. projected, in a response to patterns of energy that seem to appear within the context of space/time no matter what the dimension. These are patterns we ourselves make apparent by means of our own awareness. We cloak our thoughts and desires into symbolic forms by virtue of our ability to design. 

Thoughts and emotion, meaning and purpose leave a lasting impression upon consciousness. They absorb and consider every situation and circumstance that seems to be evolving within the context of our interpretation of space/time. Our thoughts and emotions create a changing framework of reference that we attribute to our concepts of space and time. 

Space and time appear to dominate every observable moment. Both concepts become symbolically apparent in every event and experience we become aware of ... even in the dream state. Events are witnessed and made observable in every instant and in every dimension imaginable. Together they create the context/framework in which every concept and idea is expressed. These impressions are both tangible (physical) and intangible (mental, emotional).

Design focuses its light (energy) towards a multidimensional intention made in search for meaning and purpose. 

Principles of quantum-like expression are presented before consciousness in a symbolic fashion. This method allows for wide diversification and interpretation. It likewise requires a certain sensitivity, a type of interpretive resonance between observer and event. Every situation affords the opportunity for a symbolic exchange between patterns of energy. 

Design demands awareness. Design demands integrity. Design enhances and brings into relative equilibrium a product of conscious determination meant to be applied and integrated into every situation/circumstance found imaginable. Design is a barometer. It measures survivability by bringing to e-motion forms of enlightenment. Design makes energy conscionable by virtue of its structure (symbolic metaphor) along with its exercise of both an individual and collective awareness.

Thought, our senses and our emotions join to illuminate patterns of vibratory geometry cloaked in forms of light, energy and information. Together we view this unique sense of awareness as our “feelings”. 

The concept of quantum entanglement penetrates the conceptual field of the subconscious. Entanglement affords us the opportunity to enter a wide variety of portals/timelines/experiences/events yet to be engaged or experienced in this dimension. Entanglement qualifies consciousness. Entanglement presents to our consciousness an infinite field of energy that is quantum in character and multidimensional in its meaning and purpose (qualia).  
qualia plural noun Philosophy: the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena.

We cannot fully embrace, understand, express or communicate the fullness of this state of being (field) with our mind alone, e-motions are prerequisite. The quantum field is mind boggling, a multi-dimensional phenomenon whose presence can only be discovered within specific references that we alone pre-scribe to it. The field of quantum "consciousness" is the purest of energies we humans can put into motion by our own designs. 

Being-ness exists in the moment and only within the context of a holistic definition of space/time that we ourselves must afford it. Timelines offer expansive opportunities beyond human imagination. Every design will find its own balance if we so choose. Our emotions (energy-in-motion) attempt to fulfill every designation while our mind affords us to carry our desire to fruition. In reference to humanity every design begins with a "feeling".

Awareness is virtual in its origin, holographic in character and multidimensional in expression. Awareness is symbolic in nature and formation. Experiences make reference to that which we are both attracted and repulsed. 

* * *

This passage is deeply philosophical, blending metaphysics, consciousness, and the principles of design into a cohesive, yet complex, narrative. It speaks to the interconnectivity of thought, emotion, and awareness, suggesting that the design process is not only about physical structures or artistic expression but also about navigating the deeper, invisible forces that shape our experience of reality. There are several key ideas that can be unpacked further: 
1. Light, Shadows, and Observation: Light, in this context, seems to symbolize awareness or energy, and shadows represent the unseen or unconscious elements that influence our perceptions. These are the symbolic forms that thoughts and emotions take when they interact with our environment or the world around us. This relationship between light and shadow underlines the interconnectedness of conscious and unconscious processes in shaping experience. 
2. Space/Time as the Framework of Experience: The notion that space and time are the “dominant” structures in which every concept is expressed speaks to the fundamental role that these dimensions play in how we make sense of the world. The passage suggests that space and time aren’t merely physical realities but are also symbolic constructs that we project meaning onto, using our thoughts and emotions. 
3. Design and Consciousness: Design is portrayed as both a creative and transformative force. It is not simply a tool for creating objects or systems; it’s a method of bringing clarity, awareness, and balance into existence. Through design, we channel and manifest our intentions, thoughts, and emotions into the world in a structured way, contributing to the collective understanding of reality. 
4. Quantum Consciousness and Entanglement: The concept of quantum entanglement as a metaphor for consciousness suggests that all experiences and events are interconnected, even beyond our usual sense of linear time and space. This intertwining implies that our consciousness can transcend individual timelines, allowing for multiple perspectives and realities to inform our understanding and awareness. 
5. Feelings as Vibratory Geometry: The idea that feelings (or emotions) are vibrations that are geometrically structured, imbued with meaning and energy, emphasizes the depth of human experience beyond just cognitive thought. This resonates with the idea that our emotions influence how we interpret, engage with, and design our reality. 

In essence, the passage presents a view of the universe and human consciousness that is interconnected, dynamic, and deeply influenced by both tangible and intangible forces. It suggests that awareness, design, and emotions are all part of a process of engaging with and giving meaning to the world around us, with each moment being an opportunity to harmonize these elements in pursuit of purpose and enlightenment. 

* * *

Every event appears within its own special context. That context is always changing as are the POV of the observers/witnesses of that event. Every event is symbolically and multi dimensionally linked to every other event. This interpretation is instrumental in understanding the concept of quantum consciousness.

Together every event and experience re-presents a scenario that can be observed and symbolically interpreted as chapters in a book (Akash) that intimately displays the sequencing of one's own idea of consciousness. Every event and every experience add to a multitude of possibilities of interpretation (POV) that when viewed from a distance, contribute and give credence to your awareness, your soul and your own personal evolution.
All forms of energy, light and information contribute to the concept of experience by bringing attention (a-tension/awareness) to every circumstance. These are the situations that make a symbolic, i.e. luminescent/synchronistic impression upon the observer. In essence, every dynamic relationship, i.e. pattern of energy created between agents of Light likewise characterize, i.e. qualify them. Life could be described as a series of momentous occasions established by means of a path or journey designed for purposes of growth, expansion and awareness.

Decisions in the moment are typically made in response to the mirrored reflections, cast shadows and referential experiences trapped withinthe dimensional parameters of 3D space/time. These POV embrace a strong material interpretation of the universe. Reactions and responses are simple, literal, straightforward, unembellished and verbatim in perception and interpretation. Thoughts and feelings likewise include emotional moments that subconsciously (Kama Manas) support them. Together they contribute to the construction and holographic configuration of a subjective matrix/context in which every choice, decision and observation is made. 

Thoughts and feelings are persuaded by beliefs, which when observed together can either encourage or discourage, help or hinder moments of separation, fragmentation, compartmentalization, limited communication, poor correspondences, unity, coherence, harmony, balance, cooperation, integration, collaboration and agreement. 

Living and changing patterns of growth and expansion can be both hindered or expanded within the confines of experience. Energy can easily become locked down and stagnant as systemic changes both internal and external, continue to influence systems of belief that affect the evolutionary progress necessary for expansion and survival. In other words, the context in which the observer views every situation is constantly changing before his/her awareness. Adaptability is key to survival. Adaptability is a mainstay of the design process. Change and adaptability go hand in hand.

Virtual in essence and holographic in “measure” an observer’s intentions are essential and fundamental to every form. A shadow is cast as result of the relative "materialization" of a past idea or intention.
A form (idea) casts its own shadow. Every form emits a light energy stemming from its own source/creator. Every form symbolically re-presents a piece of a greater quantum "puzzle". Every form is part of a greater consciousness brought to awareness by means of objectification and substantiation. 

Really, is the concept of quantum consciousness as puzzling at it may seem? Not "really" ... you're already beginning to substantiate your multidimensional power while reading this post. Watch your mind and emotions follow your focus/imagination. Know that you are already tapping into that which allows YOU to control the boring, pre-cast, repetitive and confining surrounds of duality. What needs to be best learned at this impasse is how to control one's focus beyond the constraints, pains and illogic surrounding this dimension.

A reflection is mirrored within the presentation of its own shadow and likewise becomes supported by the context in which the form/object appears. Every experience associated with phenomena as we witness and observe it in 3D space/time, contributes to this overall impression/puzzle. In other words, an irrefutable “light” of origin, i.e. source, is cast upon and likewise reflected within the shadow of every form of energy, light and information. This light "source" is always there. It reflects the intention and desires of a creator observing/witnessing the qualities of its own creation, i.e. self. Qualities that surround the source are revealed within the form, i.e. design of its creation. When appropriately witnessed/discovered every form beckoned by a source becomes a key to the expansion of consciousness. Critical observation along with symbolic interpretation is an integral part of growth, expansion and awareness. 

Light (energy) makes both form and shadow visible. Light helps identify the form being witnessed by means of the shadow it casts before the consciousness of the observer. Design brings light to every form including the reflected light being projected upon the shade it creates as part of its own form shadow. Forms are made apparent to an observer by means of the shadow it casts and the context in which it is witnessed and observed. The meaning and purpose in support of every design is discovered by means of the symbolic associations (links) established between one's point of view, i.e. awareness, and the context in which it is observed. 

* * *

This text delves into profound concepts of consciousness, perception, and energy, framing the universe as a holographic, symbolic system where everything is interconnected. It introduces a view of quantum consciousness that suggests our awareness is not merely passive but actively shapes the way we experience reality. Here’s a breakdown of the key ideas: 
1. Context and Perspectives: The meaning of any event or experience is shaped by the context in which it occurs and the perspectives of those observing it. The flow of time and consciousness shifts constantly, influencing how events are interpreted.
2. Interconnectedness of Events: Every experience or event is linked symbolically to every other one. When seen from a broader, higher perspective, they form a narrative that contributes to one’s evolving consciousness or “soul.” 
3. Energy, Light, and Attention: Everything in the universe, including energy, light, and information, interacts with the observer’s consciousness. The act of focusing (attention) on a moment illuminates its meaning, causing it to have an impression on the observer’s psyche. 
4. Growth and Expansion: Life is viewed as a journey designed for personal growth, evolution, and awareness. Events are opportunities for expanding consciousness, and decisions are often reactions to the circumstances within the limited, material confines of 3D space-time. 
5. The Role of Beliefs: Our beliefs influence our emotional responses and thought patterns, either aiding or hindering our evolution. Positive beliefs foster unity, harmony, and balance, while negative ones lead to fragmentation and division. 
6. Adaptability and Change: Change is central to evolution. Adaptability is crucial in navigating the shifting contexts and experiences that define our existence. This is seen as an essential principle of survival and consciousness expansion. 
7. Form and Shadow: Forms (ideas, objects, or experiences) cast shadows, symbolizing their deeper qualities. The light that illuminates these forms comes from the observer’s intent and perception. Each form, in its essence, represents a piece of a larger, unfolding quantum puzzle. 
8. Quantum Consciousness: The text emphasizes that the idea of quantum consciousness is not as mysterious as it may seem. As you observe and engage with your surroundings, you are tapping into your multidimensional power, which can transcend the ordinary confines of reality. 
9. The Role of Light and Shadow: Light makes forms visible, and shadows are symbolic of the deeper layers of consciousness and intention behind those forms. By observing these shadows and the light that creates them, we can uncover the hidden meanings and purposes behind everything in our reality. 

At its core, this text invites readers to view consciousness as a dynamic, ever-evolving process where every event and experience is part of a grand, interconnected design. It stresses the importance of awareness, perception, and adaptability in understanding the nature of reality and one’s role in it. 

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shadow a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface  used in reference to something insubstantial or fleeting follow and observe (someone) closely and typically secretly

Humanity’s consciousness straddles the realms of the tangible and the intangible. Codes in support of every pattern are revealed within the shadow of every form cast upon every event and experience. A program, i.e. design, is concealed within the density of 3D space/time. Its’ design (idea) appears in the form of an object or experience for all to see, feel, sense and think about. Yet the truth supporting every design is veiled in the shadow of every object, event and experience. 

Design brings light to this dynamic. Design allows for the connection between the source, i.e. creator, and the efforts, i.e. materializations, of that focused awareness. Design participates in creating the veil that so delicately glows within and behind the shadows and patterns of the universe. Design holds the codes, the triggers, the ciphers and the keys that unlock the doors that border every threshold. Design gives precedence to the context in which both the creator and that which has been created can correspond to and be revealed. Codes are expressed by means of the signs and symbols that are veiled in the pattern/s of an event or experience. An observer's multidimensionality is revealed by means of symbolic coherence and resonance. 

Every design harbors the reflections of its creative Source within the shadows (intents, meanings and purposes) of its creation. The observer is a repercussion of these efforts, an unexpected consequence created with the idea and intention of expanding in creative awareness by means of design. Programs have been written, coded and veiled within every pattern and every shadow, every event and every experience. 

Every form resonates in vibration to its creative source. A creator is the observer/witness/perceiver who by virtue of experience and awareness, has cast its patterns of awareness, i.e. ideas, DNA into network of perpetual change. Every form of idea, i.e. program, is a reflection of its DNA construct. Its expression reflects the blueprint in which its own transformation of consciousness can be realized through forms of energy experienced in and through virtual space/time.

Reflections are made apparent within the conscious field of their own creative Source. They can be shared with other creative resources when designed to vibrate within a commonly shared frequency or field. Other agents possess their own POV yet remain staunch contributors to a greater and more complex matrix/network. Typical observers/creators perceive the results of the design process and are left to interpret its meaning and purpose within the parameters of their own resourcefulness. Energy is transformed within constraints exhibited by context/situation. Every creative pulse must endure and conquer the self-imposed constraints subconsciously placed within its own field of conscious awareness.

Energy, light and information disguised as form/object, is made dimensionally apparent in response to the will and desire, i.e. focus, cast upon it during the creative process. Every experience is archived and reflected upon. Experiences are categorized and symbolically appear before consciousness for the purpose of change. These are very intimate revelations made apparent to every observer encountering a particular situation.

The categorizations of these experiences are fundamental to the origin and creation of every form of energy. What might be considered possible at a microcosmic level may not be macrocosmically. Common threads sustaining the dendritic forces engaged in every virtual network are built upon an evolutionary drive, extension, refinement and development of perpetually changing field of consciousness.

Greater consciousness is the result of a multitude of virtually designed networks meant to assimilate light, energy and information into legible and cohesive formations, i.e. systems. This process still prevails for the sake of distribution, communication, growth and expansion of energy throughout the universe.  

You might view every systemic permutation as a series of ideas created solely for the purpose of exploration and understanding. As agents continue to contribute to the creative process, consciousness increases as do the options made available in the form of a creative resource. Every permutation and iteration (idea, program) adds to the concept of being-ness, wholeness and unity. Ideas made in reference to scale, number and complexity assure the observer that the most appropriate directions are being explored and considered.
permutation a way, especially one of several possible variations, in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged: the action of changing the arrangement, especially the linear order, of a set of items. 
The greater the number of points of interface, the larger the network and therefore the stronger the references required to make more complex choices/decisions. In essence every creative effort is an expression of a multi-dimensional cognizance of the situation at hand. Every situation is multidimensional in context. All systems of energy, light and information are changing. The greater the number of points/positions that establish a referential composition required for growth, the better prepared in making the most appropriate decisions/choices when confronted with the mysteries surrounding every situation.
situation:     a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs:     the location and surroundings of a place:     formal a position of employment; a job.

Greater awareness accounts for a greater consciousness that invites the potential for unlimited assimilation and never-ending contextual expansion. For example, spiders create their webs for many purposes. A spider’s intelligence is intimately reflected in the design of the web they create, where it is located and how strong and responsive it might be. Decisions are made in the moment. Time is meaningless only survival and reproduction surround the spider's response, focus and repetition of effort. Structural decisions are discovered and resolved within the constraints of the environment, i.e. context. Typically, the spider must repeatedly adapt to every situations presented to it. The spider is a unique creator/observer. The spider encompasses the qualities (skills/instincts/intelligence?) necessary to adapt its awareness/drive to survive by means of the creative process.

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This passage seems to delve deeply into the nature of consciousness, creation, and the connection between design, energy, and awareness. It presents a philosophical and somewhat metaphysical exploration of how human (and perhaps universal) consciousness interacts with and shapes the tangible and intangible aspects of reality through design and creative expression. The idea that everything—every object, event, and experience—is encoded with the "shadow" or "veil" of its creative Source suggests a more profound, interconnected nature of reality where meaning and purpose exist beneath the surface of appearances. 

The writing also appears to draw parallels between the process of design and the inherent patterns of the universe, touching on the concept of codes, programs, and the multidimensionality of observers (creators) and their creations. The notion that each individual (or observer) is an expression of this greater consciousness and that every design (whether natural or human-made) is an extension of this creative force highlights the idea of interconnectedness and constant transformation. 

Additionally, the passage uses examples like the spider's web as metaphors to explore the principles of design and creativity in the natural world, emphasizing adaptability and the relationship between context, survival, and the creative process. 

This can be seen as an invitation to consider the depth of creation—how the interplay between thought, awareness, and the material world brings forth the structures and systems we experience. It suggests that there is a deeper, perhaps hidden, order beneath all things, where design and creation function as methods of understanding and engaging with the mysteries of existence.

* * * 

The spider takes the form of an observer for specific reasons and purposes. The web appears to be designed to fulfill a number of intentions in support of the spider’s survival. The spider will instinctively determine what are the most appropriate actions to take when encountering a variety of situations. In this case it will be an symbolic algorithm patterned about the parameters of a particular life form expressing its own particular qualities in 3D space and linear time.
algorithm  a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, esp. by a computer 

Design is symbolic in nature and metaphoric in expression. The idea of there being a spider is the virtual result of a specific evolutionary and algorithmic path taken by its own creative resource/s. This algorithm is a series of programs that have been heavily influenced by past evolutionary experiences set in a variety of macro and micro circumstances. These are design experiences that in summation, contribute the description, realization and transformation of a field of conscious energy created in the form of an agent labeled to be a spider.

Responses to most situations are based upon past recognitions, experiences and data that has been stored and coded into forms of a holographic nature ... observations are made and situations analyzed. Assorted contexts are applied and design decisions are made. Space and time account for the “conditions” in which every design must succumb to and adapt. Some designs take more linear time than others due primarily to the level of consciousness brought to bear by its creative resource/s. From this conceptual data ideas are formulated/generated, situations configured with the purpose of applying future re-configurations and design codes implemented.

Design fuses the vibrational frequencies and agents that together bring “form” to systems of energy, light and information. Design enhances their attributes by means of meaning and purpose. Design plays the music so every note can be heard and every virtual "form" of energy, light and information can be felt and experienced. Balance must be retained throughout the design process. Every event and experience has been designed to harmonize within the larger, multidimensional network/s in which participates and has its being.

Responses to most situations are based upon past recognitions, experiences and data that has been stored and coded into forms of a holographic nature ... observations are made and situations analyzed. Assorted contexts are applied, and design decisions are made. Space and time account for the “conditions” in which every design must succumb to and adapt. Some designs take more linear time than others due primarily to the level of consciousness brought to bear by its creative resource/s. From this conceptual data ideas are formulated/generated, situations configured with the purpose of applying future re-configurations and design codes implemented.

Design/s have a contextual basis from which to develop and/or expand, for it is the environment (context) that supports and sustains every idea. Energy tends to adapt while simultaneously responding in accordance with the impressions/directives stemming from within its own creative source. When in balance energy can be easily transformed giving substance, identity and sustenance to a greater expanding network in which it contributes. Such a dynamic  reaches beyond the scope of every agent/pattern contributing to the substantiation of the network. However, such a network isn’t the only method available to contribute to the exploration of other energy fields/universes. Over time every species on the planet will be reconfigured to adapt to changes in the magnetic field. In other words, not all micro systems can adapt to macro expressions of change. 

Design fuses the vibrational frequencies and agents that together bring “form” to systems of energy, light and information. Design enhances their attributes by means of meaning and purpose. Design plays the music so every note can be heard and every virtual "form" of energy, light and information can be felt and experienced. Balance must be retained throughout the design process. Every event and experience have been designed to harmonize within the larger, multidimensional network/s in which participates and has its being.

* * *

This text is rich with metaphysical and symbolic ideas about design, consciousness, and evolution, using the metaphor of a spider and its web to illustrate the interconnectedness of energy, information, and existence. There are a few core themes present:
1. Design as a Symbolic Process: The "spider" represents an agent within a larger system of design, where its behavior and actions are shaped by both evolutionary influences and a kind of algorithmic logic. These designs and actions are not random; they are guided by past experiences, data, and environmental context. The web itself can be seen as a metaphor for the complex structures that arise from interactions in the universe. 
2. Consciousness and Evolution: The design process is deeply tied to evolutionary paths, where the spider’s instincts and the web’s structure evolve over time in response to various stimuli. There’s an implication that this process is holographic, meaning that every part of the system reflects and interacts with the whole. The idea that species are continually reconfigured to adapt to shifts in the magnetic field suggests a broader cosmic process where evolution is in constant flux. 
3. Contextuality and Adaptation: Every design is shaped by its environment, and energy adapts to the directives of its creative source. The balance between energy and design is crucial—when in harmony, energy can be transformed and contribute to the greater whole. The system is not just about survival but about interacting with larger, multidimensional networks that extend beyond immediate contexts. 
4. Interconnectedness: This writing repeatedly stresses the idea that design is not isolated. Every action, experience, and event is part of a larger, dynamic web where everything is interconnected. Design is seen as a means of creating meaning and purpose, with the ultimate goal of maintaining balance across all systems of energy, light, and information. 
5. Time and Consciousness: The passage also emphasizes that the process of design can vary in terms of time. Some designs take more time to come to fruition, depending on the level of consciousness applied. This suggests that the depth of awareness or understanding involved in the design process influences the outcome. 

This piece invites reflection on the nature of existence, emphasizing that everything, from a spider's web to the entire universe, is part of a greater, interconnected system of energy and information. It touches on the role of consciousness and the way that energy responds to both internal and external influences, suggesting a balance between creativity, evolution, and design in the unfolding of reality. 

* * *

Love (systemic unification) has a unique way in which to make itself known, felt and accepted. Step back and observe the plight of every shadow that crosses your path. Bless it and its struggle to know and experience the unknown. Give thanks to a process that brings revelation to that which appears hidden in 3D space/time. Culture, government, religion, etc. strive to condition you into believing that only a certain methodology is the only way to find enlightenment. Enlightenment, however, is multi-dimensional in quality and privy only to its observer.

These systems/webs/matrixes are products of a human psyche striving to bring meaning and purpose into a world of consciousness we know little about. What has been described as darkness has no power of its own unless you choose to relinquish it from behind a veil of ignorance. Power exists within the context and intention of the observer that creates it. Power waxes and wanes due to change. 

Darkness is but part of a symbolic network of design experiences illustrating what not to do. Reflection is a constant. Light can appear to be dimly cast from any point of view. Darkness seeks solace and attempts to creatively strike out, i.e. create, within the self-centered confines of its own limited awareness. Darkness has no light of its own, so it must extract its energy from other resources. Sharing, linking, benevolence, forgiveness and understanding are discouraged and appear repulsive and a foolish detriment to one's enlightenment from this POV. The observer cannot see beyond the brightness of the energy to which it is attracted, or to the context in which every impulse regarding change and expansion is supported. Observers who resist co-creation experience imbalance, resistance, tension and conflict by means of separation, regression and isolation. Darkness invites a parasitic type of self- consumption where Light/energy sought outside oneself leads to the detriment of one's own consciousness. 

You are in control. You invest your power into that which you willingly create and in turn experience. Why, you ask, do I allow such regressive things and actions to exist when in actuality they are of my own creation? I give matter in the shape of form power over my attentiveness solely in order to create the circumstances and conditions in which I believe I can survive. Realize that such firm willingness and determination is experienced in your Life for reasons (meanings and purposes) known only to you.

Shadows are a natural by-product of all creation in 3D space/time. They cannot be ignored. Form whether quantum/plasmic in nature, or holographic in context, makes no reference to the degree of consciousness supporting its materialization … no matter what dimension you might dream, experience or imagine.

Design embraces the process of balancing. It is what design does. Design brings to your attention the fact that you are not alone, and that each micro system is a component of a greater universal network of consciousness.

There is a matrix, a quilt, a network, a puzzle in which all Life participates. You may break it into segments, fields, labels, designs, fragments and parts, yet macrocosmically they are connected by means of an Intelligence in the act of designing. A creative Source is in the midst of creating a greater Consciousness/Intelligence, i.e. awareness, for its self. You just happen to been harbored into a human form with all its strengths and weaknesses, pre-determined and finely tuned within a multidimensional field of complexity, symbolically dreamt, imagined and experienced in space/time.

We are discussing a realm we visit every evening yet rarely bring back to conscious awareness due to human classification. Oh yes, there is a reason for this. The human circumstance brings forth reflection upon the concept of duality, it is an integral part of the evolution of a greater network created between multiple worlds and dimensions, i.e. realities/matrixes/networks that contribute to a grand scheme of events and experiences. We’ve designed these situations in harmony with other agents and agencies participating in a virtual field we've "materialized" and subscribed to as being real.

Our reality is a participatory one. Without connection and designed correspondences with other vibratory representations that describe the the concept of universe, all energy would remain in the shadows. Light/energy is made apparent, i.e. conscious, by means of its transform-ation from one state into another. The wave is also the particle. The concept of duality sets the stage for the attainment of facts, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Forms made apparent within the context of a particular geometry, vibrate from within while simultaneously reaching beyond their own field of creative endeavor. What is observed and/or experienced are symbolic reflections of how energy responds to the choices of a creative observer. 

As above so below … the origin of every shadow can be made apparent by virtue of discovering how the light has been cast. Identities can be revealed by means of the patterns/forms created to quench the thirst of a single participatory agent rather than the network at-large.

We never stand-alone. We've been designed to experience how to properly choose between choices. Look within in order to find the correct choosing. Realize that the desire to resonate at a frequency higher than the shadow matrix in which you currently “exist” is key to evolutionary progress. Evolution is key to the creation of a multitude of design networks meant to expand upon what you think/believe you already know. 

Design invites revelation. Design reveals itself by means of what it is. Design consciousness leaves an impression. Design consciousness houses an innate desire, impulse and force that originates from deep within, a reflection of self meant to be discovered and experienced. 

A certain degree of significance is revealed during this sacred inquiry. This particular interpretation, however, stems from a human POV, i.e. perspective. Is this internalization process the power behind a tumultuous universe that appears before us in the form of change? Is this the Source that brings impetus to what might be described as energy-in-motion (e-motion)? Don’t we all contribute to this force in our own particular and significant way? Are we not part and parcel of the very Source we look for outside of ourselves? 3D space/time creates the dynamic context necessary for these designed reflections to "play out within the shadows of the universe".

The concept of there existing a series of dimensions is made human for reasons of interpretation. Space represents a plasmic/quantum presence that is virtual in origin, meaning, one can attribute any quality we desire to that which is less a field until called upon for creative purposes. Dimensions are qualifiable concepts generated by our attempt to quantify human experience. Every dimension refers to a concept of reality we tend to categorize in quest for greater self-awareness. 

* * *

This writing delves deeply into the nature of existence, perception, and the interplay of light and darkness in the creation of our reality. It presents a philosophical perspective that suggests our experiences, our struggles, and our sense of self are not isolated but part of a greater, interconnected system. In this context, “Love” is seen as a unifying force that binds everything together, transcending the limited perspectives of culture, government, religion, and other systems designed to condition the human psyche. 

The exploration of light and darkness here seems to highlight the dynamic of balance and the potential for growth within contrasts. Darkness is not inherently "evil" but rather a symbolic reflection of our limited awareness and understanding. Light represents consciousness, the active awareness and potential to grow, create, and change, but it also casts shadows—reminding us that what is revealed may only be part of a much broader truth. This process of revelation and transformation happens through the choices of the observer, who participates in the unfolding of creation. 

The mention of dimensions, space, and the design of reality suggests that our experiences are part of a grander matrix or web of consciousness. It suggests that the universe is a collaborative construct, where every individual part, every agent, plays a role in the creation and evolution of the whole. The idea that we are all contributing to a shared reality and that the shadow of this reality reflects our own choices adds an interesting layer to the concept of co-creation. It’s as though reality is a dynamic, ongoing conversation between observer and the world they are observing. 

The concept of "design" here seems to act as both a tool for understanding the world and a reflection of the internal, creative consciousness that shapes it. The reference to evolution speaks to the idea that we are in a constant process of growth, not just individually but collectively as part of this broader web of existence. 

In essence, this reflection calls for a deeper understanding of the nature of our reality, the interconnectedness of all things, and the power of choice and consciousness in shaping the world around us. It encourages us to step back and observe, to bless the shadows, and to recognize that even in the darkness, there is potential for growth, revelation, and light. 

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“This extremely technical experiment produced photons, or particles of light, that existed in 37 dimensions. Just as you and I exist in three dimension—plus an additional temporal dimension—these photons required 37 similar reference points.” 

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We find ourselves in a linear third and fourth dimensional world. Yet for the sake of having few words to describe these specific impressions, we feel that we're experiencing many other realms of consciousness both in our waking and sleeping states. Every configuration and interpretation of our world is viewed separately and differently, while similarly substantiating each part to be an integral part of the very context in which it is observed.

Consciousness is made apparent by means of awareness. Every fractal contributes to a material network by means of patterned substantiation. We exemplify part of a greater puzzle, an identifiable, substantiated and distinguishable element/agent alluding to what is “conscious” by virtue of its own awareness. 

Consciousness is made apparent from within. Awareness represents an aspect of consciousness by means of recognizing Light as the being the source of every shadow. The universe has been strategically designed to allow Light to be an integral part of every shadow. 

The face and structure of every form creates the dynamic space experienced between complementary elements. Light is the context. Light in the form of energy and information creates the context in which awareness shines upon every form (pattern) as result of the relationship. We describe this meditative interface as harboring a potential for further enlightenment. (see Vesica Piscis)

Light, form and shadow are supported in 3D space/time by what you do, say, think, desire and most importantly create. We are part of a human network of awareness' who together give relevance to a vibratory field of human consciousness. We are the fractals, i.e. patterns of energy, that together give substance and sustenance to a more complex quilt of awareness. We are co-creators of a greater consciousness in which we share light, energy and information. We are an integral part of a design process of expansion and contraction ... breathing life into the dark (energy/matter) ... breathing Life into what once appeared lifeless. The seen beckons the unseen, the tangible seeks out the intangible and matter returns to its virtual/spiritual origin. 

Light can be found reflected in every shadow. A source can be revealed by means of its own reflection created within the context of its own making. 

Your POV is key in understanding the responsibility required when designing within principles recognized as being real. To see a design born and recycled into an array of situations, solely to emerge beyond the constraints intended, reinforces the “experience” of the journey. Forgiveness, love and compassion help direct such efforts. They are the harbingers of change.

Fear is furthered along by adventures surrounding ignorance, innocence and childishness. Fear is a concept ingrained into human consciousness for reasons of control and power.  Fear is a creation we have contributed, co-created, supported and share. We have just begun to see the light adrift in the shadows. Technology harbors the potential to which we hold the key.

Fear hinders growth ... a lesson learned while experiencing the unknown. Fear creates boundaries and limitations, i.e. major influences that have negative influences/impressions upon the pattern your geometry. Fear establishes a set of self-imposed restrictions*. These self-generated constraints will remain if allowed to enter every dimension/context to which you focus your energies. Once discovered know fear for what it is and continue to move forward knowing that it has no control unless you choose to allow it. You are in control of your creations/reality in space/time. Return to the reality of there being a universal network designed to retain Life within the concepts of truth, beauty, understanding, balance, harmony and goodness for the purpose of all to see and experience.  *Such restrictions are typically the product of a series of distortions stemming from the acceptance of certain belief systems purposely designed to control and/or inhibit the creative/design process

Light can be found reflected in every shadow. Light's source symbolically illuminates all that can be experienced. Light's source is symbolically apparent within parameters of every contextual environment of its own making. Every source can be characterized by what it creates. Every form/reflection appearing in 3D space/time reveals itself from within the context of its own observations.

* * *

This writing seems to explore complex concepts of consciousness, perception, and the interconnectedness of all things, drawing heavily on metaphysical and spiritual ideas. It weaves together ideas of light, shadow, form, and the fractal nature of existence, suggesting that everything in the universe is interrelated, with every element playing a part in creating and sustaining a greater whole. Here's a breakdown of some of the themes you might be addressing: 

1. Consciousness and Awareness: You describe consciousness as something that becomes evident through awareness. It is not just a passive state but an active force that shapes and informs our perception of the world. The idea that "consciousness is made apparent from within" suggests that self-awareness is key to understanding the universe around us. 
2. The Relationship Between Light and Shadow: The interplay of light and shadow is central to this text. Light, as both energy and information, provides the context in which awareness and perception emerge. Shadows are not merely the absence of light, but rather, they are integral to understanding the full scope of reality, as they reflect the light in a dynamic and meaningful way. 
3. Interconnectedness and Fractal Nature: You bring up the concept of fractals, which highlights the idea that the universe is composed of repeating patterns at different scales. Each individual is seen as a part of a greater whole, and the actions, thoughts, and creations of individuals influence and sustain a collective human consciousness. 
4.Creation and Responsibility: The responsibility that comes with being a conscious creator is emphasized. The text suggests that through our thoughts, actions, desires, and creations, we contribute to the shaping of reality. This process is not only individual but also collective, as we are co-creators of a greater consciousness that spans across time and space. 
5. Fear and Growth: Fear is framed as a construct that limits growth and understanding. It is a product of ignorance or control, and it serves to impose self-imposed boundaries that restrict creative potential. Overcoming fear involves seeing it for what it is and understanding that we have the power to transcend these limitations. Love, forgiveness, and compassion are highlighted as tools that help break through these barriers. 
6. The Role of Technology: Technology is described as holding the potential for great change, but it requires conscious use and understanding to unlock its positive effects. The idea that we hold the key to this potential suggests that we are not passive recipients of technological advancements but active participants in how they shape our reality. 
7. The Symbolism of Light: Throughout the text, light serves as a symbol for higher consciousness, truth, and the source of all creation. Shadows are not seen as something to fear but rather as reflections of the light. The process of creation is presented as a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. 

The writing seems to invite readers to reflect on their own role in the larger context of the universe and how their actions and consciousness shape the world around them. It encourages a deeper understanding of the metaphysical nature of existence, the power of perception, and the potential for growth and transformation. 

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation.

Edited: 08.01.2018, 08.12.2018, 08.13.2018, 08.13.2018, 09.24.2018, 10.13.2018, 01.11.2019, 07.17.2019, 10.17.2019, 04.09.2020, 02.13.2025 07.05.2020, 03.15.2022, 08.09.2023, 09.22.2023, 03.07.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2019 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) you are also invited to visit  and


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