Wednesday, June 14, 2023

An Agency of Models


Conceptual impression surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

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agency: action or intervention, especially such as to produce a particular effect.

Design consciousness describes a particular type of human intelligence based upon certain generally understood evolutionary characteristics. In a nutshell, the concept of intelligence might be considered taking the form of opinion, facts, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. 

- Q&A - What Is Intelligence?   by Annika Weder  10.05.2020    Published in Fundamentals  October 2020

I am of the opinion that human intelligence is a collective enterprise of accumulative thoughts, feelings, events and experiences.  Fundamentally opinionated, and at times relevantly important, intelligence is a collective effort to expand consciousness by means of nurturing a growing awareness within the multidimensional realms of spacetime.

At first this process appears to be a linear one and at times it is. However full, such is not the case. Cognitive thoughts and feelings are fundamental to design and the design process and when merged encourage both conceptual and linear patterns (maps) towards "observing" the world, i.e. reality. 
Opinion is challenged/squared by knowledge. Fact is challenged/squared by understanding. Fact and opinion are challenged/squared by wisdom.

Not as mystifying as it may sound, we tend to interpret internal and external impressions from a subjective POV. We likewise tend to perceive the concept of intelligence from a similar perspective - which is that of an observer.
observer: spectator, onlooker, viewer, witness, eyewitness, blogger, reporter monitor.

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" .... Hofstadter explored the question of how through self-reference and formal rules, systems can acquire meaning despite being made of "meaningless" elements. And how the psychological self emerges from abstract feedback loops of self-referent symbolic representations, recursively reflecting upon itself in a reverberating circuit - a cybernetic loop."

New England Complex Systems Institute
" Generally, scientific theories do not describe the properties of the observer because the subject of inquiry, that which is being described, is the observed rather than the observer.
The field of complex systems is interested in relationships. The observer and system are in a relationship. Thus, we are interested in developing a more precise notion of an observer, and the basic act of observation or measurement. The observer will then be in our theories. This work also connects with the problem of understanding how people sense and describe what they sense, which is part of the problem of understanding brain and mind.
An observer is a system which, through interactions, retains a representation of another system (the observed system) within it."

To observe is to design. To design is to KNOW that you are the observer and not just believe it. Design and the design process attempts to guide, foster and harbor the concept of a design consciousness however, it is only as efficient as the observer is willing and/or capable of resonating to it.

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Examples of intelligence in quantum flux (A and B)
A = opinion overlapping feelings of knowledge and understanding, and where understanding becomes conflicted by opinion. Knowledge is somewhat conflicted with understanding. Knowledge agrees with opinion yet is challenged by facts and understanding and where facts seem to be in conflict with both knowledge and understanding.

B = There is little conflict amongst most feelings, yet opinion seems to annoy any feeling of understanding.

conflicted: disputed, dissention, friction, strife, antagonistic, contentious, tangled, clash.

Note: You might analyse how intelligently you responded to a certain situation or circumstance by determining how you felt at that time and place. Create a map of your own awareness in regards to facts, opinion, understanding and knowledge of the circumstances. Refer and determine how wise and appropriate were your feelings in response to the situation. Evaluate your own presence in reference to the decisions you made and determine what needs to be changed, if a similar situation presents itself in the future. 

Emotions can be similarly categorized in a more visceral manner and like intelligence, overlap and change rapidly in spacetime. Emotions harbor a more complex network of feelings especially in reference to its binary relationship to intelligence.

Intelligence describes a mental network. Intelligence along with its counterpart emotion, share common networks, impressions and frequencies by design, i.e. the implementation and exercise of observation creating systems of signs and symbols that directly and/or indirectly giving precedence, sustenance and identity to the concept of consciousness. 

thought: suggestion, proposal proposition, idea, plan, brainstorm. Thinking alone describes the design function. It is ingrained into the DNA of human consciousness. 

Design impressions are felt and difficult, if not impossible, to describe. Archetypal in quality, these impressions are subsequently felt, made distinguishable and by nature become multidimensional in character and expression. Basically, all that we perceive and observe are both mental and emotional in quality and expression

Design consciousness: always changing, symbolic in content and context, felt at times and on  occasion understood. 
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Feelings have a "feeling" all their own. Each feeling boasts of its own frame of consciousness, which is an awareness unknown by any other feeling. We become aware of these feelings by design, i.e. symbolically, metaphorically and analogically. Feelings surround you and give expression to your own concept of wisdom. It's no wonder why at times, one feels differently when experiencing an unfamiliar "state of observation".

There are signs (de-signs) surrounding and inviting you to prove upon this simple truth to yourself - you are the observer and creator of your own reality. 

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Nothing is definitive. Every quantum source (sense/agent of permanence) is surrounded by a fuzzy border, i.e. a membrane of energy in motion. Energy encircles this source by virtue of attraction which in turn, creates yet another sense and awareness of both an insideness and an outsideness. 

Some events and experiences appear to occur in an immeasurable (imaginative) moment considered at times to be timeless, ex. a dream state. Every event and experience surrounding these changing circumstances is responding to the context/environment currently being experienced. The result, a joining and separation of energy by means of attraction and repulsion (EIM).  Certain dimensional circumstances can appear chaotic (QFVPP) while similarly creating a degree of stratification in observation (ex. light). 

chaos = disorder, diarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, smadness, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, furor, frenzy, uproar, babel, a muddle, a mess, a shambles, anarchy, lawlessness. 

An Opinion
The concept of chaos is based upon the premise that certain actions and patterns don't fit the  attractions or patterns typical of an observer's particular perception (interpretation) of reality. The circumstances/situations etc. can therefore appear disorganized, unfitting and chaotic in nature. Not all patterns/pieces fit within the framework of every puzzle, but rather may fit perfectly within the parameters of another - known, unknown, dimensional or nondimensional. 

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Intelligence is a concept about which humanity categorizes its' perceptions, observations and interpretations of reality for purposes of organizing and the perpetuating its own form of collective consciousness (thinking and feeling). Consciousness grows by means of awareness.

Intelligence is unable to comprehend what it does not know. When you think you know you can easily become servant to an opinion or belief. In essence, how might you ever know differently?

Wisdom rests in its own slumbering state - rarely awakened.

Consciousness is multidimensional and measured by feeling. Consciousness is more than just one thing because it's been designed.

Attraction and repulsion (duality) has been created specifically for all levels of agency, i.e. consciousness, to observe thereby giving light and license to be made "aware" in its own manner and fashion.

Feeling is the result of consciousness making itself aware and apparent. One could easily describe it as being part of a "quantum experience".

Basically consciousness emerges as result of a binary construct that exists because it is clearly observable.

Observation gives precedence to a quantum field of virtual potential and probability, it is where energy can emerge and an identity prevail. 

Feeling is at the fulcrum of every design, creating the the pivotal point about which focus can be both attracted and repulsed, thereby putting energy into motion (EIM).

Observe what you are aware of in a manner of acceptance and knowledge, understand that you are experiencing a moment of reconfiguration, love and attachment.

Reality describes a sense observational permanence.

Observe and accept the realities you have chosen knowing that their contexts will change towards greater meaning and purpose

You know while feeling the presence of your own multidimensionality. 

Change in awareness originates within a multidimensional understanding of what the concept of an observer might be. An observer embraces a particular point of view designated, i.e. designed, to be as such.

Design describes a particular network of energy in motion that collectively represents something both larger and smaller in size and scope.
scope: range, breath, width, reach, purview, span, horizon,  field, realm, orbit, terms of reference, competence, opportunity, freedom, latitude, capacity liberty, toom possibility, chance.

An observer is a "sense" not a thing, a form of energy in motion that disguises its feelings in awareness, consciousness, sensitivity, design and love.

Edited: 05.09.2023, 05.14.2023, 06.24.2023, 07.02.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage prohibited. 

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