Friday, August 11, 2023

Design Metaphysics: Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions - An Exercise in Design Consciousness

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Source: Simultaneous Contrast

Feelings change in reference to the context in which they are observed. Space creates the framework, time categorizes the events while experience retains, maintains and changes them.

Together our thoughts and emotions create a quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP). Our feelings change while observing the context, content and quality of this quantum field. Our feelings change concurrently in reference to past memories. Our feelings, by virtue of experience, are  subconsciously collected, arranged and symbolically retained in the course of every observation.  

Feelings can be identified within one's experience by virtue of their value, and measured in reference to  their comparison with each other.  
value: worth, merit, usefulness, use, utility, service, practicality, benefit, desirability, advantage, good, help or assistance, helpfulness, effectiveness, principles, importance, significance, sense, moral principles, ethics, moral code, standards code of behavior, rules of conduct, standards of behavior.

Feelings are non-linear and are consequently "felt" as such when perceived or observed within a larger context of experience (thought and emotion). One never knows where a feeling might lead because some feelings are more richly felt than others.

Design and the design process will always describe, in a symbolic fashion, any notion that surrounds the concept of simultaneous contrast. 
notion: idea, belief, concept, conviction, opinion, view, thought, impression, image, perception, mental picture, assumption, presumption, hypothesis, theory, supposition, feeling, funny feeling, suspicion, sneaking suspicion, hunch, understanding, awareness, knowledge, clue, impulse, inclination, whim, desire, wish, fancy.

Contexts are instrumental in creating the background (situation) and embracing the differences (feelings) between certain thoughts and emotions. 

The only way Consciousness can be described is through feeling. 

Feelings tend to become entangled. Feelings are  influenced by a multitude of impressionable number of thoughts and emotions, i.e. vibrations, stemming from within the context being observed.  Entanglement has the appearance of making a feeling appear out of character due to the complexity surrounding the current experience.
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By Max Planck Society
"Despite the wide variation of emotion semantics, researchers found evidence of a universal structure constraining the emotion concepts that form colexification networks. Valence—the pleasantness or unpleasantness of an emotion—and activation—the physiological arousal associated with experiencing an emotion—are the strongest predictors of network membership. "The ability of valence and activation to predict structure in emotion semantics across language families suggests that these are common psycho-physiological dimensions shared by all humans," says senior author Kristen Lindquist."

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Focus upon a particular feeling will trigger a vibratory response into the experience, which in turn will register its own set of ramifications. Over time such an experience will be diluted and absorbed into an ocean of consciousness thereby creating a future context of and with greater understanding. 

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Thought feels like: an opinion, a fact, knowledge.
Emotion feels like: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust, joy -  Emotional Classification 
Feeling feels like: intuition, imagining, understanding, wisdom, love

Referential Source: Yale University Press

Feelings change in reference to the context in which they are observed.

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Contextual Feelings
"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect: we apprehend it just as much by feeling. Therefore, the judgement of the intellect is, as best, only half the truth, and must, if it be honest, also come to an understanding of its inadequacy."

Feelings shift in type, kind, character and nature. They also have various merit, usefulness, worth, significance, importance, practicality and sense about them. Feelings will vary in intensity and at times can no longer be tolerated.

Feelings seem to "shift away" from their source of reference in every situation and circumstance that confronts and caresses the interest of an observer. By nature, feelings seem to promote a kind of separation from their context (QFVPP), i.e. a virtue of reflection which gives a particular definition known only to the observer. The observer defines and by proxy defined by what is "felt", which is typically more than what is known.

Emotions, i.e. energy in motion/Light, plays a major role in awareness' relationship to Consciousness, without whose reflection nothing would be felt.

Feelings can be either tinted or tainted by virtue of observation.

Thought together with emotion evoke feeling. Feeling appears to emerge and rise up, out and above every proposed concept of reality. Feeling is part and parcel to every observation and therefore cannot be avoided less precisely duplicated - enter now another dimension of spacetime.
evoke: bring to mind, put one in mind of, call up, conjure up, summon, invoke, give rise to, bring forth. elicit, induce, kindle, stimulate, stire up, awaken, arouse, excite, raise, suggest, recall, echo, reproduce, encapsualte, capture, express.

Note: design thinking requires the use and application of a broad spectrum of languages that resonate together and thus create a QFVPP of greater magnitude, acceptance and adaptability. This is why signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy are so important in exercising a design consciousness.

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Author: Chiara Palmerini 

Summary: A new study explores how the human brain constructs emotions, regardless of sensory input. 

By analyzing brain activity in individuals with and without sensory deprivations while they experienced the film 101 Dalmatians, researchers discovered that emotions are represented in the brain through an abstract coding system that transcends sensory modalities. This system involves a distributed network, including the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which stores abstract representations of emotions. 

The findings challenge traditional views on emotion and perception, suggesting that our emotional experiences are not solely dictated by our immediate sensory input but are instead constructed by the brain in a more abstract manner. 

Key Facts: 
1. Abstract Emotion Coding: The study reveals that emotions are encoded in the brain abstractly, independent of sensory experiences. 
2. Cross-modal Emotional Representation: Individuals with congenital sensory deprivations, such as blindness or deafness, exhibit similar emotional brain responses to those with typical sensory development, highlighting a universal neural basis for emotions. 
3. Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Role: This brain area emerged as crucial for forming an abstract representation of emotions, indicating its significance in emotional processing beyond sensory input. 

“Of note, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex emerged as a key locus for storing an abstract representation of emotions, which does not depend on prior sensory experience or modality.” 

The existence of an abstract coding of emotions in the brain signifies that even though we are tempted to believe that our emotions directly depend on what happens in the surrounding world, it is our brain that is wired to generate emotional meaning regardless of whether we are able to see or hear. 

“In a world where sensory-deprived individuals are frequently overlooked, it is essential to understand how mental faculties and their corresponding neural representations can evolve and refine without sensory input, so to further advance the understanding of the emotion and the human brain,” says (Giada) Lettieri. 

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United, thought and emotion imaginatively combine to create, and bring to design, relative 'substance' to every QFVPP, and out of which new contrasts/patterns, i.e. situations, can emerge. Such contrasts are central to every observer/observation that focuses, interprets, communicates and materializes this unique relationship. This particular impression along with others, join together to participate in the creation of a more expansive yet inclusive, changing yet eternally balancing expression of a design consciousness. 

"It's important to understand that emotions are not the same as feelings. Emotions are responses the mind makes from a space of defining something as being either good or bad. Feelings operate in the realm of discernment. They help us intuitively recognize what is expanding us and what is contracting us inwardly. Intuitive feelings differ from from emotions, because they do not operate in the duality of labeling ideas or experiences as either good or bad. To feel is to expand, and to expand is to love ... visionaries knew that Love is what's helping every living being to progress and evolve. Love itself is neutrality."

Stemming from within a quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP) a variety of forms, i.e. units and patterns, of energy in motion become attracted to a common "electric"vibration, i.e. source, at the core/center of every observation. Based upon the circumstances, thoughts and emotions are "magnetically" attracted about this common vibration while simultaneously creating a more dynamic and impulsive impression, i.e. attraction, between them. A new energy source, described as a feeling or impression, emerges and made symbolically apparent. By the very nature of its context (QFVPP) feelings are perpetually being born and reborn, changed and altered in reference to every circumstance in which they are perceived, observed and interpreted.

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Feeling substantiate the presence of a conceptual field of energy in motion (QFVPP), the facilitator and source of consubstantiality and change. Design consciousness requires the presence of an observer. By implication, the concept of observation, rightly or wrongly, can only assume there is some "form" of presence, i.e. awareness, engaged in this dualistic event. However, such an awareness need not be aware/conscious of the situation, i.e. circumstance, in which this dualistic observation is made. Such an awareness can only be assumed when observed and more specifically, measured.

I am of the opinion that Consciousness is a measure of vibration, calibrated and categorized within the lens of human awareness, and experienced by virtue of the vibratory categories of mind, body, emotions and "spirit".

Feeling is an attempt to describe the quantum effects and affects experienced, by the virtue and means of observation. Feeling is a categorization in a human quest to describe a 'neutral and non-permanent vibratory state holding no position or status until observed.
Unlike the 'body' the vibratory categories of mind, emotion and spirit, cannot be easily measured but can be easily felt. In other words, the concept of feeling is stationed at the center of every observable experience, whether subjective or objective in context and/or content. 

Feeling is made apparent by virtue of a design that surrounds a vibratory field a conscious awareness. 

An observer takes on a consubstantial position patterned about a vibratory field of energy in motion (feeling).

For example, this very commentary is an example of the awareness of a quantum field in perpetual flux being monitored, observed, measured and therefore realized, i.e.experienced, within the vibratory spectrum of human mental, emotional, physical and spiritual conditions. The entire experience partakes in a construct designed and created in conjunction with consciousness. 

Feeling is central to human awareness and rests at the tipping point of all design consciousness.

In a sense all states of energy in motion (EIN) appear neutral in position until moved by an attraction where neutrality is lost by means of awareness/ observation. Feelings bring forth the realization that there are blueprints that need to be considered by virtue of following the signs and symbols, i.e. the designs, of Life  

Feelings are at the midrange of a vibratory awareness, setting the center of the span, scope and scale of consciousness.

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"All I know of thought is thinking, and all I know of thinking is knowing of it. All I know of feelings is feeling, and all I know of feeling is knowing of it."
Rupert Spira

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The Love Connection

"Love is an emotion that combines often two of the primary emotions. So love is an emotion but you have to figure out what its manifestation is. So love might make you feel trust."

"Love does not increase or decrease in response to its environment, and it does not change with the changing winds. Love is not an emotion: it doesn't behave the way emotions do."

Love is design in action. Design arises when needed and changes in reference to the circumstances being observed, which in turn changes the observer. Love is the categorization of an energy in motion at its most transcendent level. Love is more than a feeling, it is a metaphor for the essence of the Universe and a symbol of a Design we currently interpret and scientifically classify as being quantum in essence.

You already know that love is real so why spend so much time measuring it?

Design is constant and steadfast. The paradox: design changes yet remains unchanged. Design is a metaphor and symbol for a love that rests at the center of a Universe representing all levels and forms of consciousness. Consciousness creates the field, the observer is a designer that by virtue of observation, changes the field. Timelessness (a concept) becomes linear (an idea) and by virtue of time, creates the next frame of "spacetime" meant for further observation. In essence, the designer is its own source for the next step (timeline) in its own evolution (life).

Design symbolizes a bottomless ocean of Universal Consciousness. Design subconsciously rests at the threshold/perimeter of every awareness. Design is attributed to creating, establishing and maintaining the symbolic portals that surround every conscious agency participating in the creation, and revitalization, of an ocean made apparent for themselves and others to sense. These agencies  emerge as micro and macro patterns of energy withdrawn from within the symbolic depths of an ocean of Consciousness, designed to collectively replenish itself.
agency: action, effect, influence, force, power, work, means, medium, instrument, mechanism, mode

Design brings meaning and purpose to the concept of Consciousness. After the fashion of the chicken and the egg - Design like love, does not change in the process of bonding two agencies of change. Such a phenomenon remains invisible to the observer but not the chicken, nor the egg.
Many thanks to Ms. McLaren for insights made in reference to this brief.  

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Consciousness harbors space and time. Design reveals its meaning and purpose.

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Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role as an observer, participator and creator in a design of your own making. Be aware of the b-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.

"To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 08.09.2023, 08.11.2023, 08.15.2023, 08.18.2023, 08.20.2023, 09.01.2023, 11.27.2023, 12.09.2023, 01.05.2024, 02.05.2024, 03.09.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Plese note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.

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