Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Design Futures

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.


Source: Wikimedia Commons, Ralls Texas Grain Silos

"Quantum networks use uniquely quantum phenomena, like superpostion, no-cloning, and entanglement that are not available to classical networks. Before the photon is measured, it exists in a superposition of all its possible quantum states, each with a corresponding probability. Measurement selects one among these states. In fact, the photon's quantum state cannot be measured without causing disturbance that betrays the attempt. Nor can an arbitrary, unknown state be copied - no cloning allowed. A properly designed and operated quantum network derives inherent security from this behavior."
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The Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability (QFVPP)

Design Consciousness is an exercise in superpositional (quantum) thinking, whose network embraces and is dependent upon, the context in which an event or experience is observed. Time frames these events and experiences primarily in order to categorize them.

The concept of superpositioning embraces a vision, feeling or thought lying dormant in the imagination (mind and heart). Potential anticipates the "results" of these relationships as a series of symbolic impressions more heartfelt than known or understood. Impressions participate in the process of directing, i.e. designing, 'attraction into pattern', i.e. energy into form. 

The entire design process is symbolic in nature, allowing for tolerance, flexibility and adaptability to change. When such realization is properly taken into account, in all probability possibilities become endless.

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"In a world of change, the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned shall find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists."
Eric Hoffer

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Definition of Design Science
Design science rests upon the scientific method being interpreted in a symbolic manner while simultaneously remaining aware and receptive to all surrounding attractions, i.e. impressions, influences, present and past events, patterns, formations, networks, structures and experiences that may influence the event being observed in the current moment … or not. Design Science is highly intuitive. 

Design science describes a symbolic investigation into Reality that is both focused and broad in scope and application. Design Science: 
 1. Equally and symbolically weigh and assesses all systems of energy in motion from both a subjective and collective point of view, i.e. observation, especially in reference to potential and probable outcomes. 
 2. Symbolically accrues and evaluates all past situations and outcomes (experiences) in a categorical fashion, including symbolic references to earlier contexts and patterns, i.e. an algorithm logging the concept of change in order to improve predictability and appropriately respond to present and future change. 
3. Accrues and evaluates all synchronistic, synergistic and cohesive events and experiences. 
4. Observes, responds and interprets every event and experience in a symbolic fashion in order to exercise the design “process” in a balanced, appropriate and adaptable manner. 
5. Design science virtual in context and content. Observations are symbolic in character, gestation and interpretation and follow the scientific method. 
6. Information is shared by means of signs, symbols and by virtue of analogy and metaphor found to be both individually and collectively coherent. 
7. Design science recognizes and responds to a belief first by accruing self- knowledge, i.e. awareness, through Intelligence. 
8. Design science strives to be both meaningful and purposeful. 
9. Design Science’s quest is to discover and attain a balance of Consciousness by means of a symbolic Awareness and response to change. 
10. Design science is subjective, collective, responsive, creative and ambient in nature.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation,"

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By virtue of design, AI provides us the opportunity to learn what it means to be human.

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Edited: 09.19.2023, 11.13.2023, 11.16.2023

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited. 

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