Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
Philosophy is emblematic of how you perceive your world and reality. These perceptions embrace a certain awareness and impression felt as being both tangible and intangible.
perception: discernment, appreciation, recognition, realization, cognizance; awareness, consciousness, knowledge, acknowledgment, grasp, understanding, comprehension, interpretation, apprehension; impression, sense, sensation, feeling, observation, picture, notion, thought, belief, conception, idea, judgment, estimation, insight, perceptiveness, percipience, perspicacity, perspicuity, understanding, keenness, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, intelligence, intuition, cleverness, incisiveness, trenchancy, wit, astuteness, shrewdness, acuteness, acuity, subtlety, clarity, discrimination, discernment, sensitivity, penetration, thoughtfulness, profundity.
In reference to design consciousness, areas of major interest, investigation and observation are primarily scientific, artistic and philosophical in nature. These major systems of study create the primary venues used to exercise a certain POV by virtue of one's own feelings and impressions. Our perceptions help describe our philosophy of Life, which in turn bring relevance to our attractions.
Art, Science and Philosophy are archetypal in content and context, i.e. major and minor categories. Art brings light, science brings information and philosophy brings energy to human consciousness. Together they compose an exponential and ever-changing network of awareness made symbolically apparent through observation.
By means of awareness, categorical impressions become interwoven in spacetime (duality) and into positions (points, circumstance, situations) where potential meets probability - summation experience. Resistance increases and frequencies wane as patterns of light, energy and information symbolically emerge from within the shadows of awareness.

All forms of religion partake in the categorization of philosophy, where each form of faith or belief takes on its own position as a subcategory.
faith: trust, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, reliance, dependence; optimism, hopefulness, hope, expectation. religion , church, sect, denomination, persuasion, religious persuasion, religious belief, belief, code of belief, ideology, creed, teaching, dogma, doctrine.
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All forms of intelligence along with other contextually sensitive impressions, create the foundation for an always changing agent and agency.
agency: activity, effect, influence, force, power, work; vehicle, medium, instrument, mechanism, route, channel, mode, technique.
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permutation: arrangement, order, grouping disposition, organization, combination, variation, transformation, transposition,
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Astrology is the preeminent design language. Astronomy ascribes a purpose and astrology ascribes a meaning to a Design eternal.
eternal: everlasting , never-ending, endless, without end, perpetual, undying, immortal, deathless, indestructible, imperishable, immutable, abiding, permanent, enduring, infinite, boundless, timeless; rare sempiternal, perdurable. constant , continual, continuous, perpetual, persistent, sustained, unremitting, relentless, unrelenting, unrelieved, uninterrupted, unbroken, unabating, interminable, never-ending, nonstop, round-the-clock, always on, incessant, endless, ceaseless.
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Design is at the heart of all Creation.
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To know is your own creation."
Edited: 11.28.2023, 12.29.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.
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