Friday, November 16, 2018

Soul Network

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Soul-ar networking is an exercise in design thinking. Consciousness is singular, contrasting and holistic in character and quality. Design facilitates the capacity and ability for consciousness to witness and experience its' every event.

Consciousness marches to its own drummer.

Consciousness can be characterized as being both a field (wave) and a sphere (particle). One appears measured and predictable, the other in perpetual motion and erratic. Both embrace and embellish themselves as testaments to a relentless and always changing form of awareness. 

Configuration and reconfiguration surround a common focus. Patterns of energy in motion (EIM) forever in transition and transformation, each expressing a unique attraction towards their common core, i.e. source. 

Every iteration of this Intelligence is itself a revelation. By virtue of design every agent contributes to its own creation and emergence by means of a commonly shared vibration. Each iteration an integral part and expression of lesser and greater blueprints. Each "form" a uniquely symbolic pattern of resonance and focus - an affirmation and homage to an unknown energy in perpetual motion.

These patterns are made apparent by means of Design, i.e. symbolic projection and aspiration.  Design aspires towards its own spiritual yearning (the unknown) by means of attainable goals and objectives (the known).  
aspiration: desire, hope, longing, yearning, hankering, urging, wishing, aim, ambition, expectation, inclination, objective, goal, target, dream, end, object

Aspiration yields to spirit.

Aspiration is felt; a unifying force and reflection of a commonly shared Intelligence in search of wisdom through creative manifestation.  
aspiration:  1 ( usu. aspirations ) a hope or ambition of achieving something : he had nothing tangible to back up his literary aspirations | the yawning gulf between aspiration and reality. the object of such an ambition; a goal : fabrics and oriental rugs were my aspirations. 2 the action of pronouncing a sound with an exhalation of breath. 
manifestation: display, demonstration, showing, show, exhibition, presentation, indication, illustration, exemplification, exposition, disclosure, declaration, expression, profession, sign, indication, evidence, proof, token, symptom, testimony, substantiation, mark, symbol, reflection, example, instance.

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Akashic resources are the product of a multiple series of lifetimes both subjectively and collectively experienced.

Some experiences/life-times are more enlightening than others.

Some experiences/life-times/energy-in-motion overlap, weave and become integrated linking together common sets or patterns of frequencies that jointly merge to create/generate a greater awareness/field/consciousness. 

The entire "system" is impelled to expand one's consciousness, i.e. field, within a mem-brain-like domain. Change creates the context in which all fields of energy, light and information emerge. Change (energy in motion, e-motion) is an integral participant in every context. Change is a constant  experience made apparent within and beyond, the parametric constraints of every field, dimension and network.

The membrane that surrounds every soul-ar network experiences endless change and fluctuation. Such a "membrane" changes its features due to internal and external forces of systemic and sub-systemic origin . Internal choices and creations are made and/or rejected in reference to these influences and for all intents and purposes, observed as "form of energy" made apparent within the parametric constraints of spacetime.

Every "symbolic agent" (ex. fermion) reaching beyond and/or entering into, a context of a greater or lesser vibration, is considered conscious by virtue of its participation in a dynamic relationship (design). Forms of energy, light and information are made apparent by means of the virtual dynamic created between the forces of resistance/acceptance, expansion/contraction and/or tension and compression. You might describe this phenomenon in the framework of the quantum relationship created between an event/experience and the observer of that same event/experience
Some may label this POV (perspective) as that of the soul and the source of awareness. I propose that an awareness of one's own  soular position within the context of Life brings enlightenment to the realization of all that is conscious.

a person who acts on behalf of another, in particular
• a person who manages business, financial, or contractual matters for an actor, performer, or writer.
• a person or company that provides a particular service, typically one that involves organizing transactions between two other parties : a travel agent | shipping agents | a real-estate agent.
• a person who obtains information for a government or other official body, typically in secret : a trained intelligence agent | KGB agents | an FBI agent.
a person or thing that takes an active role or produces a specified effect : agents of change | bleaching agents.
• Grammar the doer of an action, typically expressed as the subject of an active verb or in a by phrase with a passive verb.
ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [someone or something that produces an effect] ): from Latin agent- ‘doing,’ from agere.

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Consciousness is porous and penetrable. Human consciousness creates a network of energy, light and information that surrounds the planet. This quantum network can at times, appear as a strata of foam like "bubbles" incorporated into a sense of Gaia consciousness.* 

This system of agents facilitate the dynamic transfer, transition and transformation of energy, light and information between agents; aka particle and wave, tangible and intangible, spirit and matter, meaning and purpose. In essence, the density (ratio between the context and the observer) creates a unique 'vibratory state', or level of awareness within the design consciousness of the every "observer".
* plants, animals and humans calibrate and define this Earthly level of consciousness into a diversity of qualities, forms and impressions.

The "bubbling froth" at the perimeter of every field acts as a veil, a misty haze of turbulence and confusion, penetrable only through observing the signs, signals and designs that are constantly changing within a virtual field of illusion. Time no longer is a variable or a dimension, but is simply designed to absorb a dimensionless experience into a timeless moment of virtual awareness, maintained for experience and expression. Time becomes a non-factor when observed and or experienced in these quantum states of awareness.

gesture  1 a gesture of surrender: signal, sign, motion, indication, gesticulation; show.  2 a symbolic gesture: action, act, deed, move.
verb - he gestured to her: signal, motion, gesticulate, wave, indicate, give a sign.

This quantum network is both corporeal and incorporeal, etheric and substantial, form and formless in reference to patterns, constraints and parameters one might choose to adhere, create and/or conform. It is a subconscious network where creativity emerges from the deepest of levels in coordination and cooperation with other designers. 

It is a divine quality that introduces the concept of wholeness, oneness and singularity by means of absorption and infiltration into the framework of human consciousness. Love is a design tool fashioned to invite and perpetuate the concept of meaning and purpose between humanity and spaceship earth.

It is within the layer/field of the subconscious that human awareness overlaps/interfaces with planetary and celestial re-sources. Design in the figurative form of symbol and metaphor is the language of every quantum network. Note: a "re-source" might best be envisioned as one of a series of capacitors of energy that together create a matrix/network/field. Such a field invites the ex-change of energy, ex. boson/fermion exchange. Each field is qualified by means of its ability to both retain and exchange energy by virtue of the vibratory patterns that both form and sustain it. 
capacitor: a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator. 

One function in exercising the concept of design is to purposely and meaningfully draw, i.e. ground, the concept of divinity into an Earthly system/grid a by means of your own creative gestures.

Energy sharing has a resonant affect created/established between agents/capacitors that have naturally configured/congealed in order to sustain a similar frequency/design about a common intention/focus.
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Design is the instrument that brings human intelligence to wisdom's doorstep. By means of design the mind can find focus through the veil of substance and the metaphysical impressions that quicken the intellect towards greater knowledge and understanding.

The hermetic principle of “as above so below” has been abandoned as not being scientific, yet remains fundamental to the expansion of intelligence. This truism is demonstrated holographically and by means of fractal iteration. Each part is a replicant of the whole. This simple metaphysical principle is more than symbolic, but also highly significant when recognizing the multitude of relationships that still lie dormant within human consciousness. 

Esotericism doesn’t deny physics, but maintains that all forms of energy are secondary to their transcendental causes. There exists a "state of awareness" beyond measurement only to be comprehended by means of stilling the turbulence that harbors the concept of quantum consciousness. 

In three dimensional space/time every quality of the Universe is reflected in its most appropriate form while being simultaneously embellished within its own relative truth.

In reference to humanity, a virtual field remains inactive until enticed by means of a resonant attraction. This "feeling" is centered about a magnetic enticement, a positive captivation within source, a coherent resonance made apparent by means of self observation.

The concept of there being a "feeling" is both mental and emotional in context (energy in motion). Feelings are composed of both electric and magnetic impressions perceived within the context of a virtual field of potential. Observed and labeled within the constraints of 3D space/time, both electric and magnetic forces might best be described as identifiers of the same virtual coin. Events observed at "quantum levels" are  restricted within the parameters of 3D space/time and therefore are interpreted/illuminated as such. Every observation, including the impressions that surround them, create the qualities given expression within every "field". And it upon this premise that other comparable identifiers are both generated and absorbed. Observations made outside the parameters of this dimensional position/focus will portend an impression of unity and wholeness. Change is the symbolic product of a dimensional impression stemming from the POV of an observer. Design's purpose is to maintain the thrust behind this attraction, which in turn brings meaning and purpose to every concept/field we might label self conscious. This relationship harbors a paradox ... striving for unity by means of identifying the observer within. Design makes consciousness relevant.

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In design what does it mean that there is no beginning or end?
The concept of there being a “beginning” and an “end” describes the attributes of a single cycle, an evolutionary phase of expression made apparent within certain contextual/vibratory constraints. Movement of the arcane infers direction when any perturbation appears to interface with its own periodical (observable) expression. The summation of these forces takes on the form of a vortex/spiral. Movement is both passive and active as it obediently perpetuates its own identifiable vibration/frequency about an eternal and immutable impression. Each cycle symbolizes a particular impression striving towards an untenable objective, goal or designation.

The arcane, which is not subject to our perceptions, appears to be ceaseless, eternal and in perpetual motion/movement. That which takes “form” is cyclical in nature as it takes on the shape of a vortex. Form lives and dies, emerges and disappears and is both finite and periodical. Design is sympathetic to the Arcane by bringing its own awareness of consciousness to fruition.

Where do our ideas come from? How are they generated?
Our designs, our ideas, our concepts derive from an assortment of harmonious associations to which we resonate, i.e. qualities to which we vibrate at frequencies unknown. We naturally respond to vibratory perturbations and impressions that vibrate coherently to the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual contexts/fields in which we are centered and respond. We seek balance and harmony in a such a fashion. The effects and affects surrounding this transition of energy in motion, is fundamental to our perception, observation, understanding and response to change. It is within this same ever- changing turbulence that concepts and ideas are seeded and grown.

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Design Transformations

As steam becomes water
and water ice,
so are the impulses of a sentient life,
images reflecting upon intimate re-present-ations created within the chamber of the imagination.
A concept
an idea discovered and mined
within the parameters
of three dimensional space and linear time.

After gestation will it be born?
After gestation will it be heard, seen, smelled, tasted or touched?
After gestation will it ever be believed known lest understood?
After gestation will its wisdom ever be felt?
Patterns of energy in their most appropriate form,
causal causes remain cloaked abstractions
centered beyond reason or comprehension.

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The Serpent in Space

Due to the absence of Light
darkness remains unknown, unexposed
and mysterious.
Light forms and transforms
reflects and inspires
harbors and emanates
Truth, Beauty and Goodness
while serendipitously casting impermanence and transient shadows upon the darkness.

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It’s no longer about what you believe rather it’s more about what your being led to believe. Always look within.
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"There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you ... And there are others who will understand - without you even speaking a word."
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"It riles them to believe that your perceive the web they weave, so keep on thinking free."
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Edited: 11.19.2018, 12.03.2018, 12.10.2018, 12.27.2018, 02.22.2019, 07.17.2019, 08.27.2019, 09.16.2019, 10.28.2019, 01.30.2020, 04.28.2020, 05.14.2020, 07.25.2020, 08.09.2020, 11.01.2021, 03.15.2022, 12.03.2022, 03.17.2023, 06.08.2023, 06.12.2023, 08.09.2023, 11.02.2023, 11.14.2023, 12.09.2023, 01.06.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2018 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage prohibited. You are also invited to visit and


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