Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Consubstantial Emergence

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

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What is the quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP)?

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is a virtual field of energy, light and information made conscious, aware and apparent by means of symbolic representation (design). The QFVPP is characterized in the relative "form" of a particle, wave and/or force, i.e. impression.

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP) is a morphic field of absolute energetic potential. 

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By definition key Design qualities are highlighted in red, key principles in (GREEN).

morphogenic: relating to the origin and development of morphological characteristics.

morphological: relating to the form or structure of things (DESIGN) • relating to the branch of biology that deals with the form of living organisms, and with relationships between their structures relating to the forms of words, in particular inflected forms (SYMBOLS).

Congenital: having a particular trait (PATTERN) from birth or by firmly established habit (ARCHETYPE)

Inflect: 1 Grammar change (CHANGE) the form of (a word) to express a particular grammatical function (PURPOSE) or attribute typically tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender (of a word or a language (LANGUAGE) containing such words) undergo inflection (IMPRESSION) 2 vary the intonation or pitch (VIBRATION) of (the voice), especially to express mood or feeling (FEELING) : • vary the pitch of (a musical note). • influence (RESONANCE and MEANING) or color (music or writing) in tone or style (FREQUENCY): 3 technical bend or deflect (something), especially inward (AWARENESS): particles readily inflect, deflect and jostle one another. (ENERGY IN MOTION)

The QFVPP describes a virtual "field" of energy in motion (EIM) which by definition, is not completely definable and absent of boundary.

Design's beginning is a consubstantial event. The objective becomes the goal and the goal its objective. Design design's itself.

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- What are Morphogenetic Fields? - Quantum University

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Toroidal sources are dualistic in character drawing energy, light and information from the very context from which they consubstantially emerged (QFVPP).

Toroidal sources are boundless in reference to their potential and probability. A toroid creates the re-sources from which all sources are created (QFVPP).

Changing velocities of energy in motion focused about a central moving core creates a vortex, i.e. a moving and changing series of orbital fluctuations that harbor and define its own semi-permanence; an objective range of influence set within contextual parameters.

The vortex is a nodal wave form of energy in motion and where charges within and surrounding its influence (modus operandi) are forever changing in reference to it agency, which in turn alters its status, i.e. form of entanglement. 

Conscious awareness is compartmentalized in all things felt. Awareness is a derivative of Consciousness - one might call it a spin-off.

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is in constant flux by virtue of interferences (micro and macro) surrounding every definition of particle and wave. 

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Tunneling describes a form of focus, attentiveness, concentration, centering, clustering, assembly, aggregation, accumulation and acceleration of EIM made apparent by virtue of the context in which an event or phenomenon is experienced, i.e. observed. Tunneling is instrumental in acquiring a design consciousness. 

To tunnel is to portal, to create a gate, a doorway, or other symbolic entrance providing an individual to link and/or access other phenomena and experiences. Every tunneling effort requires the creation and execution of a language designed to reveal its content by means of its context vise versa.

Design consciousness creates Cosmic order through change.

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is in constant flux by virtue of interferences (micro and macro) surrounding every definition of particle and wave. 
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Ripples in fabric of universe may reveal start of time    By Raphael Rosen   Princeton Physics Laboratory
Gravitational waves, first predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916 as a consequence of his theory of relativity, are disturbances in space-time caused by the movement of very dense objects. They travel at the speed of light and were first detected in 2015 by the Laser Interfermometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) through detectors in Washington State and Louisiana.

Garg and Dodin created formulas that could theoretically lead gravitational waves to reveal hidden properties about celestial bodis, like stars that are many light years away. As the waves flow through matter, they create light whose characteristics depend on the matter's density."

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Design methods are based upon the interpretation, understanding, application and execution of commonly held impressions surrounding the cohesiveness intrinsic to the use of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy. Design methods have a meaning and a purpose.

Emergent phenomena occ
urs when complex systems take on characteristics that are different from those of its constituent parts.
Ref: What is Complexity?     by Nate Barksdale

The context creates the backdrop, design creates the patterns, agents create the network.

Agents share a common coherent resonance with agents to which they are entangled.

The more sources of energy, i.e agents, the more chaotic, diversified and unstable a universe may appear. Cosmic entanglements, i.e. galaxies, planets, solar systems, humanity and all organisms, are by nature, (+) entangled. Diversification (-) is perceived, commonality observed.

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Evrim Yazgin   Jan. 31, 2023
"This makes it possible to create a whole network of entangled quantum light sources, all of which interact with one another, and which you can get to perform quantum bit operations in the same way as bits in a regular computer, only much more powerfully."

Adam Santoro*,1, Andrew Lampinen*,1, Kory W. Mathewson1 , Timothy Lillicrap1 and David Raposo1 *Equal contributions, 1DeepMind 
“Because symbols are inherently subjective constructs, their use and meaning is entangled with the state of their interpreters. As an interpreter’s background, capabilities, and biases vary, so too will their subjective treatment of symbols."
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Systems of change energy (CE) expand and contract within the parametric constraints of their own region, i.e. context.

New systems of energy in motion (EIM) emerge as result of contrasts within. Creation is a consubstantial event.

What cannot be imagined can still be designed. Design is metaphysical and transcends the unimaginable. Like consciousness, this dichotomy seems to be more than complex.

Entangled agents create fields around them yet are also pervious to coherent impressions to which they resonate.

What is the science of complexity?   by Nate Barksdale 

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"But biological systems, even those of very basic life forms, contain deeply convoluted networks of connections, pathways through which causes and effect are dispersed. And since everything is connected, it is often quite hard to discern which of the network's nodes and links are essential for achieving a given outcome. Nevertheless, these systems have evolved to exhibit remarkable stability."
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"Universe is energy and thought all knotted together by incredibly complicated webs of relationships. It is ultimately impossible to separate the physical and metaphysical: both are "experience". The scientific principles that govern the interaction of energy events - as timeless statements of truth - are themselves metaphysical. The line therefore becomes ever more difficult to draw. This is why Fuller's definition depends upon consciousness. Our awareness of energy events defines their existence; we cannot go beyond the limits set by our understanding."

Design Science Collection Series, Editor Arthur L. Loeb, Department of Visual and Environmental Studies Harvard University, Amy C. Edmondson. In preparation Marjorie Senechal and George Fleck (Eds.) Arthur L. Loeb, A Fuller Explanation: The Synergetic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller, 1987.

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Change is a constant, balance and harmony an eternal objective.

Unity is a "matter" of frequency and/or vibration.

What is believed is symbolic in character can be felt to be somewhat obscure and chaotic. In design, what is made known by virtue of its obscurity also brings meaning and purpose to believing what is felt.  

Design consciousness embraces a broad range of interpretation and action made in reference to commonly shared interests, impressions and experiences.

The QFVPP is omnidirectional.

Energy changes in reference to the context in which it is observed. Energy can be either dark or light dependent upon the relationship between the observer, the context and the circumstances. Energy in and of itself is neutral. Energy changes when observed in reference to its vibrational context.

Energy is timeless, a revelation made apparent in time by virtue of duality. Time like space, i.e. 3D spacetime, creates the context where eventful correspondences can be  made manifest and experienced. 
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Light is. Light unveils itself in all shapes, forms and frequencies. All expressions are conscious by design. Light is a gradient expression of itself. When observed Light can be felt basking in its own Presence.  

by Paul Sutter  Universe Today   April 10, 2023
"And they may have even created standing wave patterns where the gravitational waves weren't traveling but the waves stood still, almost frozen in place throughout the cosmos. Since gravitational wave are literally waves of gravity, the places where the waves are the strongest represent a exceptional amount of gravitational energy.

The researchers found that this could have major consequences for the electromagnetic field existing the the early universe at that time. The regions of intense gravity may have exited the electromagnetic field enough to release some of its energy in the form of radiation, creating light"

Five types of waveforms source Researchgate.net

context   noun   the circumstances that form the setting for an event, or idea, and in terms of which it can be carefully understood and assessed.

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The design metaphysical concept of "consubstantiation" has no reference to the theological definition of "consubstantiality". The literary critic Kenneth Burke best describes the usage of the word consubstantiality as "a practice-related concept based on stylistic identifications and symbolic structures ..."  To be consubstantial with something is to be identified with it, to be associated with it: yet at the same time, to be different from what it is identified with. It can be seen as an extension or in relation to the subject."

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Design Postulate
Central to every galaxy is a "source" made apparent as result of a network of interwoven and interlacing agents of change energy (CE). From the perspective of 3D spacetime, these agents are found manifest in the form of energy, light and information. All systems of change energy (CE) support an array of multidimensional vibrations each uniquely patterned within the parameters of their own context. It is here where the interface between micro and macro impressions of EIM give credence to what has been described as light and dark energy/matter. Together they create the border, i.e. the parameters, that give relevance to both the parts and the whole. 

Millions of Super-computer-Generated "Universes" Reveal How Black Holes Grow     by University of Arizona    December 21, 2022
"Now, we've been able to show that black holes do the same: growing and shutting off at the same times as their host galaxies. This confirms a decades-old hypothesis about black hole growth in galaxies".

However, the result poses more questions, he added. Black holes are much smaller that the galaxies in which the live.

For the black hole to double in mass within the same timeframe as the larger galaxy requires synchronization between gas flows at vastly different scales. How black holes conspire with galaxies to achieve this balance is yet to be understood."

"Most, if not all, galaxies scattered throughout the cosmos are thought to harbor a supermassive black hole at their center. These black holes pack masses greater than 100,000 times that of the sun, with some boasting millions, even billions of solar masses. One of astrophysics' most vexing questions has been how the behemoths grow as fast they do, and how they form in the first place."

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Every interpretation of complexity depends upon a context in which an event or experience can be observed. Change, i.e. energy in motion, is forever ... therefore what is of true significance is more suitably described as being the relationship, i.e. connection,  association, link, correlation, correspondence, parallel, alliance, bond, iteration, interconnection between entangled agents. 

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Such relationships are best understood symbolically, which in turn create new contextual fields prime for expansion, interpretation and further observation. Circumstances and identities are not compromised, rather they become integrated through knowledge and understanding.

Note: Here is where belief can become harmful, creating open ended cycles of promise with no return. Promises brim with potential, yet are highly improbable - and due to complexity, a paradox in its own right.

All forms of communication are symbolic and multidimensional in nature. The more complex the situation the more demand upon its design, i.e. meaning and purpose. 

There can be no compromise when a design process knowingly operates within constraints.
Ref: Charles Eames

Corresponding agents are symbolic in character and nature. Each seek balance by means of entanglement. In the process they join to create a singularity in reference to themselves, a position made apparent within the contextual fabric of a QFVPP, aka spacetime.
This is a symbolic process. Creations are reflected upon where similar characteristics are observed. Truths are both hidden and revealed by means of design. Design can lead to greater entanglement, chaos and complexity if constraints aren't meaningfully and purposely exercised.
For all intents and purposes complexity remains relatively inexplicable due to its dependency upon the characteristics and qualifications of the observe.

The sign becomes the symbol, fulcrum, focal point, crux, keystone, pivot point, heart, nucleus, linchpin and hinge upon which the wave of consciousness oscillates.

All events and experiences are eventually absorbed into the contextual background of their origin, i.e. source (QFVPP), and recycled by means of consubstantiation.

In response to a background of apparent chaos and confusion, all forms of energy, light and information change in spacetime, sporadically emerging into and out of a conceptual and fleeting form of oneness, i.e. singularity.

The "Big Bang" measures but a moment in the cycle of a consubstantial event described as the universe.

The design process becomes simplified by means of reversing all symbolic references between the present and the past in relation to the future and creating new ones. Consciousness will always ride the wave between the known and the unknown. 

Chaos becomes "designed" when operating within the parametric constraints of meaning and purpose.

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"Sulfur gas inside the ball was heated up to a temperature of 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit (that's 2,760 degrees Celsius) to produce sound waves that acted like an extremely strong gravitational pull, generating currents in the hot weakly ionized gas (or plasma).
The end result was plasma convection, where gas cools as it nears the surface of a body such as a planet, before dropping back towards the core, where it reheat and rises again. The flowing gas generates its own magnetic field, which in stars would form the foundation of various forms of space weather."

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Design Hypothesis:

Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic, metaphoric and virtual in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a rang of multidimensional patterns of energy in motion whose origin rest beyond the subconscious.

Awareness brings forward a "sense of consciousness" by fostering correspondences and fusing the concept of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in re-presentation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (07.09.2023)

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown. the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023)

In design both meaning and purpose infuse each other. Within every meaning a purpose and every purpose a meaning.

Edited: 01.25.2023, 01.26.2023, 01.30.2023, 02.08.2023, 02.11.2023, 02.14.2023, 02.26.2023, 03.18.2023, 04.17.2023, 04.22.2023, 04.29.2023, 05.07.2023, 05.11.2023, 06.19.2023, 07.31.2023, 08.06.2023, 08.11.2023, 08.18.2023. 09.22.2023, 10.28.2023, 11.02.2023, 12.05.2023, 01.10.2024, 01.31.2024, 02.05.2024, 03.17.2024

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author and URL is included as the source and shared on a non-commercial basis. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage prohibited. 

Design's Emergence


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