Saturday, January 11, 2020

Designing The Fulcrum

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

Meaning is perceived.
Purpose is observed.
Design affords the fulcrum
as consciousness is weighed within the boundaries of every situation.
Attain balance by purposely perceiving
from within the center of the soul's horizon.

Consciousness represents the properties of a lever by amplifying an input in order to provide a greater output.

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A fulcrum creates a point of balance, a point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots. A thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity, or situation.

In reference to the relationship between design and consciousness, design creates a point of balance and stability, a point on which consciousness rests, is supported and pivots. Design plays a central and essential role in every activity, circumstance and form of awareness.

Design Consciousness is composed of a meaning and a purpose - upon observation.

The observer creates a point of wholeness about which all dimensions might be made manifest. 

Observational Spacetime 2D

Design Spiraling

At first energy in motion (EIM) attracted or repelled within a virtual field, or pattern, of energy, light or information made apparent within a QFVPP. By means of coherent resonance, certain dynamics and correspondences are created within this realm of turbulence and change. 

Events, patterns and experiences emerge from within the consciousness of an observer positioned in a reality of its own creation. The design process follows a particularly unique path into the QFVPP unlike any other. Every observer creates, absorbs and exercises a unique language of symbols forever generated and regenerated from within by means of experience. 

Observation "points" congruent with a design network

Every observation creates a point of awareness for future reference, absorption and response. Consciousness expands and contracts in response to these contextual experiences, which themselves are dynamic exchanges between the seen and the unseen. 

Observational Spacetime 3D

Design is a play (act) within the fabric of the Universe, driven by the imagination and guided by the intuition.

Harmony and balance can be discovered, embraced and experienced by virtue of the power of a Design made conscious.

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Edited: 07.20.2023, 12.09.2023
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