Sunday, February 6, 2022

Design Consciousness – Found in Translation


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

I believe the field of design metaphysics is subconsciously and unknowingly revealed in many of the investigative efforts that create and give rise to the scientific paradigm. I believe certain design "attributes" are symbolically veiled in every form of perception and observation. In reference to pursuing this supposition I have pointed out and commented upon, certain situations, events, experiences and revelations resulting from these investigations. In turn, I hope to uncover the intimate relationship between the scientific method and the field of design metaphysics. 

Design is the symbolic and metaphoric language that harbors the transition and transformation of energy, light and information. 

"How can one get the experience of red out of a function? The experience of red is not simply a quantity, such as the number 1 or 665 nanometers. 'Red" wavelengths of light are 665 nm. No, red is a quality."

Yet, if science is based on data, our experiences are the data of science, and as we have just seen the qualitative features of experiences (such as the experiences of what red looks like) cannot be expressed in term of functions, then as a matter of science we should conclude that functionalism is false: our experiential data shows that conscious experience is not merely a function. It is something more.

Our brains somehow put together (or 'combine') these qualities in a coherent way through analog processing, much as a painter has to put colors together on a canvas.

"Conscious experience is fundamentally analog - digital beings are not."

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Design embraces the unspoken word.

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Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic and metaphoric in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy whose origin rests beyond the subconscious. 

Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in representation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (07.09.2023) 

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023) 

What is a designer? 
Designers are men and women who are faithful to themselves and others, who creatively abide and amalgamate their skills and knowledge with love and integrity - the goal: personal, collective, global and soular balance and harmony. (01.13.2022) 

Edited: 02.06.2022, 02.12.2022, 04.19.2022, 01.06.2023, 03.06.2023, 04.28.2023, 09.12.2023
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