Thursday, January 5, 2023

Design Metaphysics: Prototypical Forms of Balance

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Design requires going deep within, ponder upon circumstances and re-calibrate all things once thought appropriate. Change is a constant and often may appear similar. Exactitude in the form of "pure balance" is for the most part, a target more than a realization. 

Pure balance has conceptual roots and remains intrinsic in understanding the relationship between design and consciousness. Duality creates the common framework between them functioning within the parameters of 3d spacetime. Dualism permeates the universe, is integral to the process of evolution and is fundamental to experiencing the concept a designed consciousness.

The act of focusing describes a particularly unique form of awareness by virtue of experience. To focus implies that here is a purposeful effort, an intensity and an intention. Every circumstance is an exercise in multidimensional thinking. The ability to focus assists in defining, clarifying and illuminating the context along with its many changing circumstances. 

Depth of focus exercised by an observer is key to the process of design thinking, a process where every experience is linked symbolically to every other. Design is fluid, flexible and a description of change. A designed consciousness adapts to every eventful and experiential circumstance in spacetime. A designed consciousness attempts to observe, absorb, retain, respond and clarify every symbolic impression, i.e. feeling, resonating in every experiential moment. Such high levels of symbolic coherence offers a significant spectrum of Light to every form of awareness. 

Every observation is generated by a designer making reference to a symbolic repertoire of past experiences that maintain the potential for perpetual enlightenment and free from the shadows of future choices. An observer responds from within to the constraints of their own designed framework (reality) by means of a language that reflects upon their own reality.

Multidimensionality implies complexity, layers of energy arranged to describe an array of dissimilar frequencies and configurations; fields of energy in endless flux and harboring vectors of varying intensity and direction.

Translation and interpretation trigger both inductive and deductive forms of reasoning. Abductive reasoning in the form of intuitive impressions and imaginative responses are explored and expressed by our "feelings". 

Design affords both a linear and conceptual interpretation of what it means to be conscious.

Based upon the context in which an event is being observed, linear thought describes sequential thinking. Contexts are flexible by nature, observations and observers not so much. Every observation carries with it a symbolic framework (belief system/s) that tint every situation and circumstance. Observer's are influenced by all forms of change/energy (CE) to which they are attracted, resonate and give symbolic precedence to their own system of beliefs, i.e. reality. 

A certain degree of flexibility and adaptability is essential in every situation if balance and/or harmony is to be revealed and/or experienced. 

Thinking, feeling and acting is a reflection upon human programming and conditioning - changing algorithms by incessantly collecting, responding and reconfiguring within a multidimensional context.

Observers create their own reality from within the symbolic depths of their own conceptual  framework/belief system. Singularity describes a central core of energy in a process of attraction by means of coherent resonance. One might also describe this resonant attraction as a force. 

As white light fluctuates between wave and particle it can be similarly observed and described as the accumulative effect/affect of a combination of colors. The spectrum of white light is made an attractor by virtue of a spectrum of coherent resonances made apparent by the colors that together create and give relative form to its presence. 

Colors also fluctuate in reference to the context in which they are being observed.  Light is always changing in frequency and vibration. Light is made comprehensible by means of reflecting upon its own broad range of representation.

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Quantum consciousness makes its greatest impression when observed within the context both a Delta (0.1 to 3.5 Hz) and/or Theta (4.8-8 Hz) frame of resonance. Quantum consciousness is multidimensional in character meaning its network permeates all forms of human awareness.

Quantum levels of consciousness fluctuate as result of contextual change. Reality emerges from within periods of expansion and contraction (change).
Reality is an observation of energy transiting from one state to another (EIM).  Reality is in perpetual motion creating the link between states of permanence and impermanence. As one state appears another is soon to follow "in time". 

The smaller the framework the more rapid, clear, concise and detailed the symbolic transformation, the larger time's framework the more flexible, adaptive and benevolence allocated to the observer. Larger time frames allow for flexibility and expansion, i.e. learning through a series of symbolic experiences originating from within the consciousness of the observer. Note the importance of time in this transition/transformation. Time creates the framework where consciousness can be duly substantiated and experienced within the parametric constraints of an observer.

Emerging from within this field of perpetual transition/change a “reality” is created, construed, interpreted and made manifest, apparent and substantiated and by means of design (coherent resonance). 

Permanence is a matter of focus and choice. Permanence is a matter of intent. An observer can control time, permanence therefore becomes the choice of the observer.

The act of creativity breathes light into the darkness. 

Attempt to identify with the sadness of a lost soul. It is a challenge to understand this multidimensional sense of darkness, a form of confusion and disdain with little awareness, impulse or desire to seek balance from within. The search for Truth, Beauty and Goodness has been ignored or kept hidden in favor of an endless hunt for self-adulation. 

Design has many facets. Signs, symbols, metaphor, analogy, etc. are the tools used to purposely direct light/energy to converge, reflect and refract all forms of energy in motion. Every convergence requires numerous correspondences that together generate intricate patterns, internal references and fractal configurations.

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Design polishes every gemstone from within.

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Searching for balance creates its own subjective nomenclature of symbols resulting in the creation of an "language" esoterically fashioned about the choices, impulses, tendencies and attractions of an observer. This personally symbolic language is specific to each of us. meaningfully and purposely designed to give structure and order into every observer's reality. 

A specific frequency is attained and maintained within the context of the field being observed. Forms merge and crumble only to re-emerge again by virtue of the imagination. Frequencies equate, concur, harmonize and dovetail into prismatic layers and forms, sometimes enlarging themselves beyond the “realizations” of the observer. 

Imbalance is experienced when these convergences (imaginings) become disrupted by creating lackluster circumstances, situations and performances where little is achieved and much lost. Certain situations can allow and/or invite disturbing circumstances. Certain ideas and imaginings can become incoherent, non-responsive, cause confusion, disturb, obstruct, impede, interrupt, delay, suspend or obstruct one’s concept of reality. 

Linear thinking categorizes, conceptual (design) thinking synthesizes by means of integrating the present by means of thoughts, concepts, ideas, dreams and aspirations for the future. The more expansive and adaptive an observer’s POV the greater the potential for creating balance amongst the collective consciousness at-large. 

To be design conscious you must be more than an observer.

"To believe is to accept another's truth. To know is your own creation."

Edited: 02.28.2021, 03.07.2021, 03.14.2021, 09.08.2021, 03.15.2022, 08.20.2022, 11.13.2022, 06.12.2023
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