Saturday, February 25, 2023

Transition and Transformation


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to been substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Transition: change, movement, passage, transformation, conversion, adaptation, adjustment, alteration, changeover, metamorphosis, shift, switch, jump, leap, progression, progress, gradation, development, evolution, transfiguration, flux, mutation, transmutation, vicissitude.

Transformation: change, alteration, modification, variation, conversion, revision, amendment, metamorphosis, transfiguration, evolution, mutation, sea change, remodeling, reshaping, remolding, redoing, reconstruction, rebuilding, recasting, reorganization, rearrangement, reordering, reshuffling, restyling, rejigging, reworking, renewal, renewing, revamping, renovation, overhaul, remaking, revolutionizing, revolution, transmutation, transmorgification

Words that best describe transitional and transformative phases, states or periods in the design process are highlighted in red. Make note that the context from which these events and experiences emerge are likewise changing.

Commonly shared terminology that best link the relationship between design transition and transformation are: change, conversion, transfiguration, evolution, and transmutation. 

change: alter, make different, become different, undergo a change, make alterations to, adjust, make adjustments to, adapt, turn, amend, improve, modify, convert, revise, recast, reform, reshape, refashion, redesign, restyle, revamp, rework, remake, remodel, remold, redo, reconstruct, reorganize, reorder, refine, reorient, vary, transform, transfigure, transmute, metamorphose, undergo a sea of change, evolve, customize, tailor, tweak

conversion: change, changing, transformation, turning, altering, metamorphosis, transfiguration, transmutation, translation, sea change, adaptation, reconstruction, rebuilding, redevelopment, refashioning, redesign, restyling, revampling, renovation, rehabilitation, alteration, modification, customization, spiritual rebirth, regeneration, reformation, change of heart

transfiguration: a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state

evolution: development, advancement, growth, rise, progress, progression, expansion, extension, unfolding, transformation, adaptation, modification, revision, reworking, reconstruction, recasting, change

transmutation: the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form, the changing of one element into another by radioactive decay, nuclear bombardment, or similar process, the conversion or transformation of one species into another, the supposed alchemical process of changing base materials into gold.

Words are important.

Design can be found at every pivotal point of change by creating a symbolic bridge between meaning and purpose. This is the process that allows consciousness to know and be aware of itself. 

Not knowing is fundamental to critical thinking and feeling. Not knowing has a purpose which is to know what it means.  

In reference to design metaphysics, transition and transformation share mutually symbolic overtones, both are intuitive in nature and both subjectively and collectively "felt" and understood. Both impressions are similar in knowing and understanding, yet dissimilar enough to be comprehended differently. They each share a common link in the definition of change without fully changing it. You might describe this relationship as being "one in the same."

Design consciousness affords the tolerance required of all systems of change, energy, light and information to meaningfully and purposefully operate within their own constraints while functioning in the precedence of the whole.

In reference to design metaphysics, both transition and transformation represent two "consubstantial" events and experiences. Each function within an unknown context of their own making. Together they represent a context where energy in motion (EIM) will always be changing by means of transition and transformation. 

Energy, light and information change in periods of transition and transformation. Change is of major issue when such situations become apparent. The context likewise changes between levels of conditioning. 

Conditioned fields of awareness changing within the unconditional field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP)

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instinct: natural, tendency, inborn tendency, inclination, inner prompting, urge, drive, compulsion, need, intuition, prompting, sixth sense, insight, gift, ability, capacity, facility, aptitude, skill, flair, feeling, genius, knack.

opinion: belief, judgement, thinking, school of thought, viewpoint, outlook, point of view, angle, slant, side, attitude, stance, perspective, position, theory, tenet, feeling, conclusion, estimation, thesis, hypothesis, sentiment, impression, reflections, idea, motion, assumption, speculation, conception, conviction, contention, persuasion, creed, dogma.

knowledge: understanding, comprehension, grasp, grip, command, mastery, expertise, skill, proficiency, expertness, accomplishment, adeptness, capacity, capability, awareness, consciousness, realization, recognition, cognition, apprehension, information, familiarity with, facts, data, intelligence.

understanding: comprehension, apprehension, grasp, grip, mastery, perception, discernment, appreciation, interpretation, cognizance, conception, digestion, assimilation, absorption, knowledge, awareness, consciousness, insight into, familiarity with, expertise in, proficiency in, intellect, intelligence, capability, insight, judgement, sense, reason, reasoning, intuition, shrewdness, sharpness, quickness, acumen, wisdom, wit, thought, mentality, brains, powers of reasoning, belief, perception, view, notion, idea, conclusion, conviction, opinion, impression, assumption, supposition, postulation, suspicion, compassion, sympathy, pity, empathy, concern, consideration, tenderness, tender-heartedness, kind-heartedness, sensitivity, feeling, brotherly love, neighborliness, decency, humanity, humanitarianism, humaneness, charity, goodwill, mercy, mercifulness, gentleness, tolerance, lenience, leniency, warmth, warm-heartedness, affection, love, agreement, gentleman's agreement, arrangement, deal, bargain, settlement, pledge, promise, pact, compact, contract, concord, treaty, covenant, bond, compassionate, sympathetic, sensitive, considerate, tender, kind, kindly, kind hearted, thoughtful, tolerant, patient, forbearing, lenient, merciful, forgiving, humane, human, good-natured, approachable, supportive, reassuring; tactful, diplomatic, perceptive, subtle, prudent.

wisdom: sagacity, sageness, intelligence, understanding, insight, perception, perceptiveness, percipience, penetration, perspicuity, acuity, discernment, sense, good sense, common sense, shrewdness, astuteness, acumen, smartness, judiciousness, judgment, foresight, clear-sightedness, prudence, circumspection; logic, rationale, rationality, soundness, saneness, advisability, knowledge, learning, erudition, scholarship, philosophy; lore.


A. knowledge, understanding and wisdom require  intelligence.
B. instinct, understanding and wisdom express a certain degree of insight.
C. opinion and understanding require belief.
D. instinct and understanding are relatively intuitive.
E. wisdom requires understanding and knowledge.
F. understanding and instinct are more felt.
G. understanding and wisdom require discernment.
H. understanding is part of wisdom.
I. instinct is a sixth sense, wisdom is good, common sense.
J. knowledge and instinct are a skill.
K. knowledge and understanding require a degree of comprehension.
L. qualities that separate understanding from all other forms of intelligence.

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The most dominant attribute innate to human intelligence is understanding. Understanding best describes human intelligence as an energy in motion, i.e. e-motion.

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Intelligence makes no sound and like design remains silent. Knowing makes full knowledge of a state of intelligence without knowing it. 

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Separation made identifiable (qualified) by means of density and vibration.


Image Source: Planetary Science, Iron in Earth's core might be cubic, not hexagonal  May 21, 2018

Scientific American  October 6, 1997

Design has no language other than its own. Know it for what it is and is not. You cannot know what you don't know, but you can believe just about anything.

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Design is a silent language that is not spoken but revealed. Know it for what it is.

Oneness is the knowledge of knowing that you learn from others by reflecting upon their knowledge. You'll then begin to believe in the knowing of yourself.

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Water is the Life blood of the Earth.


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Science and design are fundamental in acquiring a design consciousness. Their relationship demonstrates that limitations are necessary by means of number and measure, without which human consciousness would dissolve and retreat into an abyss of not knowing and only believing.
Ref: I Ching

Consciousness harbors space. Design reveals its meaning and purpose.

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Edited: 02.17.2023, 03.21.2023, 04.23.2023, 08.09.2023, 08.15.2023, 08.18.2023, 10.08.2023, 11.10.2023, 01.10.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self mastery. You may share this post on a con-commercial basis as long as author and URL are included. All rights reserved © 2023 C.G.Garant. AI usage prohibited.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Spiraling Agency


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, network or context.

by Thamaarasee Jeewandara     January, 31, 2023

When imagined, change appears to be a matter of attraction and repulsion. Antimatter exists beyond the imagination, where attraction and repulsion cannot be observed or measured in 3D spacetime. 

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"Horizons exist because evidence comes with constraints we don't know how to break. That means that not every question can find a direct answer. The trail can simply grow cold, or disappear."

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Focus = the vibratory concentration of energy in motion (EIM) driven by desire, will and intention.
quotient: a degree or amount of a specified quality or characteristic.

Upon entrance into a contextual field of agency, energy in motion will, due to resistance (change in density) incline to spiral; waveforms potentially tend to condense and holographically emerge "out of nowhere" into particles of EIM, i.e. matter. 
agency: action, influence, force, power.

Patterns, by virtue of being symbolic constructs of EIM, reveal a series of "points" that when properly arranged, i.e. designed, unveil a certain holistic impression, i.e. idea, of reality within the imagination of the observer.

Every point might best be described as a module of change energy (CE), that when appropriately linked, i.e. entangled, creates a variety of "strings" of energy, light and information - waves become "holographic" elements, patterns and constructs.

Upon observation the probability of an idea becoming real becomes apparent. Lack of focus allows past "realities" to be absorbed back into the quantum field of virtual potential and probability.

The Cycle of Potential and Probability


Source: EESA
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When "measured" change becomes realized in the moment and no longer imagined. The imagination is at the center of all forms and concepts of reality.

Sean Carroll

matter: physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit: (in [physics] that which occupies space and possesses rest mass.
antimatter: molecules formed by atoms consisting of antiprotons, antineutrons, and positrons. Stable antimatter does not appear to exist in our universe.

"There is what scientists call the Surface of Last Scattering, which is the place in time when recombination occurred - where those photons suddenly let go. The surface of last scattering is like a fog. You cannot see through it to get a direct view of what the Universe looked like beyond or before it.

- but in terms of light, the surface of last scattering represents a horizon of vision."

The Cosmic Wave Background (CWB) creates the context in which all observable forms of energy in motion are made apparent. Unobservable impressions are initially "felt" prior to emergence from within the "fog" of the CWB. These experiences are analogous with describing entanglement, along with correspondences between the known and the unknown.

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Edited: 02.14.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis as long as author and URL are included. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved Copyright ©2023 C. G. Garant. AI usage prohibited.


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Worthy of Contemplation

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

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Subjects Worthy of Contemplation:


Fluid Flow info for description of life force/ life force characteristics

What are the different types of fluid flow?
Types Of Fluid Flow:- 1) Steady & Unsteady Flows. 2) Uniform & Non-uniform Flows. 3) Laminar & Turbulent Flows. 4) Compressible & Incompressible Flows. 5) Rotational & Irrotational Flows. 6) One , Two & Three Dimensional Flows.Apr 2, 2018

What are the two main types of fluids?
Fluids include liquids and gases.Fluids are said so because they are set in motion when an external force is applied on it. Types of FluidsFluids can be classified into four basic types.Apr 4, 2018

What causes pressure drag?
Pressure dragPressure drag is caused by the air particles being more compressed (pushed together) on the front-facing surfaces and more spaced out on the back surfaces. This is caused when the layers of air separate away from the surface and begin to swirl – this is called turbulent flow.Feb 22, 2011

Turbulent flow, type of fluid (gas or liquid) flow in which the fluid undergoes irregular fluctuations, or mixing, in contrast to laminar flow, in which the fluid moves in smooth paths or layers. In turbulent flow the speed of the fluid at a point is continuously undergoing changes in both magnitude and direction.

What causes turbulence in fluid flow?
In fluid dynamicsturbulence or turbulent flow is fluid motion characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity. ... Turbulence is caused by excessive kinetic energy in parts of a fluid flow, which overcomes the damping effect of thefluid's viscosity.

Is air laminar or turbulent?
While laminar flow is "orderly" turbulent flow is "Random" and "Chaotic". It is also found that a flow in a pipe is laminar if the Reynolds Number (based on diameter of the pipe) is less than 2100 and is turbulent if it is greater than 4000.

In fluid dynamics , laminar flow (or streamline flow) occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disruption between the layers. At low velocities, the fluid tends to flow without lateral mixing, and adjacent layers slide past one another like playing cards.

What is an example of laminar flow?
The most common examples of turbulent flows are the wake of a submarine or a ship, the swirls in a fast flowing river, high air currents in the atmosphere, etc.Laminar flow simply means that the turbulence (Eddie motion) of fluid inside a conduit is very very little.Feb 28, 2018

What is laminar flow used for?
Laminar airflow is used to separate volumes of air, or prevent airborne contaminants from entering an area. Laminar flow hoods are used to exclude contaminants from sensitive processes in science, electronics and medicine.

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Biochemistry deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.

Each molecule of DNA consists of two strands coiled around each other to form a double helix, a structure like a spiral ladder. Each rung of the ladder consists of a pair of chemical groups called bases (of which there are four types), which combine in specific pairs so that the sequence on one strand of the double helix is complementary to that on the other. It is the specific sequence of bases that constitutes the genetic information.

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To be continued