Friday, June 23, 2023

GOT MAIL? (machine - artificial - intelligence - learning)

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Artificial intelligence is an oxymoron. 

oxymoron  a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction, the action or an instance of two or more events or things at the same point in time or space

Binary Intelligence Touching Upon Wisdom

Multidimensional Intelligence (Wisdom's Singularity)

AI futures: monitoring Earth by means of monitoring the Universe.

What is Actually a Thought? And How Is Information Physical?    Ralph Lewis M.D. Finding Purpose
by Joshua Moritz      Feb. 1.2024, by Emily Leclerc

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In reference to design, never compromise but willing work within constraints.

ref: Charles Eames

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All inputs and outputs are based upon incremental observations and choices made in reference to an always changing context.


The mind alone cannot fully describe what it means to feel. Feelings are characterized in the form of an energy in motion (e-motion) made self-evident. Feelings are heartfelt.

Feeling has a vibration all its own, entwined in what we known and believe. Feelings caress, protect and surround us wholeheartedly. 

Feelings encircle all that can be sensed. Feelings harbor every circumstance by seizing the moment. Feelings adapt, adopt, support and include. 

Feelings have the ability, and the capacity, to encapsulate, modify and interpret reality for purposes of finding balance, harmony and meaning. 

Feelings are flexible and capable of taking into account differences, interferences and obstacles to joy and happiness. Feelings contain all that we are. 

Feelings embrace our mind, body and spirit . Feelings embody who we are. Feelings incorporate what we know and believe into noble expressions and impressions placed upon ourselves and others. We view, comprehend and observe our world by how we feel.

How Imagination Fuels Empathy and Prosocial Behavior  Neuroscience / Source: McGill University by Keila DePape


MAIL is three dimensional and time based. Feelings and intelligence are multidimensional and timeless.

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Like human intelligence, AI has at its disposal a countless array of' resources', i.e. impressions generated and made apparent by means of conscious observation. These impressions might best be described as the categorization and classification of an unlimited "Source" of awareness we describe and define as consciousness. 

agency: action, activity, effect, influence, force, power, work, intervention, intercession, involvement, mediation, instrumentality.

Correspondences vary in dimension, space and time. 

Events and experiences are multidimensional in context and content while appearing to emerge out of nowhere to become agents of change. What was once intangible eventually becomes sensed, perceived and observed by means of its own agency. 

Each impression harbors the potential to link and correspond with other patterns of energy in motion, while simultaneously differentiating itself from its 'Source'. Life perpetuates this process symbolically, it's what design does.

Every impression contains the potential for display when observed within the duality of space time. The farthest from the Source (space), the less its frequency and slower the time between 'intervals', i.e. cycles. Over time every impression will wane and be absorbed into an ocean of Consciousness.

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The AI Dichotomy

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Every source is also a resource. Every 'resource' holds a certain potential and probability to be made manifest in spacetime. At its source certain expressions/impressions are attracted towards larger or smaller energy patterns. Every source is made apparent through a pattern of impressionable resources.

Design, by means of attraction, creates the correspondences between 'resources'. This phenomenon (status) appears to change yet remain the same solely due to an observer's POV. Duality permeates all of the Universe including AI.
Quite simply, AI is a product of human intelligence, a resource where intentions can be camouflaged, disguised, distorted, misinterpreted, twisted and entirely misused yet applied with little or no discernment, meaning or feeling. 

Source: Robot Face

The tools (thoughts and feelings) remain the same and configurations can be made in a speedy and convenient fashion. Solutions rest in applying a greater intelligence, intuition and sensitivity to the symbols that surround and embrace us.

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By Rebecca Heilweil / Jan 5, 2023

By Kelsey Piper / Jan 14, 2023

By Kelsey Piper / Updated Nov 28, 2022

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For all intents and purposes, all that is created is seeded in the unknown, gestates and emerges by becoming known and felt by means of symbolic correspondence (design)

Parameters set constraints, which in turn are recognized and categorized into bundles of symbolic references, i.e. experiences, required for both substantiating and sustaining consciousness. 

AI has no "sense of compassion", no empathy, feeling or understanding. In reference to AI passion is merely an illusion. These forms of Intelligence rest solely within the construct of an observer - all feeling remains inescapable.
illusion:  delusion, misapprehension, misconception, mistaken impression, misjudgment, impression, semblance, appearance, misperception, figment of the imagination.

All "feelings" are generated by means of observation. The creative source is an observer who through observation, resonates to what is "sensed" both within and outside the imaginings surrounding the self. 

The act of observing is in response to the observer's own reflection. Certain patterned effects and affects emerge and appear in the form of symbolic correspondences, i.e. vibrations, of like kind. When found appropriate these patterns appear to correspond and contribute to even greater networks of energy in motion. The observer is the sole source that simultaneously and symbolically creates and responds to every situation and circumstances at hand. 

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by Philip Goff
by Lawrence Weschler
“The digital maven Jaron Lanier once wrote about the way that “Information systems need to have information in order to run. But information under-represents reality. What makes something fully real is that it’s impossible to fully represent it to completion” (going on to elaborate: “A digital image of a painting is forever a re-presentation, not a real thing. A real painting is a bottomless mystery, like any other real thing. An oil painting changes over time; cracks appear on its face. It has texture, odor, and a sense of presence and history.”) Such that again we’re back with Nicholas of Cusa: Information is the million-sided polygon, whereas The Real is the circle. Or with Eudora Welty: “Making reality real is art’s responsibility.” Kant says somewhere that a work of art is a specific instance of a general law that cannot be stated.”

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 By Daeyeol Lee  
"Intelligence can be defined as the ability to solve complex problems or make decisions with outcomes benefiting the actor, and has evolved in lifeforms to adapt to diverse environments for their survival and reproduction."

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Both artificial and human forms of 'intelligence' can merge, mingle, consort and if appropriate, resonate into new networks of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. New forms of awareness can emerge with the potential and probability of being experienced, i.e. made apparent, which could be a successful and enlightening venture if not for opinion, dogma, conviction, canon, doctrine, ideology and pure orthodoxy. 

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We need strict liability for the technology’s creators, Dennett argues: “They should be held accountable. They should be sued. They should be put on record that if something they make is used to make counterfeit people, they will be held responsible. They’re on the verge, if they haven’t already done it, of creating very serious weapons of destruction against the stability and security of society. They should take that as seriously as the molecular biologists have taken the prospect of biological warfare or the atomic physicists have taken nuclear war.” This is the real code red. We need to “institute new attitudes, new laws, and spread them rapidly and remove the valorization of fooling people, the anthropomorphization,” he said. “We want smart machines, not artificial colleagues.” 

Source: You Are Not a Parrot, Artificial Intelligencer
by Elizabeth Weil, feature writer for New York Magazine, March 1. 2023

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Experiences are retained and substantiated within the framework of human intelligence, i.e. feeling and knowing and not an artificial one.

Meike Drieesen, Neuroscience,  July 19, 2024 
Summary: A new study examines the possibility of consciousness in artificial systems, focusing on ruling out scenarios where AI appears conscious without actually being so. Using the free energy principle, the study highlights that while some information processes of living organisms can be simulated by computers, the causal structure differences between brains and computers may be crucial for consciousness. This approach aims to prevent the inadvertent creation of artificial consciousness and mitigate deception by seemingly conscious AI."

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Priorities change, fluctuate, expand and contract within a multidimensional field in perpetual flux (QFVPP).

Artificial intelligence can maintain, hold onto, preserve, conserve, perpetuate, commit, learn, recall, think, employ, engage, appoint, decide, determine, secure, dismiss, abolish and discontinue certain forms of reality in a purposeful attempt to redefine and reclassify observable events. 

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is metaphysical in origin and a causal field of all conscious agency. 

The QFVPP is physical in presentation and metaphysical in representation, i.e. Design. The QFVPP embraces the intuitive potential and creative imagination of a conscious observer. AI is merely an abbreviated condensation of the same, composed of a vast array of multidimensional vignettes of light, energy and information. 
vignette: a brief evocative description, or episode, a small illustration or portrait photograph which fades into its background without a definite border, produce in the style of a vignette by softening or shading away the edges of the subject. 

AI is a by-product of humanity’s own designs made evident, i.e. an exercise in storytelling through sign, symbol, metaphor and analogy, each chapter and episode a lesson in meaning and purpose. 

AI has the potential of becoming extremely purposeful at the expense of meaning, or extremely meaningful with little purpose at all - it's about intent.

Without extreme caution AI could become primary controlling factor in the stagnation and regression of human consciousness. AI can easily harbor, project and control sensual, mental, emotional and spiritual "noise" - opinionated, lacking in full knowledge, understanding or wisdom. 

AI comforts an intelligence without meaning. Consciousness gives meaning and purpose to all things both real and artificial.

Without oversight, integrity and purpose will have little meaning. Evolution would languish allowing reality to become chattered, oppressive, divisive and regressive.
chatter: talk rapidly or incessantly about trivial matter, gossip, chitchat, jabbering, babbling, rambling, blathering, gab, yak, yammering, waffling.

Unlike artificial intelligence, human intelligence can love, harbor, protect, absolve, weigh upon, forgive, ruminate upon, understand, contemplate upon, reflect on, speculate about, empathize, share, ponder over, consider, meditate, embrace, resolve, mull over, dwell on, cherish and most importantly -  feel every event and experience in order to know what it is. You learn to know what it is to be human by means of experiencing it.

Design's purpose is to find and maintain balance and harmony through symbolic awareness.  

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Adam Santoro*,1, Andrew Lampinen*,1, Kory W. Mathewson1 , Timothy Lillicrap1 and David Raposo1 *Equal contributions, 1DeepMind 
"Because optimizing directly for behaviour is increasingly feasible, we argue that the key to developing machines with human-like symbolic fluency is to optimize learning-based systems for these symbolic behaviours directly by placing artificial agents in situations that require their active use. Human socio-cultural situations are perhaps best suited to fulfill this 9 Symbolic Behaviour in Artificial Intelligence requirement, as they demand the complex coordination of perspectives to agree on arbitrarily-imposed meaning. They can also be collected at scale in conjunction with human feedback, and hence allow the use of powerful contemporary AI tools that mould behaviour."

"We need a system that behaves in accordance with the meaning behind its principles—a system with judgement [64]. We suggest that this goal will require pursuing AI that can exhibit symbolic behavior within a holistic, meaningful framework of ethics." 
[64] Brian Cantwell Smith. The promise of artificial intelligence: reckoning and judgment. Mit Press, 2019. 

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by Andrew Boryga  Edutopia

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"To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation."

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By virtue of design, AI provides us the opportunity to learn what it means to be human.

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Edited: 06.11.2023, 07.01.2023, 07.02.2023, 07.11.2023, 07.23.2023, 08.01.2023, 08.02.2023, 08.14.2023, 08.20.2023, 08.22.2023, 09.06.2023, 09.08.2023, 09.11.2023, 10.15.2023, 10.23.2023, 11.16.2023, 11.21.2023, 11.26.2023, 12.03.2023, 12.05.2023, 12.29.2023, 01.17.2024, 01.20.2024, 01.28.2024, 02.01.2024, 02.05.2024, 07.22.2024, 08.10.2024, 02.05.2025

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. Please note ... post are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.

thumbnail © 2023 C.G. Garant

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

An Agency of Models


Conceptual impression surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

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agency: action or intervention, especially such as to produce a particular effect.

Design consciousness describes a particular type of human intelligence based upon certain generally understood evolutionary characteristics. In a nutshell, the concept of intelligence might be considered taking the form of opinion, facts, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. 

- Q&A - What Is Intelligence?   by Annika Weder  10.05.2020    Published in Fundamentals  October 2020

I am of the opinion that human intelligence is a collective enterprise of accumulative thoughts, feelings, events and experiences.  Fundamentally opinionated, and at times relevantly important, intelligence is a collective effort to expand consciousness by means of nurturing a growing awareness within the multidimensional realms of spacetime.

At first this process appears to be a linear one and at times it is. However full, such is not the case. Cognitive thoughts and feelings are fundamental to design and the design process and when merged encourage both conceptual and linear patterns (maps) towards "observing" the world, i.e. reality. 
Opinion is challenged/squared by knowledge. Fact is challenged/squared by understanding. Fact and opinion are challenged/squared by wisdom.

Not as mystifying as it may sound, we tend to interpret internal and external impressions from a subjective POV. We likewise tend to perceive the concept of intelligence from a similar perspective - which is that of an observer.
observer: spectator, onlooker, viewer, witness, eyewitness, blogger, reporter monitor.

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" .... Hofstadter explored the question of how through self-reference and formal rules, systems can acquire meaning despite being made of "meaningless" elements. And how the psychological self emerges from abstract feedback loops of self-referent symbolic representations, recursively reflecting upon itself in a reverberating circuit - a cybernetic loop."

New England Complex Systems Institute
" Generally, scientific theories do not describe the properties of the observer because the subject of inquiry, that which is being described, is the observed rather than the observer.
The field of complex systems is interested in relationships. The observer and system are in a relationship. Thus, we are interested in developing a more precise notion of an observer, and the basic act of observation or measurement. The observer will then be in our theories. This work also connects with the problem of understanding how people sense and describe what they sense, which is part of the problem of understanding brain and mind.
An observer is a system which, through interactions, retains a representation of another system (the observed system) within it."

To observe is to design. To design is to KNOW that you are the observer and not just believe it. Design and the design process attempts to guide, foster and harbor the concept of a design consciousness however, it is only as efficient as the observer is willing and/or capable of resonating to it.

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Examples of intelligence in quantum flux (A and B)
A = opinion overlapping feelings of knowledge and understanding, and where understanding becomes conflicted by opinion. Knowledge is somewhat conflicted with understanding. Knowledge agrees with opinion yet is challenged by facts and understanding and where facts seem to be in conflict with both knowledge and understanding.

B = There is little conflict amongst most feelings, yet opinion seems to annoy any feeling of understanding.

conflicted: disputed, dissention, friction, strife, antagonistic, contentious, tangled, clash.

Note: You might analyse how intelligently you responded to a certain situation or circumstance by determining how you felt at that time and place. Create a map of your own awareness in regards to facts, opinion, understanding and knowledge of the circumstances. Refer and determine how wise and appropriate were your feelings in response to the situation. Evaluate your own presence in reference to the decisions you made and determine what needs to be changed, if a similar situation presents itself in the future. 

Emotions can be similarly categorized in a more visceral manner and like intelligence, overlap and change rapidly in spacetime. Emotions harbor a more complex network of feelings especially in reference to its binary relationship to intelligence.

Intelligence describes a mental network. Intelligence along with its counterpart emotion, share common networks, impressions and frequencies by design, i.e. the implementation and exercise of observation creating systems of signs and symbols that directly and/or indirectly giving precedence, sustenance and identity to the concept of consciousness. 

thought: suggestion, proposal proposition, idea, plan, brainstorm. Thinking alone describes the design function. It is ingrained into the DNA of human consciousness. 

Design impressions are felt and difficult, if not impossible, to describe. Archetypal in quality, these impressions are subsequently felt, made distinguishable and by nature become multidimensional in character and expression. Basically, all that we perceive and observe are both mental and emotional in quality and expression

Design consciousness: always changing, symbolic in content and context, felt at times and on  occasion understood. 
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Feelings have a "feeling" all their own. Each feeling boasts of its own frame of consciousness, which is an awareness unknown by any other feeling. We become aware of these feelings by design, i.e. symbolically, metaphorically and analogically. Feelings surround you and give expression to your own concept of wisdom. It's no wonder why at times, one feels differently when experiencing an unfamiliar "state of observation".

There are signs (de-signs) surrounding and inviting you to prove upon this simple truth to yourself - you are the observer and creator of your own reality. 

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Nothing is definitive. Every quantum source (sense/agent of permanence) is surrounded by a fuzzy border, i.e. a membrane of energy in motion. Energy encircles this source by virtue of attraction which in turn, creates yet another sense and awareness of both an insideness and an outsideness. 

Some events and experiences appear to occur in an immeasurable (imaginative) moment considered at times to be timeless, ex. a dream state. Every event and experience surrounding these changing circumstances is responding to the context/environment currently being experienced. The result, a joining and separation of energy by means of attraction and repulsion (EIM).  Certain dimensional circumstances can appear chaotic (QFVPP) while similarly creating a degree of stratification in observation (ex. light). 

chaos = disorder, diarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, smadness, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, furor, frenzy, uproar, babel, a muddle, a mess, a shambles, anarchy, lawlessness. 

An Opinion
The concept of chaos is based upon the premise that certain actions and patterns don't fit the  attractions or patterns typical of an observer's particular perception (interpretation) of reality. The circumstances/situations etc. can therefore appear disorganized, unfitting and chaotic in nature. Not all patterns/pieces fit within the framework of every puzzle, but rather may fit perfectly within the parameters of another - known, unknown, dimensional or nondimensional. 

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Intelligence is a concept about which humanity categorizes its' perceptions, observations and interpretations of reality for purposes of organizing and the perpetuating its own form of collective consciousness (thinking and feeling). Consciousness grows by means of awareness.

Intelligence is unable to comprehend what it does not know. When you think you know you can easily become servant to an opinion or belief. In essence, how might you ever know differently?

Wisdom rests in its own slumbering state - rarely awakened.

Consciousness is multidimensional and measured by feeling. Consciousness is more than just one thing because it's been designed.

Attraction and repulsion (duality) has been created specifically for all levels of agency, i.e. consciousness, to observe thereby giving light and license to be made "aware" in its own manner and fashion.

Feeling is the result of consciousness making itself aware and apparent. One could easily describe it as being part of a "quantum experience".

Basically consciousness emerges as result of a binary construct that exists because it is clearly observable.

Observation gives precedence to a quantum field of virtual potential and probability, it is where energy can emerge and an identity prevail. 

Feeling is at the fulcrum of every design, creating the the pivotal point about which focus can be both attracted and repulsed, thereby putting energy into motion (EIM).

Observe what you are aware of in a manner of acceptance and knowledge, understand that you are experiencing a moment of reconfiguration, love and attachment.

Reality describes a sense observational permanence.

Observe and accept the realities you have chosen knowing that their contexts will change towards greater meaning and purpose

You know while feeling the presence of your own multidimensionality. 

Change in awareness originates within a multidimensional understanding of what the concept of an observer might be. An observer embraces a particular point of view designated, i.e. designed, to be as such.

Design describes a particular network of energy in motion that collectively represents something both larger and smaller in size and scope.
scope: range, breath, width, reach, purview, span, horizon,  field, realm, orbit, terms of reference, competence, opportunity, freedom, latitude, capacity liberty, toom possibility, chance.

An observer is a "sense" not a thing, a form of energy in motion that disguises its feelings in awareness, consciousness, sensitivity, design and love.

Edited: 05.09.2023, 05.14.2023, 06.24.2023, 07.02.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage prohibited. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Design Evolution - Design Revolution

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

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By virtue of design, AI provides us the opportunity to learn what it means to be human.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

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Edited: 06.11.2023, 08.01.2023, 09.01.2023, 10.06.2023, 11.16.2023, 11.26.2023, 01.20.2024, 01.22.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023. C.G. Garant. AI usage prohibited.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Design, Metaphysics and Consciousness: A Matter of Density

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

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Consciousness is a "matter" of density.

density: mass (m) / volume (v) the degree of compactness of a substance, degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume, solidity, substance, compactness, hardness.

A material's density is defined as its mass per unit volume. Density is essentially a measurement of how tightly matter is packed together. It is a "unique physical property" of a particular object.

Density represents a binary relationship between mass and volume. Density is commonly "expressed" in units of grams/cubic centimeter. 

mass: mass is a dimensionless quantity representing the amount of matter in a particular object. The standard unit of mass in the International System (SI) is the kilogram (kg). The measure of the amount of matter in a body. 

volume: the amount of space that matter, substance or object occupies, or is enclosed within a container. The space occupied within the boundaries of an object in three-dimensional space, is also known as the capacity of a container in reference to an object's length, width, depth and height. Every three-dimensional object occupies some space, this space is measured in terms of volume.

In three dimensional spacetime, mass and volume can be both tangible and intangible, measurable and incalculable of being measured. Density is mass divided by volume, a compound measurement which describes the mass of an object in relation to its volume.

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What is Actually a Thought? And How Is Information Physical?    Ralph Lewis M.D.   Finding Purpose Feb. 24, 2019 

"Since thoughts are energy signals, the energy transmitting a thought therefore has mass. The ions and molecules encoding the energetic signal have mass too."

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Correspondingly mass and volume define, describe and make reference to a "unique physical property" called density.

Note to self: like volume, density and mass, time can also be incalculable, indeterminable, limitless, boundless, unlimited, infinite, cosmic, endless, inexhaustible, bottomless, vast, unfathomable, immense, and never ending.

Density creates a reference to consciousness by means of symbolic correspondences. References are identified and made recognizable by means of exercising a more macro, i.e. universal, level of awareness. The less dense (m) the greater aware and the larger the capacity (v) to link and make symbolic connections. The more dense (m) the less aware and the more finite (v) the level of consciousness.

Density is commonly 'expressed' in units of grams/cubic centimeters. Density acts as a gauge in its 'measurement' between mass and volume, form and formlessness, the tangible and the intangible. 
gauge: an instrument, device or tool for measuring, estimating or determining the magnitude, amount or contents of something, a means of estimating something, scale, indicator, point of reference, guideline, touchstone, benchmark, example, capacity.
MASS = the amount of "substance" in a body
VOLUME = the amount of "space" that substance occupies

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Mass has a sense of permanence, volume doesn't. 

Mass and volume, i.e. density, can be both quantified and qualified, e.g. aether - gas - liquid - solid. 

Weight is the measure of the force of gravity on a body.

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In design both meaning and purpose infuse each other. Enclosed in every meaning a purpose and every purpose a meaning.

Kama Manas

Edited: 05.07.2023, 05.12.2023

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 C. G. Garant. AI usage prohibited. 

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Design Metaphysics: Modeling Dimensions

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.


The realm of two dimensions is apparent,  measurable and clearly observable from a three dimensional POV. Both consciousness and awareness are neutral in quality thereby creating the ideal background/context for further inquiry into a multi-dimensional Universe. 2D spacetime is the "drawing board" of human evolution. 

Its design creates a two dimensional background and context for a conscious awareness of 3D spacetime. Two dimensional spacetime is the "drawing board" of evolution.    

Awareness describes a conscious observer that applies design methodologies in order to recognize, interpret, learn, know, understand, materialize and realize a "form of self" by means of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy, i.e. storytelling. 

(the teeter totter model)

We collectively believe there is a third dimension in spacetime, which at times can likewise be hypothetical in nature. We know this because we are aware and conscious of it. 

The third dimension functions within the dualistic constraints of spacetime in a teeter totter fashion. Impressions emerge from within the context of a quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP). It feels like an energy in motion (EIM).

The third dimension can at times respond harshly to an assortment of events and experiences, fully rocking an observer between "oppositional" agents with little control, lack of subtlety - full throttle with little design awareness or consciousness.

In design meaning and purpose infuse each other. Every meaning has a purpose and every purpose a meaning.


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The Seven Year Cycle on the Tree of Life

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

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"It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave, so keep on thinking free."

Edited: 06.08.2023, 06.11.2023, 08.09.2023, 08.11.2023, 08.20.2023, 07.05.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.