Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Big Bang - Focus and Attraction


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

A concentrated frequency is undiluted, dense, strong and is typically more intense than the context in which it is observed. 

Consciousness can be found having a meaning and a purpose when we step outside of personna (mask) and begin to observe what we have created in a symbolic fashion.

Intense concentration causes a heated condensation of energy in motion about a focus, which in turn creates a central core of energy within a QFVPP. Energy is in constant motion, omnidirectional and magnetically attracted towards opposing agencies.

DNA is the stuff that substantiates the Universe by riding the waves caused by attraction and repulsion*. Depending upon the context of observation, which is typically part of a cyclic event, DNA can appear to be either in or out of substantiation, i. form.
* in essence repulsion is not a force, but actually an effect and/or affect of attraction. The Law of Attraction is a major principle in every Universe.

The system (QFVPP) appears to be is in perpetual turbulence, while similarly revealing certain recognizable patterns of EIM within a specific range of coherency stemming from observation.

Observation creates a causal energy of intense frequency, i.e. a profound condensation of energy in the form of Light. This focal point of high energy creates a central core that through coherent resonance, attracts quantum "substance" taking on pattern and relative form.  

These patterns of EIM become configured about the impressions of the observer. They are aligned in a network of energy that reflects upon the the Light of observation. Such patterns arise within the parameters of dimensional spacetime and become privy only to their resource.

An attraction about a central core or focus appears to creates spiraling condensation of energy in motion.

Upon first observation the QFVPP appears to be an ocean of turbulence about which regions of EIM seem to be attracted and if appropriate, condensed about an observable, spiraling point of focus, i.e. Light.

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DNA is designed by virtue of the Law of Attraction, when Life takes "relative form" Consciousness becomes substantiated - it's a matter of degree, density and dimension.

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Other points of view:

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Attraction prevails in every multiverse where coherent resonance is attributed.

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- Energy emitted from 'sources' unknown possess an electric-like quality, whereupon a magnetic force field of attraction is generated about this central core. A timely and dualistic context becomes cognizant upon emergence from the QFVPP, eventually condensing, cooling and transforming universal substance into a relative form of matter.

What Is Entropy? Entropy is a measure of how much the atoms in a substance are free to spread out, move around, and arrange themselves in random ways. For instance, when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid, such as ice to water, the atoms in the substance get more freedom to move around. 

- All impressions described either as matter or antimatter, dark or light are symbolic in expression and should be considered 'agents' of energy in motion.
- Magnetic fields describe the fuzzy 'edge' of a micro universe, which in turn can be entropically measured in reference to the expansion of that particular timeline.
- Within the influences of a dualistic context, agencies (universes) attract and repel each other large and small, creating a quality or sense of presence within the universe of its origin and situation they share. 
- Time and space are causal impressions about which the concept of duality is born. This circumstance has been described as a consubstantial event where the concept of spacetime appears to emerge upon the scene. Space provides the magnetic backdrop for creations 'in time' while concurrently bringing into context, i.e. consciousness, the presence of a third agency - the observer. 
- Each micro universe represents a pattern in the form of an archetypal blueprint harboring a uniquely designed set of qualities measured and acted out within the context of a life in time. 
- Every universe is multidimensional in character.  All patterns of energy in motion (tangible and intangible) harbor the ingredients of potential and probability. Multidimensionality describes networks of energy in motion that serves a countless number of parallel universes designed to be made apparent by virtue of attraction (coherent resonance). 
- Time is measured by what has appeared to have emerged from its relationship with space. 
- Time is contained within a magnetic field created in spacetime and is measured by means of the forms ushered into realization. 
- Time evolves in reference to the space that has been designed to accommodate it. 
- The unknown is made known by means of studying and experiencing the relationship between space and time. 
- Design describes the blueprint precluding the integration of space and time by means of attraction.  
 - The universe and those agencies that multidimensionally give it meaning and purpose are by nature, perpetually 'out of balance'. Life is made conscious and aware through the design process of "balancing", i.e. adapting to observable events and conditions and changing in reference to the time and space they are presented, observed and occupied. 
- Perfection is a sphere that cannot be precisely measured in spacetime. The reason - all things are always changing; this is why tolerance, flexibility and adaptability are major principles that must be integrated into every design. 
- Timelines describe a current of energy in motion, in the form of a wave/frequency, i.e. linear time based disturbances in the QFVPP . Time and space create a theater for change by virtue of their dualistic containment within it.

Dark matter is the stuff that becomes a source of Fire without which there would be no Light in the Universe.
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Space29  September 2023   by Michelle Starr

"The cosmic web delineates the architecture of the universe. It's where most of the normal, or baryonic, matter in our galaxy resides and directly traces the location of dark matter,"

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The same is to be said for the concept of a consciousness that permeates the universe. All forms of energy in motion (tangible and intangible) may appear similar, yet in regards to design are construed differently.
construed: interpreted, understood, read, seen, taken to mean, render, explained, decoded, analyzed. 

All of consciousness is founded upon symbolic interpretation. Nothing is what it may seem no matter what you believe. Consciousness and awareness are substantiated by what you know and feel, i.e. experience.  

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Design is founded upon a particular point of view always changing and creating an illusionary sense of permanence and singularity.

A patterned frequency of EIM is more concentrated,  focused and powerful than the context in which it is observed. 

When observed within the context of a waveform, consciousness becomes a metaphor for a light universal, an attraction which brings Light to all forms of awareness. 

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Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic, metaphoric and virtual in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy in motion whose origin rests beyond the subconscious. 

Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in representation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (07.09.2023) 

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023) 

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Focus Power

Power is defined as energy delivered per unit of time. Mental and emotional energy harbor a wide variety of energies, i.e. inputs and outputs of vibrational frequency, based upon past and current events and experiences. We recognize, know and describe these frequencies in the form of a feeling which is innate to every human being. 

When mentally, emotionally, and/or physically excited, intensity and frequency increase and becoming more intense as energy is repeatedly drawn from past and current experiences. Consciousness might be described as an energy field where power can enter and be released based upon a network of patterns vibrating within a commonly shared blueprint. 


Experience acts as a baseline for infinite change, an anchor in dimensional spacetime about which patterns and networks of energy in motion can emerge and be made manifest. 

In order to act upon these past experiences, awareness is typically categorized and eventually prioritized by virtue of reflection. Through repeated mirroring* energy becomes stored and over time released with greater and greater intent, power and focus. Power emerges from within and is acquired by means of repetition, i.e. experience; direction is a matter of concentration and focus (desire and intent). 
* mirroring: reflection, replicating, matching, repeating, reproducing, simulating, reiterating, copying.

Energy from experience becomes extracted through a symbolically constructed coherency between the observer and the events and experiences surrounding past and current circumstances. Repeat reflections upon past experiences intensifies awareness, focus and intent. Once low-level interferences and obstructions are determined, adaptation to current and future situations are better recognized and acted upon.

Edited: 09.26.2023, 10.04.2023, 10.20.2023, 10.26.2023, 10.30.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited. 

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