Monday, February 26, 2024

The Design Matrix IV

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.


Awareness is driven by the dynamics surrounding the senses, i.e. feelings, of attraction and intuition. Awareness is the product of an attraction or set of attractions, intuitively felt or perceived. All forms of attraction, whether tangible or intangible, have a meaning and a purpose. Awareness is key in defining and describing every sense and semblance of design.
feeling: touch, sense, sensation, awareness, consciousness, perception, impression, premonition, notion, idea, sixth sense, emotion, desire, opinion, belief, love, intuition, instinct, theory, point of view, vibration, quality, spirit, tenor, faculty. 

Attractions wax and wane as does every intuitive feeling towards them. Attraction and intuition change in reference to the context in which they are observed. These changes include the POV of the observer. 
Awareness is a byproduct of an imaginative coherence established between agencies of energy in motion. Awareness is a trajectory with the potential of reaching beyond the parameters of observation, i.e. conscious/subconscious. Design consciousness creates the fulcrum about which all forms of change/energy rest.
trajectory: course, route, path, track, line direction, orientation, bearing, approach, projection: a thing that extends outward from something else, the act of projection.

Feeling Consciousness: A Design Network

Example 1  (TANGIBLE)
During the process of observation an attraction may rest about the sense of smell well before a food or meal is seen or tasted. The emotions are immediately triggered as memories emerge around the love shared at the family meal. There's a primordial feeling of goodness and beauty surrounding these impressions - sight unseen. Out of space and in an instant of time, all things change as energy in motion returns to its original source.

By virtue of attraction, a network of energy in motion is felt from within an immaterial core of observation by means of the sense of smell. Intuitively the energy trajectory (vector) of this impression continues on its path attracting a robust array of feelings within an immeasurable frame of time. 

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Example 2  (INTANGIBLE)
During the process of observation, an attraction surrounds a particular impression conveyed through sight and touch. Together these senses intuitively trigger a certain knowledge (awareness) earlier experienced and made conscious. Such an awareness emerged as result of comparing and then applying a past situation within the parameters of a particular belief system/s. Intelligence shows that the initial attraction was detrimental to the observer's consciousness, persuading the observer to reconsider the moment before choosing to continue.

* * * 

When and while meeting other people you intuitively observe the circumstances without total knowledge or intelligence. Impressions are sensed as a feeling without truly knowing. When open to believing, intelligence will intuitively respond, which may lead to attraction.

Like all love, friendship is a multidimensional impression based upon how much you believe in what you know and feel. Love's observations are very attractive, multidimensional and highly intuitive. 

You become aware of those with whom you resonate through attraction. A unique and multidimensional sense of awareness based on perception, observation, and experience that conjure up a relative "sense of feeling". This love of friendship, i.e. greater form of awareness, can become more than what you unknowingly led yourself to first believe. Love and friendship are emotionally felt both virtually and sensually.

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After a choice has been taken two questions always remain: 1. What might be the next attraction be? and 2. Where might this decision take your awareness? Following your highest intuition is typically the most appropriate approach.

Like water, energy in motion (EIM) is always flowing.

Design choices require thought, contemplation and feeling based upon self integrity and love. Decisions are immersed in every concept of reality by the means and virtues of duality. Design rests upon the harmony created between ability and position, form and content, outer adornment and inner worth. You are the designer and observer of all you create. 

* * *

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 02.07.2024, 02.26.2024, 02.27.2024, 03.21.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Design Matrix III

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

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Imaginative and Coherent Resonance

Imaginative Coherence: Major Patterns and Pathways

Light, energy, information, intelligence, emotion and intuition resonate both coherently and imaginatively. In the majority of these instances feeling in the form of signs, symbols, analogy and metaphor are the primary channels with consciousness as its medium.
coherence: consistency, logicity, good sense, soundness, organization, orderliness, unit, clarity, intelligibility, comprehensibility
imagination: creative power, creativity, imaginativeness, vision, inspiration, insight, inventiveness, invention, resourcefulness, initiative, ingenuity, enterprise, originality, innovation, innovativeness, individuality, unorthodoxy, noncomformity, cleverness, wit, genius, artistry

Together they establish a field of (EIM) in perpetual resonance, transition and transformation. Functioning within a virtual field, i.e. the subconscious, where signs, symbols, analogy and metaphor prevail. Vibrating trajectories influence, entangle, connect and create dimensional patterns and forms for observation. 

They create the major gateways and resources for the transition, transfer and transformation of energy in motion. These vibratory fields are linked by means of symbolic impressions generated by an imaginative coherence.

coherence: consistency, logicity, good sense, soundness, organization, orderliness, unit, clarity, intelligibility, comprehensibility
imagination: creative power, creativity, imaginativeness, vision, inspiration, insight, inventiveness, invention, resourcefulness, inititiative, ingenuity, enterprise, originality, innovation, innovativeness, individuality, unorthodoxy, noncomformity, cleverness, wit, genius artistry

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Imaginative Coherence: Systemic Patterns and Gateways

Design Conscious Network

The Physical System of EIM
Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, Sound and the sixth sense Intuition
system: structure, order, organization, arrangement, framework, plan, complex, network.
matrix: environment or material in which something develops, a mold in which something is cast or shaped, a rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns and treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules

The five senses describe the most dense and identifiable attributes that harbor design consciousness. The intuition symbolically penetrates the known and the unknown, the tangible and the intangible, consciousness and the unconscious.

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The Metaphysical Design Network 
Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Knowing, Believing and Feeling
network: web, grid, lattice, net, matrix, webbing, tangle, system, complex, interconnected, system structure.

Intuitively driven, symbolic in content and context, the Metaphysical Design Network functions within the scope and framework of the subconscious, i.e. an interdimensional and dynamic state of awareness symbolically linking human consciousness (physical, mental, emotional and "spiritual") with the unconscious. 
dynamic: a process or system characterized by constant change, activity or progress. Physics: relating to forces producing motion. Linguistics: expressing an action, activity or event or process. (of  person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas. NOUN a force that stimulate change or progress within a system of processenergetic, spirited, lively, vital, strong, powerful, potent, positive, effective, high powered, bold, electric, magnetic, passionate, gutsy.

The Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability (Archetypal Impressions)
Intelligence, Emotion, Intuition, Light, Love and Power are Universal in status; states and expressions, i.e. vibrations that attract, mix, quantify, harbor and qualify the Design Archetype.
mix: blend, mingle, combine, stir, merge, fuse, unite, unify, join, amalgamate, incorporate, meld, mesh, coalesce, homogenize, intermingle, intermix, interweave, (entanglement), interpenetrate, interlace, cross, hybridize.

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is easy to perceive because its all around you and difficult to observe because it's also within you. This is key in every step of the design process, i.e. transition, transformation and enlightenment. All Life leads towards a greater Design Consciousness.

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Big Think - Adam Frank, Marcelo Gleiser and Evan Thompson
Tara Well Ph. D.      The Clarity     September 30, 2019
Cynde Roof     October 5, 2021
Kevin Mangelschots        July 13, 2020

* * *

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 02.07.2024, 02.24.2024, 02.25.2024, 03.09.2024, 03.16.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited. 


Monday, February 19, 2024

Iterations upon the Flower of Life


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

iteration: the repetition of a process or utterance • repetition of a mathematical or computational procedure applied to the result of a previous application, typically as a means of obtaining successively closer approximations to the solution of a problem. • a new version of a piece of computer hardware or software.

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Design Thumbs
The QFVPP is a metaphysical concept, a metaphor, an extremely complex idea, a conceptual and symbolic representation of an unlimited, endless, unreachable, unimaginable, and infinite Intelligence that has no boundary. A quantum field of virtual potential and probability exists in the aethers of both the physical and metaphysical as it functions within the parametric constraints of human consciousness via the senses. 

The QFVPP is a symbol of a Presence in constant flux, a conceptual composition of its own creation made “real and apparent” by virtue of a mindfulness and heartfulness (feeling) innate and comparable to the human imagination. The imagination along with the intuition, harbor the skill and capability to imagine beyond itself by means of design, i.e. the use of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy. 
capability: ability, capacity, power, potential, potentiality; competence, proficiency, accomplishment, adeptness, aptitude, aptness, faculty, experience, skill, skillfulness, talent, flair; cleverness, intelligence; gift, strong point, forte, knack; informal know-how. 

The QFVPP is aetheric/plasmic and holographic in quality, appearing to be present in spacetime (duality) during the process of imagining and observation. Fragmentation by means of re-cognition, re-categorization, distinction, identification and re-unification (manifestation) emerges in light of its own endlessly changing context. Every relative “form” made apparent to a conscious observer, emerges from within a limitless Intelligence as a reflective pattern of energy in motion.

These "images" are products of the imagination, impressions that together with others, bring a sense of wholeness to the observer. 

Knowing is an act of introspection. Believing is an act of retrospection. Both are fundamental to change and the act of creation. The entire process is symbolic in nature. 
retrospection: the action of looking back or reviewing past events, situations (or beliefs) especially in one’s own life. (my parenthesis) introspection: the action or observation of one’s own mental and emotional process. 

Likened to the Tao, the QFVPP cannot be fully known or understood, it is a reflection upon the very thing it signifies - change. A symbolic representation shared by virtue of what it symbolizes in all its creation - an observer of all it observes. 
representation: portrayal, depiction, delineation, presentation, rendition, characterization, description, likeness, impression, reproduction, statement.

Realizations are made apparent vibrationaly in every form and pattern. Projections of awareness create a series of vibrational impressions that in turn determine and reflect upon causal, i.e. source/origin of those changes. 

Vibrational turbulence emerges as result of the interaction between the causal agency (singular, internal and subjective) and its external (objective, external and collective) context. These vectors, i.e. impressions, have both a tangible and intangible effect/affect upon and within the dualistic environment/dimension of observable consciousness. A highly focused form of awareness can become  hardened and solidified in the form of a "particle", which in turn initiates further disturbances within assorted "dimensions" creating the contextual field.
vector: a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another. A matrix with one row and one column, transmission. A genetic bacteriophage or plasmid that transfers genetic material into a cell, or from one bacterium to another.

Separation is the result of repetitive engagements occuring within a changing context (QFVPP). Repetitively focused patterns of vibration describe the agency behind consubstantiation, i.e. "virgin birth". These impressions originate from within bringing forward a new perspective to the design process and in reference to human consciousness expressed within the framework/constraints of duality. 

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is an androgynous, causal agency in quest of enlightenment by means of design. From one unified singularity emerges two symbolically corresponding references to the same. Both born equal from within the changing context of the Tao. A new kind of genesis! 
correspondence:  correlation, similarity, resemblance, comparability, compatibility, agreement, consistency, congruity, conformity, uniformity, harmony, affinity, accordance, accord, concurrence, coincidence; association, relationship, connection, interaction, communication.

The causal agent/source/agency fundamental to the concept of there existing a quantum field of virtual potential and probability, is a metaphor describing an essential Oneness, a vibrating Singularity which  embraces all aspects of our conscious awareness. Patterns and impressions emerge from within the depths of an ever changing, dualistic frame of knowing and believing as patterns upon an ocean of consciousness whose reflections we perceive and interpret as reality.

Vibrations emitted from these causal sources are made symbolically apparent through observation. When within range of correspondence common frequencies can be shared. A coherent resonance  brings Light to awareness, which in three dimensional spacetime is either absorbed, refracted or reflected.

Sourcing within the Flower of Life

The transition and transformation of energy between  dimensions will act in a reflective, refractive and dispersive manner. Change remains constant in all of creation, which is conducive to the properties of a quantum field of virtual potential and probability. Forms arise in response to intensity and focus. Patterns emerge in response to the density of the medium, i.e. context. A designer oversees the process.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 02.19.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited. 

Friday, February 16, 2024

The Design Matrix

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

A) The observer, causal source, immaterial center, non-duality

B) Energy in transition and transformation entering and exiting the parametric field of turbulence by virtue of attraction. The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is a metaphor for the field of divinity, which is entirely contextual, relatively unknown, invisible, unimaginable while eternally resourceful .

Energy is in perpetual transition, transformation and flux between the invisible shell of insideness and outsideness (D), by means of observation and perception. 

perceiver becomes aware or conscious, comes to realize or understand using one of the senses, especially sight, interprets, looks at events and experiences in a particular way.

An observer notices, sees, discerns, detects, discovers, distinguishes, beholds, contemplates, views, surveys, witnesses, scrutinizes, keeps under observation, monitors, keeps tab, pays attention, participates in, partakes and recognizes.

In order to fully perceive one must first fully observe. 

Light/energy emanating from a causal source is refracted and reflected (C) in confrontation with veil of turbulent interference (D), i.e. a projection, gesture or impression of symbolic qualification. 

qualified: limited, conditional, restricted, bounded, contingent, circumscribed, reserved, modified, amended, adjusted, refined, tempered, lessened, reduced.

Note: This model is perceived from within the constraints of third and fourth dimensional spacetime, therefore every impression and interpretation rests within the framework of duality. Singularity is an abstraction, an idea, and a notion constrained by intelligence yet remains intuitively felt and creatively imagined .

abstraction: concept, notion, thought, generality, theory, generalization, hypothesis, speculation, conjectured, supposition, proposition.

D) Marks the parameters surrounding every concept of insideness (subjective and internal observation) and outsideness (objective and contextual perception). These interwoven vibrations create a framework liking a turbulent stream of energy in motion, separating macro and micro states of awareness; dualistic circumstances that bring relevance and personification to every causal source, immaterial center, or creative observer. 

When events and/or experiences become micro-cosmically observed, we bring meaning and purpose to the soul. When events and experiences are macro-cosmically perceived we then bring meaning and purpose to the godhead. 

"Truth, and goodness, and beauty are but different faces of the same all."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena/Transcendental Ideas and Systematic Unity/

- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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Light and Energy flower as result of the relationship between the concepts of Truth, Beauty, Goodness.  Together they serve as subconscious portals guiding the observer to both design and create within  dualistic constraint.

Reasons to Believe 

For the famous Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle, the world had genuine meaning and purpose. The cosmic values of truth (that which defines reality), goodness (that which fulfills its purpose), and beauty (that which is lovely) were objective in nature and knowable by the noble seeker. Since human beings had the internal capacities of logos (reason), ethos (morality), and pathos (emotion), these internal capacities corresponded to the cosmic values and brought forth human fulfillment: • Logos corresponds to truth • Ethos corresponds to goodness • Pathos corresponds to beauty.

Ruminations    Matthew Rapaport

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An observer is the causal source at an immaterial center, designing and creating every idea of Reality.  A receptive and active "position" is required in any enquiry and/or investigation into Reality. Every causal source a fractal, a reflective and refracted symbol of even greater geometry. And like every causal source, expands and contracts (changes) in reference to the context in which it is observed.

Observation confirms the proposition that the concept of duality is instrumental to every investigation into reality. All things outside the importance of this idea remains forever conceptual. Without oneness no twoness. Without twoness still oneness.

An observer assumes awareness is a "thing" when in fact it is a facet of one (1) observing the pattern of in the greater form of  consciousness, i.e. causal source. Paradoxically consciousness observes the greater sense of its' oneness by means of its' twoness. Awareness (duality) naturally points to the source of its own consciousness (non-duality). 

Non-duality is made apparent symbolically by virtue of the allowances and tolerances made viable by the design function.

* * * 

Light, energy and information permeate all sense of being. By nature design consciousness is metaphysical.

metaphysical: abstract, theoretical, conceptual, notional, philosophical, speculative, intellectual, academic, transcendental, spiritual, supernatural, paranormal, unearthly, ethereal, incorporeal.

Design can be likened to the quantum field of virtual potential and probability, both are tangled, intricate and convoluted while remaining straightforward, simple and uncomplicated.

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In times of transition and transformation past patterns are at risk, lacking meaning and/or purpose and in need of reconfiguration solely to acquire, maintain and sustain a sense of balance and harmony 

Know that in times of transition and transformation, i.e. change, certain behaviors are no longer meaningful or purposeful. Time is measured in the moment, especially in unfamiliar circumstances (contexts). Early patterns of energy in motion no longer suffice when the concept of time is measured in a linear fashion.

Vibratory emissions stemming from a causal source resonate in a synaptic fashion. These vibratory patterns are registered and coded in reference to the context in which they are felt. 

Every imprint, impression or pattern of energy in motion harbors the potential and probability of becoming an immaterial center for exponential awakening.

Causal impressions each carry with them an imprint of their own experiences, i.e. their own forms of Presence. Coherency brings Light to awareness within the parametric constraints of 3D spacetime.

All forms of Light, Energy and Information have resources of their own shared within the attractive embrace of a Universal Intelligence, i.e. quantum field of virtual potential and probability.

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The Hexagon in reference to a Designed Consciousness

Design quantitatively and qualitatively creates, recognizes, comprehends and transforms the concept of consciousness into an idea.
idea: concept, notion, conception, conceptualization, thought, image, perception, hypothesis, postulation, theory, opinion, feeling, belief, judgement, view, sense, suspicion, inkling, hunch, understanding, assumption, presumption, postulation, deduction, inference, impression, supposition, purpose, objective, goal, intention, design, reason, guess, estimate, conjecture, rough calculation, approximation.

Design harbors the transcendental values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness through the agencies of science, art and philosophy.

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Subconscious portals of expansion and contraction
made in reference to awareness.

Design Portals:

Light: symbol of wisdom, principle of mind, first reference to Consciousness, radiation from a common source of transcendence, energy in motion that penetrates all things, source of power in humanity, potential power leading back to Divinity, an illumination of understanding. Light reflects upon a spiritual awareness.

Emotion: an instinctive state of mind deriving from circumstances, mood, or relationships distinguished from reasoning or knowledge, conscious mental reactions subjectively experienced as strong feelings directed towards a specific object or person. "A complex reaction pattern involving experiential, behavioral and physiological elements". Emotions reflect upon an emotional awareness.

Energy: vitality, life, animation, spirit, fire, passion, enthusiasm, vibrancy, spark, exuberance, effervescence, strength, stamina, power, forcefulness, potency, dynamism, liveliness. Energy reflects upon a physical awareness.

Intuition: instinct, sixth sense, divination, clairvoyance, second sight, feeling, hunch, gut feeling, funny feeling, inkling, sneaking suspicion, impression, premonition. Intuition reflects upon both a mental and emotional awareness in reference to Light. 

Information: facts, details, figures, knowledge, data, intelligence, instruction, advice, statistics, guidance, direction, counsel, enlightenment, documentation, material. Information reflects upon a causal  awareness. 

Intelligence: intellectual/mental capacity, intellect, mind, brains, power of reasoning, judgement, reason, understanding, comprehension, acumen, wit, sense, insight, perceptiveness, perception, penetration, discernment, sharpness, smartness, quick - wittedness, intuition, acuity, alertness, brilliance, ability, talent, aptness, information, facts, details, knowledge, data, observation. Intelligence reflects upon a mental awareness.

An observer subconsciously pierces through the three dimensional framework of spacetime in order to approach and/or enter the realm of the unconscious (QFVPP), which in turn creates a functioning passageway between fields.

Design brings meaning and purpose to human consciousness by means of change. 

Energy, light and information intermingle with human intelligence, emotion and intuition about the perimeter of human consciousness. 

Energy, light, information, intelligence, emotion and intuition create the major portals linking the unconscious and the subconscious. At its center a fractal agency, agent (observer), creative source or immaterial center is represented. 

Consciousness rests at the interface between the subconscious and unconscious personifying the veil between them.  

Design consciousness affords us the opportunity to unconsciously focus upon our dreams, subconsciously design them and consciously make them real.

To be conscious is to be aware. To be unconscious is to be unaware. Design personifies the virtual field of the subconscious. 

To design is to be symbolically coherent, in harmony and balance, resonant and in tune with both states of awareness, i.e. the conscious and the unconscious.
in tune: accustomed, adaptable, conditioned, in accord with, in agreement, in harmony, in step, in line, sympathetic, familiar with, become naturalized, integrated, reconciled, conditioned.

Consciousness along with its binary reflections - the subconsciousness and the unconsciousness - are vibratory states/fields of energy in motion where every form of vibratory awareness is forever entering and exiting.

It is Consciousness that Observers

In order to appropriately effect and/or affect the observer of any event or experience, all streams and patterns of energy in motion must pass through the subconscious and the unconscious by means of a coherent imagination.

imaginative coherence: a cogent resonance of symbolic impression, i.e. vibrational frequencies, that together link agents and/or agencies into synergetic and synchronistic networks of energy in motion.

Human consciousness is a symbolic membrane that absorbs, harbors, surrounds and reflects upon a causal agency/agent of awareness whose magnitude has no limit.

Portals create the thresholds and gateways for the transition and transformation of energy in motion attracted from within the depths of a quantum field of virtual potential and probability (unconscious).

Design is harbored in the principles of light, energy and information made apparent by the likes of emotion, intelligence, and intuition (feeling), of which all can attract, coalesce and separate (change) vibrationally and individually.

Attraction is at the source of all separation. 

Design provides and creates a synaptic transcendence between Truth, Beauty, Goodness and the mind (intellect, intuition) the heart (feelings, emotions) and the soul (observer, causal agency, immaterial center of awareness) by means of the imagination. 

All consciousness has a specific meaning and purpose. All of consciousness is designed.

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The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard's Institute for Quantitative Social Science 
Positive Living Newsletter      by Luis A. Marrero, M.A., RODP, LLP

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Imaginative Coherence: Major Patterns and Pathways

Light, energy, information, intelligence, emotion and intuition (feeling) together link and coherently resonate within a subconscious field of transition innate to every individual. 
They create the major gateways and resources for the transition, transfer and transformation of energy in motion. These vibratory fields are linked by means of symbolic impressions generated by imaginative coherence.

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By <a href="//" title="User:Mirzolot2">Mirzolot2</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

The Chakra Petals & Symbols
The Sacral Chakra has 6 Lotus flower petals. The six petals represent the qualities that we must overcome to become pure. These are: Anger, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, desire and pride. The chakra symbol also contains an additional circle and the space beneath the inner circle is shaped like a crescent moon. The symbol reminds us of the cyclical nature of the lunar phases, the natural cycle of birth and death and rebirth. And the moon controls the tides and Swadhisthana is associated with the water element. This energy centre allows you to go with the flow, be fluid and adaptable like water, and grab all the opportunities that life has to offer.”

- 7 Wisdoms  
* * *

Love is the Universal Attractor, the linking agency that makes all things real, alive and in countenance.
countenance: utterance, expression, appearance,  manifestation, embodiment, revelation, emotion, feeling, intensity, intonation, nuance, power, artistry, communication. 

Create and design with empathy, compassion and understanding. To know truth, beauty and goodness seek and resonate to that which you love.

Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role as an observer, participator and creator in a design of your own making. Be aware of the by-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.

* * *

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 02.07.2024, 02.16.2024, 02.19.2024, 03.09.2024, 03.16.2024, 03.18.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited. 

The Design Matrix II

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network. 

* * *

imaginative coherence: a cogent resonance of symbolic impression, i.e. vibrational frequencies that together link agents and/or agencies into synergetic and synchronistic networks of energy in motion.

imaginative: creative, visionary, inspired, insightful, inventive, resourceful, ingenious, enterprising, original, innovative, individual, unorthodox, unconventional, nonconformist.
coherence: logicity, soundness, organization, unity, clarity, intelligibility, comprehensibility.
resonance: 1 the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating: • the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions: 2 Physics the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object. 3 the condition in which an electric circuit or device produces the largest possible response to an applied oscillating signal, especially when its inductive and its capacitative reactances are balanced. • Mechanics the condition in which an object or system is subjected to an oscillating force having a frequency close to its own natural frequency. 4 Astronomy the occurrence of a simple ratio between the periods of revolution of two bodies about a single primary. 5 Chemistry the state attributed to certain molecules of having a structure that cannot adequately be represented by a single structural formula but is a composite of two or more structures of higher energy. 6 Physics a short-lived subatomic particle that is an excited state of a more stable particle.

Imaginative Resonance - Major Links - Energy in Motion

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Imaginative Clustering

A) Major clusters of subconscious imaginings being symbolically attracted to four major portals; intelligence, information and emotion all of whom are being intuitively felt. (example)

B) Minor clusters of imaginative resonance with little meaning or purpose when observed in a specific space and time.

C) Elemental bits of awareness lacking coherent resonance symbolically entering and exiting the veil of subjective consciousness, i.e. the subconscious. 

The imagination is the creative engine behind every design and all consciousness. The imagination (mind) functions in coordination with love (feelings and emotions) to bring balance and harmony through resonance.

Every "element" which includes every cluster of energy in motion, is constantly in motion, being timelessly attracted and forever swayed and encouraged by virtue of the space/dimension in which it finds relevance.
relevance: the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate.

* * *

Imaginative Resonance - Energy in Motion

A) Major fields of spiraling clusters of energy in motion symbolically and subconsciously being attracted to the portals of intelligence, information and emotion all intuitively felt. Imaginative clusters of subjective importance embracing specific meaning and purpose.

b) Minor fields of spiraling coherencies, perceived and/ or observed, as energy in motion. Each vector harbors the potential to symbolically link within the subconscious of the observer, by creating yet another contextual agent/agency, immaterial "center" or causal source. 

c) Energy in motion (neutral) being imaginatively attracted to other contextual agents, agencies, immaterial "centers" and/or causal sources, both positive (+) and negative (-).

d) Energy in motion (neutral) appearing to originate from the position of an agent, i.e. designer, agency, or causal source. These imaginative vectors are symbolically attracted to other sources/resources beyond the boundaries of its own context, i.e. consciousness. Energy in perpetual motion, dancing in search of balance and harmony.

* * *

Design is the engine behind change.

Design acts as a catalyst in the exchange of energy in motion. Design consciousness has no charge of its own yet always an observer, creator and immaterial center of a universe/consciousness of its own creation.

* * *

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 02.16.2024, 07.05.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.