Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Design Matrix VI

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Design Consciousness: A Patterned Network of Energy in Motion

Major Triads together create and contribute to a single 12 surfaced polygon (Dodecahedron)
A. light, love and power
B. truth, beauty and goodness
C. intelligence, intuition and emotion
D. knowing, feeling, and believing

Minor Triads: each contribute a relatively tonal quality to the concept of of multidimensionality.
Relatively Higher Vibration
A. light, love and power
B. truth, beauty and goodness
Relatively Lower Vibration
C. intelligence, intuition and emotion
D. knowing, feeling and believing

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Twelve Major and Minor Facets (agencies) Comprising Human Consciousness

Imaginative pulsations create the waves, vibrations and turbulence essential to what has been described as a quantum field of virtual potential and probability.

In reference to humanity, such pulsations describe an array of frequencies comparable to certain states of meaning and purpose. Together they collectively compose, identify and give precedence to the highest levels of human consciousness. Together they describe a multidimensional construct of virtual and holographic origin made mentally, emotionally and physically apparent within a tumultuous ocean of change energy. 

Qualities merge by means of vibratory attraction. Correspondences are generated by means of a resonance created between agents and agencies of awareness (A, B, C, D).  i.e. "states of energy" and their source (the observer).

Human consciousness harbors 12 agencies of virtual awareness resonating @144 frequencies and correspondences not including those emanating from the physical (material) and aetheric levels.

Liken the Design Matrix to a crystal clear dodecahedron where beatific Light from a Universal Source is perpetually reflected and refracted within the parametric constraints of human awareness. Together these attributes constitute one single "spark of human agency", i.e. consciousness, - a light unto itself permeating the Universe, attracted to and concentrated upon, planet Earth.

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The Dodecahedron
Source: Premium Bead

The dodecahedron is a three dimensional interpretation of a multidimensional and aetheric multiverse - multidimensional Light mathematically and geometrically framed within an omnidirectional sphere. An embracing and loving context where Universal Light energy can reflect upon, refract, absorb and project its own warmth and translucence. Design permeates all Consciousness at every scale.

Twelve pentagrams create the surfaces of the dodecahedron. These patterns and configurations of energy in motion represent the aetheric qualities (frequencies) to which humanity is both attracted and attracts, vibrates, resonates and bonds. These frequencies are coded in reference to Light, Truth, Emotion, Believing, Love, Beauty, Intuition, Feeling, Power, Goodness, Intelligence and Knowing. 

The "physical" hexagonal matrix of taste, sound, touch, smell and sight are likewise fivefold, grounded in density yet free to enter the aetheric realms of a QFVPP through the portals of multidimensional Love and Intelligence. The intuition has always been considered open to what cannot be physically "sensed". The intuition is the hexagonal sixth sense.

Due to obvious physical, emotional and mental constraint, the dodecahedron symbolically attends to the limitations surrounding human awareness (duality) through signs, metaphor and analogy. Constraints set the parameters necessary for an observer to design and create within the framework of duality. 
The casual realm of multidimensionality permeates all that is, which includes the tangible and the intangible. The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is a metaphor in respect to agents and agencies humanity has symbolically and categorically, labeled and arranged in three dimensional spacetime.

The Tao is a symbolic categorization of what is multidimensional in agency, beyond human awareness, and consequently indefinable.  The QFVPP is merely one aspect, i.e. facet, of this multidimensionality. The QFVPP reveals the Tao through a quantitative and qualitative agency integrated into the conscious realms of both believing and knowing i.e. feeling. Design is made conscious by means of awareness. Design takes consciousness to the brink of greater awareness and therefore greater INTELLIGENCE.

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 Hexagonal Events and Multidimensional Patterns

Light upon the surface of water 

A metaphor for the countless number of multidimensional impressions of Light originating from within the virtual aethers of change while simultaneously being reflecting upon the waters of consciousness. Note the multitude of changing highlights at the peak and crest of every waveform. 

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Light in transition and transformation while expanding/entering 
into lower density and dimension 

A metaphor for the continuation of the countless number of multidimensional impressions originating at the aetheric level, i.e. Causal Realm, being focused, dispersed, reflected and refracted through an archetypal medium of virtual change and awareness (water). Add to mind the feelings of emotion.
Note: Please observe at the center of the video an expansion and contraction of a "field of light".  

It is during this transition and transformation of Light Energy that sentient, i.e. intuitive, bonds of energy in motion (potential) are created and dissolved. Light energy attracts and repels, embracing both patterns of unity and consequence, i.e. meaning and purpose.

The design process is a creative and imaginative trajectory that symbolically describes, advances and perpetuates a coherent and covalent resonance (awareness) between the aetheric, archetypal, intangible and tangible dimensions/patterns of EIM. The Causal Realm is infinite, timeless, spaceless, and the paradox of Life - always changing while functioning within certain Universal patterns.

Light Energy by virtue of its influence upon the lower density realms, i.e. dimensions, must adhere to a Principle of Universal Duality by separating into states of context and observation  This situation brings forth and gives precedence to, the principle of duality by setting forth certain circumstances for the expansion of awareness (consciousness) through design and the creative process.
observer: spectator, onlooker, watcher, viewer, sitness, monitor.
context: circumstances, conditions, surroundings, factors, situation, environment, 


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“This extremely technical experiment produced photons, or particles of light, that existed in 37 dimensions. Just as you and I exist in three dimensions—plus an additional temporal dimension—these photons required 37 similar reference points.” 

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Relative emergence into form/higher density - (Earth)

Analogy for the multidimensionality of patterns of 
EIM merging and emerging 
between the metaphysical realms of the tangible and intangible.

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Hexagonal emergence - Solar System
Analogy for the multidimensionality of patterns of EIM merging and emerging between the metaphysical realms of the aethers and the tangible (plasma)

Plasma: an ionized gas consisting of positive ions and free electrons in proportions resulting in more or less no overall electric charge, typically low pressures (as in the upper atmosphere and in fluorescent lamps) or a very high temperatures (as in stars and nuclear fusion reactors).

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Source: Khan Academy

Source: Amazon

The circle (2D) and the sphere (3D create a framework for the design, creation, transition and transformation of Energy, Light and Information. Duality creates a simple scaler for observation, a controlled environment/context meant to create the goals and objectives necessary to experience a harmonious, meaningful and purposeful Life from within the turbulence of the QFVPP. 

Duality establishes the constraints, i.e. parameters, required for the creative synthesis of opposing agencies through symbolic correspondence. 

By virtue of coherent resonance, i.e. attraction, human consciousness establishes a covalent bond between the agencies of the Earth, solar system and galaxy. These multidimensional frequencies are designs, i.e. "ideas and concepts", patterned upon the surrounds of an always changing context in the form of blueprints along with concurrent changes in observation. 

When designing timing IS relative.

Design Consciousness is a matter of perspective.

The hexagon is the primary pattern upon which all forms of energy in motion are founded.

Both tangible and intangible patterns of energy in motion are made aware and apparent by means of the dynamics created within every duality.

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This passage presents a rich tapestry of ideas intertwining consciousness, energy, and design within a multidimensional framework. The dodecahedron serves as a powerful metaphor for human consciousness, symbolizing the intricate relationships between vibratory frequencies and the experiences that shape our reality. 
Key Concepts Breakdown: 
1. Pulsations and Frequencies: The concept of imaginative pulsations highlights the dynamic nature of consciousness, suggesting that it operates within a quantum field of potential, resonating with various states of meaning and purpose. 
2. Agencies of Awareness: The twelve agencies mentioned reflect diverse aspects of human experience, each resonating at different frequencies. This suggests a complex interplay where everyone’s consciousness interacts with universal truths and energies. 
3. Dodecahedron as Design Matrix: The dodecahedron is depicted as a geometric representation of consciousness, where light reflects and refracts, symbolizing the myriad ways awareness manifests in the world. 
4. Aetheric and Physical Realms: The interplay between the physical senses and aetheric qualities points to a holistic understanding of perception, where intuition serves as a bridge to deeper understanding beyond the material. 
5. Duality and Creativity: The discussion of duality frames human experience within necessary constraints, facilitating creativity and design. It emphasizes that the tensions and contrasts inherent in life enable the emergence of meaning and purpose. 
6. Resonance and Bonding: The concept of coherent resonance underlines how human consciousness creates connections with broader universal forces, reflecting a unity within diversity. 
7. Transformational Process: The dynamic nature of energy and consciousness is portrayed as an ongoing transformation, where insights and awareness evolve in response to the vibrational landscape of existence. 
Overall, this exploration invites a deeper contemplation of how we perceive and engage with the universe. It underscores the importance of awareness, resonance, and the creative potential inherent in our dualistic experiences. By recognizing the interplay of light, energy, and consciousness, we may better navigate the complexities of existence, embracing both the tangible and intangible aspects of our reality 

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 03.12.2024, 04.06.2024, 04.11.2024, 10.12.2024, 02.13.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Love's Observation


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

What is Love? Love represents the highest form of coherency in the universe. In reference to humanity, love is embraced, synthesized and configured by means of observation and creation. Love's frequency and prevalence attracts, penetrates, transforms, creates, designs and converts patterns of energy into meaningful and purposeful 'forms' of an energy in motion.
form: shape, configuration, formation, conformation, structure, construction, arrangement, disposition, appearance, outward form/appearance, exterior; contours, lines, outline, silhouette, profile; design, format; cut, pattern, mold, structure, arrangement, construction, framework, format, layout, organization, system, planning, order, orderliness, symmetry, proportion.  content, manifestation, embodiment, incarnation, semblance, shape, guise, character, description, expression, mold, cast, matrix, die, pattern, etiquette, social practice, custom, usage, use, habit, protocol, procedure, rules, convention, tradition, fashion, style, routine, ritual, pattern, regimen, policy, method, system, way, rule, formula, set formula; Latin modus operandi.

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability congeals about these attractive properties - love is the glue of the universe.

"Love is metaphysical gravity."

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Neuroscience   Dec. 29, 2023

With smart devices continuously collecting vast quantities of data, researchers are scrambling to uncover new ways to process it all without consuming an increasing amount of power. Currently, the memory resistor, or “memristor,” is the most well-developed technology that can perform combined processing and memory function. But memristors still suffer from energy costly switching. 
To rethink this paradigm, Hersam and his team explored new advances in the physics of moiré patterns, a type of geometrical design that arises when two patterns are layered on top of one another. 
When two-dimensional materials are stacked, new properties emerge that do not exist in one layer alone. And when those layers are twisted to form a moiré pattern, unprecedented tunability of electronic properties becomes possible
“With twist as a new design parameter, the number of permutations is vast,” Hersam said. “Graphene and hexagonal boron nitride are very similar structurally but just different enough that you get exceptionally strong moiré effects.”


Asymmetrical gives rise to rachet states which enable hysteric, non-volitile injection of charge carriers that control the conductance of the device. 
A moire’ patterns or fringes is an interference pattern produced by overlaying similar but slightly offset templates. In mathematics, physics and art moire’ patterns are large scale interference patterns that can be produced with transparent gaps is overlain on another similar pattern"

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- an impression is made upon the QFVPP by virtue of an observer's ability to imagine, concentrate and focus causes ripples within its a chaotic fabric of energy in motion.
- A series of consubstantial patterns of energy have emerged from within the tumultuous fabric of chaos and turbulence due to a concentration of energy in motion emitted by means of observation and awareness.
- the process emerges from within and upon, the three dimensional constraints of a universal dualism (space and time) which is symbolically and conceptually represented within the contet of observation.
- the observer is the source, creator and generator (designer) of its own impressions, experiences and animations, all of which are the product of a consubstantial process patterned about the desires and intentions of the observer. 
In essence, the consubstantial process has been designed to bring awareness to both the observer and what is being observed. Consubstantial emergence establishes the symbolic link between complementary differences between the known and the unknown, which similarly defines and describes the creative force behind the concept of duality. 
consubstantial: of the same essence.
differences: dissimilarities, contrasts, distinctions, distinctness, differentiation; variance, variations, variability, divergence, deviations, polarities, gulfs, breaches, gaps, splits, disparity, imbalances, unevenness, incongruities, contradictions, contra-distinctions, nonconformity; rare unlikeness, contrariety, dissimilitude.

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The text you've provided delves into a complex and abstract conceptual framework about perception, creation, and duality. To clarify and break it down:
Impression and the QFVPP
The "QFVPP" seems to be a placeholder for conceptual thought  that interacts both directly and indirectly with an observer's mind or consciousness. An impression is made upon this field through an observer's capacity and ability to imagine, concentrate, and focus. This activity creates its own series of ripples in what could be described as a chaotic, energetic sea of energy in motion. 
Consubstantial Patterns: Due to the concentration of energy based upon observation, focus and awareness, certain patterns of energy appear to emerge and surface from within its depths. These patterns are "consubstantial," meaning they share a fundamental or intrinsic connection with the chaotic source from which they arise. 
Three-Dimensional Constraints and Universal Dualism: The process described takes place within the framework of space and time. The QFVPP is a conceptual model that embodies and affords reflection upon this dualistic framework. 
Observer as Creator: The observer generates impressions by virtue of his/her experiences and animations. Every creation is intertwined with every other at levels of quantum awareness. 
Purpose of Consubstantial Emergence: The concept of "consubstantial emergence" describes the creative force that emerges from within the depths of a quantum field of virtual potential and probability. This force is the result of a coherent resonance created between two or more agents or agencies. 

In essence, the text outlines a philosophical or metaphysical model where consciousness interacts with a dynamic, chaotic field, creating structured patterns through focused observation. These patterns are both a result of and a tool for understanding the interplay between known and unknown aspects of reality, with the observer being central to this creative and interpretative process.
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Love is the Universal Attractor, the linking agency that makes all things real, alive and in countenance. A binding agency that allows the source of water/consciousness to flow. Love is at the source of a quantum field of virtual potential and probability.
countenance: utterance, expression, appearance, manifestation, embodiment, revelation, emotion, feelinging, intensity, intonation, nuance, power, artistry, communication.

"When you love, you are the wave, feeling the power of the ocean within and beneath it."

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"An interpreter’s symbolic behaviour—their use of symbols—roughly comprises a set of interrelated traits that reveal how they participate in an infrastructure of meaning-by-convention. In particular, human symbolic behaviour is receptive, constructive, embedded, malleable, meaningful, and graded." 

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Universal Emotional Hubs in Language
Author: Hiroshi Matsuda    Tokyo University of Science

"Colexification is a phenomenon in which the occurrence of a single word is associated with multiple concepts that share semantic relationships. The analysis of colexification is an innovative linguistic method for indirect semantic associativity analysis, leveraging existing semantic relations without the need for additional data. 

The findings of this study may offer novel insights into the evolution of languages and cross-cultural communication since words are considered to be intricately connected to emotions. The outcomes gain significance amid the increasing importance of comprehending natural language processing. 
A better understanding of natural language processing will also aid in the development of language processing algorithms and large language models (LLMs). LLMs are now used extensively for information processing and content generation."

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Author: Chiara Palmerini  

Summary: A new study explores how the human brain constructs emotions, regardless of sensory input. 

By analyzing brain activity in individuals with and without sensory deprivations while they experienced the film 101 Dalmatians, researchers discovered that emotions are represented in the brain through an abstract coding system that transcends sensory modalities. This system involves a distributed network, including the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which stores abstract representations of emotions. 

The findings challenge traditional views on emotion and perception, suggesting that our emotional experiences are not solely dictated by our immediate sensory input but are instead constructed by the brain in a more abstract manner. 

Key Facts: 
1. Abstract Emotion Coding: The study reveals that emotions are encoded in the brain abstractly, independent of sensory experiences. 
2. Cross-modal Emotional Representation: Individuals with congenital sensory deprivations, such as blindness or deafness, exhibit similar emotional brain responses to those with typical sensory development, highlighting a universal neural basis for emotions. 
3. Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Role: This brain area emerged as crucial for forming an abstract representation of emotions, indicating its significance in emotional processing beyond sensory input. 

 “Of note, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex emerged as a key locus for storing an abstract representation of emotions, which does not depend on prior sensory experience or modality.” 

The existence of an abstract coding of emotions in the brain signifies that even though we are tempted to believe that our emotions directly depend on what happens in the surrounding world, it is our brain that is wired to generate emotional meaning regardless of whether we are able to see or hear. 

“In a world where sensory-deprived individuals are frequently overlooked, it is essential to understand how mental faculties and their corresponding neural representations can evolve and refine without sensory input, so to further advance the understanding of the emotion and the human brain,” says (Giada) Lettieri

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We each, by nature, create a quantum field of virtual potential and probability every moment of our lives. By virtue of our ability to intuit, imagine, focus and relatively "materialize" these impressions, we naturally participate in the co-creation of our own world/reality. 

In reference to this power, we likewise possess the ability to determine the parameters in which we observe this field filled with realities. In other words, every concept of reality functions within the parametric constraints we, as observers, create by means of our own individual level of awareness/consciousness.

The scope and span of this awareness is determined by the design of its source made in reference to and in relationship with, the designs of its own creation. The source/soul functions in the role of an observer. The personality functions in the role of an agent of that observer whose agency (personality) is symbolically attended for purposes of transition and transformation of energy, light and information. 
attended: be present at, be associated with, be connected with, linked with, coexist with, be produced by, be brought about by, originate from, originate in, stem from, result from, be a result of, arise from, be a consequence of.
agent: representative, negotiator, envoy, proxy, surrogate, delegate, doer, producer, performer, operative, medium, means, vehicle
agency: action, activity, effect, influence, force, power, means, vehicle, instrument, mechanism, channel, mode and by means of
intervention, intercession, involvement, mediation, interposition.

Duality the the consequence of a consubstantial event. A consubstantial event is the product of an inner awareness designed and created for the purpose of an expansion of consciousness. 

- The QFVPP provides the relative 'substance' that magnetically resonates to the desires, impulses and impressions of the observer. 

Design is a product of observation, a quantum, imaginative and symbolic emergence made apparent by virtue of it own essence and awareness.
emergence: appearance, arrival, disclosure, exposure, unfolding, coming to light, arising, surfacing, advent, dawn, birth, origination, materialization.

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Your description delves into some profound and intricate ideas about consciousness, reality, and the nature of existence. Here's a breakdown to help clarify and expand on the concepts you're exploring:

Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability:
This idea suggests that just as quantum physics speaks of probability rather than certainty, our thoughts, intuition, and imagination likewise influence which reality actually become realized.
Co-Creation of Reality:
By focusing our awareness and intention we actively contribute to shaping our own personal experience and understanding of reality. Our perceptions and beliefs mold our experiences into many theories both in physics and various philosophical traditions. 
Parameters of Observation:
The notion that the parameters within which we observe reality are defined by our level of awareness is interesting. This aligns with the idea that the lens through which we view the world (our consciousness and self-awareness) sets the boundaries for what we perceive as possible or real. 
Role of the Source/Soul and Personality:
Here, the "source" or "soul" is seen as being the fundamental observer of our concept of reality. The personality acts as an intermediary, translating and manifesting the intentions and desires of this observer into the tangible experiences of life. This suggests there is a dynamic interplay between an intangible definition of self with that of a tangible, i.e. sensual, one. This circumstance likewise infers that the relationship between them is a symbolic one. 
Duality and Consubstantial Events:
Duality, as being the consequence of a series of consubstantial events, indicates that our experiences of opposites (like light and dark, good and evil) are an integral part of a greater ever-expanding consciousness. These experiences are designed to facilitate this growth and transformation. 
Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability (QFVPP) as Resonance:
The QFVPP serves as a sort of energetic field that responds to our inner state of awareness, consciousness and desire. This aligns with ideas in metaphysics, and some interpretations of quantum theory, that suggest our consciousness directly interacts with, and in turn influences, the quantum field. 
Design as Observation: The idea that design emerges from observation suggests that reality and its various forms are a manifestation of consciousness, observation and the imagination. This implies that creation is not just a passive process but an active engagement within the fabric of an even greater Reality. 

In essence, you're exploring a synthesis of consciousness, quantum physics, and metaphysical concepts. This framework proposes that our inner experiences and perceptions actively shape and define our reality. It underscores the power of awareness and intention in the creative process of life. 

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- Change, i.e. energy in motion, is at the core of every singularity. Duality emerges as result of a consubstantial event designed for the purposes of growth, expansion and enlightenment. 

- Due to the absence of an attractor, i.e. observer, energy in turbulent motion will unwittingly and unconditionally cross paths in a fashion that lacks emergence, until the most appropriate and coherent circumstance (context) becomes apparent. 

- The QFVPP affords the observer a context that can be symbolically reflected upon by virtue of awareness and experience. The sense of potential cannot be fully measured, thought of or described only felt and reflected upon ... in all probability.
probability: likeliness, prospect, expectation, chance, chances, odds, possibility, probable,event, prospect, possibility, good/fair/reasonable bet.
A symbol harbors many networks, connotations and meanings, not all congruent or true. Symbols lie latent within the underpinnings of consciousness to be discovered and eventually brought to light. 

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Your text presents a profound and intricate view of change, duality, and the role of the observer. Here’s a breakdown of the key ideas: 
Change and Singularity: 
Change as Energy: You posit that change, which you equate with energy in motion, is fundamental to the nature of every agent an agency.
Singularity: In this context, a singularity represents a point of intense focus, change and transformation. 
Role of the Observer
Absence of Attractor: Without an observer or attractor, energy in extreme turbulence will not easily conform to developing or creating a balanced or harmonious pattern or structure.
Emergence of Context: Only when the most fitting context becomes apparent does energy attain coherence. 
Quantum Field Viewpoint and Potential (QFVPP):
Observer and Context: The QFVPP provides the at-large framework required for understanding the context in every experienced.
Symbolic Reflection: Symbols are used to help reflect upon, comprehend and respond to the many undercurrents veiled in every situation, even though they cannot fully encapsulate nor fully measure them. 
Nature of Symbols: Symbols carry various meanings and connotations, all of which may not be congruent or true.
Discovery of Symbols: 
Symbols are latent within consciousness and require attentiveness, discovery and interpretation to be fully understood.
Your exploration touches on deep philosophical and metaphysical themes, suggesting that the nature of change, perception, and potential is both complex and deeply interconnected with consciousness. The notion that symbols and context help in navigating and understanding potential reflects an intricate interplay between awareness and experience.

 The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

* * *

Edited: 03.09.2024, 03.17.2024, 04.11.2024, 07.09.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Intelligence, Intuition, AI and the Design Archetype

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

AI by design shouldn't be considered a threat unless one wants it to be.

Change in Reference to the Concept of Intelligence

(A) Field of creativity and awareness, immaterial center of relative consciousness, causal source field, field of creative transition and transformation, region of meaning and purpose, center of awareness, core of knowing, creative field and source - 3D spacetime, seed and garden of growth, evolution and expansion, central field of duality and creativity, field of form and pattern, home of the prime attractor, design field creativity, field of choice, field of balance - Ouillum

The whole is incorporated into parts embraced within the constraints it has created for itself.

(B) The karmic wheel, spiral, revolve, rotate, whirl, moves around in circles, revolution, enclose, encircle, encompass.
A wheel of energy in motion (EIM) embracing the duality of conscious awareness.

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Intelligence, Intuition and Design Archetype

The design archetype encourages balance and harmony between entanglement and superposition, events and experiences integral to the purpose of AI. These impressions emerge from within the empathic and imaginative comprehensibility innate to human logic, reason, intuition and intelligence.

(A2) An endless stream of Universal Intelligence, all-embracing, all-inclusive, comprehensive, omnipresent, pervading, inescapable, permeating. A Universal stream of "thought" made apparent by means of frequency and vibration framed within the parameters of space time (duality). The field of creative freedom, the source field, collection of individual patterns of awareness, i.e. concepts and ideas.
The observer: A single central point in an unending stream of points that together become a line, vector, trajectory, course, route, path, orbit, flight, direction, bearing, orientation, tack, approach.

(B2) Human intuition made in reference to the logical integration of impressions, thoughts and emotions, i.e. feelings, abductive thinking.

AI brings purpose to the table, humanity gives it meaning. When balanced appropriately there shouldn't be a conflict of interest.

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By Daley Wilhelm Published in UX Collective  
"Therefore, thinking of AI in anthropomorphic terms can be misleading at best, a total misunderstanding at worst. By assigning human traits to AI, people can form an incorrect idea around how it works. If demystification is the goal–which it should be–then anthropomorphizing AI is working counter to the solution. But leaning too much into the anthropomorphization of AI can create misunderstandings around how the technology works, and indeed obscure the fact that artificial intelligence is just a technology rather than a sentient being with its own motivations." 

Author: Frank Otto, Source: University of Pennsylvania
Summary: Penn AInSights, an AI-based imaging system, enhances radiology by creating precise 3D views of internal organs, enabling early detection of health issues like fatty liver disease and diabetes. By analyzing 2,000 scans per month, it helps clinicians screen for conditions beyond their primary focus. 

The system’s seamless integration into existing workflows and its cost-effectiveness make it a game changer in healthcare, potentially extending lives through early intervention. 

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Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic, metaphoric and virtual in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy in motion whose origin rests beyond the subconscious. 

Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in representation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (07.09.2023) 

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023) 

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Universal patterns in a contextual stream of points of EIM, cross other vectors of specific and identifiable frequency. These "trajectories" share a common attraction, notwithstanding their differences in vibration or source. When resonant, vibratory patterns "form" and in 3D spacetime appear to stabilize. Structure is dependent upon the context in, and from which, these events and experiences emerge and become observed. These events appear in all dimensions seen and unseen, tangible and intangible.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

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By design AI provides us the opportunity to learn what it means to be human.

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Edited: 03.06.2024, 03.07.2024, 03.16.2024, 04.05.2024, 02.05.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

Conscious Imprinting


Publications and articles involving current scientific and technological discoveries are referred to and highlighted in part below. Concern as to the significance of these events is entirely dependent upon the observer.

An illustration of the design matrix is provided to bring attention to each article's focus, influence and impact upon design consciousness.

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What Apple’s New Vision Pro Headset Might Do to Our Brain 

By Lauren Leffer, Scientific American Newsletter, Feb. 21, 2024. 

Apple’s 1.4-pound goggles use sensors, including a lidar scanner and a camera array, to place people into what’s been called “mixed reality.” 

Mixed reality is neither traditional VR, which completely blocks out the real world, nor AR, which presents a digital overlay on transparent lenses. Instead a pass-through device translates a digital representation of a person’s environment (their hands and nearby objects, for instance) into a completely virtual space. 

This means the device mediates everything about a user’s experience. It’s “the dream of tech companies because you never [have to] take it off,” says sociocultural anthropologist Lisa Messeri of Yale University, who is author of an upcoming book on virtual reality, In the Land of the Unreal. “They can always have your attention. They always know where you’re looking. They always know what you’re doing.” 

“We don’t know what it means to walk around the world with reduced peripheral vision or visual distortions for hundreds of hours in a month,” says Rabindra Ratan, an associate professor of media and information at Michigan State University and a co-author of the recently published study. “This is purely speculative, but there could be effects on the way your eyes move around in space, and maybe that could make your vision worse,” Ratan suggests. “We don’t really know what that will do to our brain.” 

AR, VR and mixed-reality headsets also frequently cause “simulator sickness,” a suite of uncomfortable symptoms that include nausea, headache, dizziness and eye fatigue. Bailenson, Ratan and their co-authors encountered simulator sickness in the majority of their device sessions, even though the tests generally lasted less than an hour. Enduring even low levels of simulator sickness could impact people’s quality of life, activity level and productivity—which is one reason Bailenson worries that people might try to rely on these devices for their day-to-day work. 

In one 2014 experiment, Frank Steinicke, a professor of human-computer interaction at the University of Hamburg in Germany, spent 24 hours alternating between two-hour bouts of VR use and 10-minute breaks. Throughout the study, Steinicke became unsure of was real and what wasn’t. “Several times during the experiment the participant was confused about being in the [virtual environment] or in the real world and mixed certain artifacts and events between both worlds,” 

“The audio-visual display is getting better and better; therefore, I am pretty sure that virtual and real content will continue to merge,” Steinicke says. 

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Wearable Tech Reads Human Emotions  

JooHyeon Heo   Neuroscience  February 23.2024

Summary: Researchers unveiled a pioneering technology capable of real-time human emotion recognition, promising transformative applications in wearable devices and digital services. 

The system, known as the personalized skin-integrated facial interface (PSiFI), combines verbal and non-verbal cues through a self-powered, stretchable sensor, efficiently processing data for wireless communication

This breakthrough, supported by machine learning, accurately identifies emotions even under mask-wearing conditions and has been applied in a VR “digital concierge” scenario, showcasing its potential to personalize user experiences in smart environments. The development is a significant stride towards enhancing human-machine interactions by integrating complex emotional data.

Understanding and accurately extracting emotional information has long been a challenge due to the abstract and ambiguous nature of human affects such as emotions, moods, and feelings. 

To address this, the research team has developed a multi-modal human emotion recognition system that combines verbal and non-verbal expression data to efficiently utilize comprehensive emotional information

Utilizing machine learning algorithms, the developed technology demonstrates accurate and real-time human emotion recognition tasks, even when individuals are wearing masks. 

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"To believe is to accept another's truth. 

To know is your own creation."


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Always know what you are dealing with. What you focus upon defines your reality. 

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Edited: 03.04.2024, 04.01.2024

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