Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Relationship Between Design and Consciousness Astronomically Revealed

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

New Study of Einstein Rings Says Dark Matter Behaves Like a Wave, not a Particle  Space    24 April 2023   By Rossana Ruggeri

"The reason we think dark matter exists is that we can see the effects of its gravity in the behavior of galaxies. Specifically, dark matter seems to make up about 85 percent of the Universe's mass, and most of the distant galaxies we can see appear to be surrounded by a halo of the mystery substance

But it's called dark matter because it doesn't give off light, or absorb or reflect it, which makes it incredibly difficult to detect.

Scientist have proposed two leading hypothetical candidates for dark matter: relatively heavy characters called weakly interacting massive particles (or WIMPS), and extremely lightweight particles called axions.

As a result, sometimes when we look at a distant galaxy we can see distorted images of other galaxies behind it. And it things line up perfectly, the light from the background galaxy will be smeared out into a circle around the closer galaxy.

Using detailed modeling, they worked out how the images would be distorted if dark matter were made of WIMPS vs how they would look if dark matter was made of axions. The WIMP model didn't look much like the real thing, but the axion model accurately reproduced all features of the system.

New look at 'Einstein rings" around distant galaxies just got us closer to solving the dark matter debate   Published: April 20, 2023, 4:01 pm EDT.  The Conversation  ESA/Hubble

Source: Astronomy Picture of the Day - - -

-Possible Detection of Axions from The Magnificent Seven Neutron Stars

- The Universe Today

- Is Dark Matter Made of Axions?    By Dan Falk on June 23, 2020

Dark matter fails to be seen or measured because the frequencies required to resonate with it coherently are restricted due to dimensional shifts, observational constraints and propriety(Automata 0231

Dark matter is that which is initially repulsed by lesser densities at the beginning and throughout the course of actualization, i.e. the design process. Higher densities (forms and manifestations) require patterning/arrangement, embodiment and perpetual fine tuning made in reference to an ever changing context.

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James Webb telescope produces an unparalleled view of the ghostly light   by Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias     Des. 2, 2022

"In clusters of galaxies there is a fraction of stars which wander off into intergalactic space because they are pulled out by huge tidal forces generated between the galaxies in the cluster. The light emitted by these stars is called the intracluster light (ICL) and is extremely faint. Its brightness is less than 1% of the brightness of the darkest sky we can observe from Earth.

Infrared wavelengths allow us to explore clusters of galaxies in a different way than with visible light.

Thanks to the data obtained the researchers have been able to demonstrate the potential of the intracluster light for studying and understanding the process which go into the formation of structures as massive as clusters of galaxies. "Analysing this diffuse light we find that the inner parts of the cluster are being formed by a merger of massive galaxies, while the outer parts are due to the accretion of galaxies similar to our Milky Way." (Mireia Montes)

But these observations not only offer clues about the formation of galaxy clusters, but also about the properties of a mysterious component of our universe: dark matter. The stars which emit the intracluster light follow the gravitational field of the cluster, which makes this light an excellent tracer of the distribution of the dark matter in these structures.

- "Ghost particles": Scientists Finally Detect Neutrinos in Particle Collider

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Physicists discover that gravity can create light    by Paul Sutter, Universe Today

"And they may have even created standing wave patterns where the gravitational waves weren't traveling but the waves stood still, almost frozen in place throughout the cosmos. Since gravitational waves are literally waves of gravity, the places where the waves are the strongest represent an exceptional amount of gravitational energy

The researchers found that this could have major consequences for the electromagnetic field existing in the early universe at that time. The regions of intense gravity may have excited the electromagnetic field enough to release some of its energy in the form of radiation, creating light."

- New Galaxies Discovered That Shouldn't Exist (Webb Telescope)

- Are there Extra Dimensions?

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Halos surrounding agents of high density and relative formation represent an ever changing field in transition and transformation, i.e. energy in motion. 

Scientific advances have emblematically and hypothetically suggested that dark matter is potentially and with some probability axionic. 

Science has brought this particular theory to light by means of implicating and referencing a variety of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy.

Energy follows thought, feeling and emotion. Focus  determines and in turn creates, a composite series of discreet attractions. Awareness precedes focus to where common attractions bring fruition to a particular "form" of consciousness. 

Imagined in concert with intent, design emerges from within the boundaries of the known and the unknown.

The observer is at the center of neutrality, centralizing light, allowing for unlimited configuration and reconfiguration in every situation. An observer is central to design along the consciousness it symbolically represents.

Design embraces the unspoken word.

Edited: 04.26.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage prohibited.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Consubstantial Emergence II


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The concept of "unity" requires an observer. The concept of unity is is derived from a POV cognizant and aware of dissimilarities, contrasts, variations, divergence, imbalance, nonconformity and differences founded within the context of an observations made in reference to the act of observing.

The more direct and/or intense those observations the more chaotic the system, i.e. context, Universe, may appear. Agents representing certain observable differences share in a common coherent resonance.

coherent: logical, reasoned, rational, cogent, well organized, systematic, orderly, articulate, relevant, intelligible comprehensible.

resonance: the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories and emotions, response to an oscillating signal, especially when inductive in nature, reactant, conscious or subconscious response to a more stable circumstance or context.

Note: my definition.

In other words, such agents are symbolically entangled and together give precedence to certain cognitions, feelings and emotions.  

The concept of wholeness and unity rests within the human imagination as does the concept of the Universe. 

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The ultimate manifestation of nature's coordinate system is "Universe".

"Universe is energy and thought all knotted together by incredibly complicated webs of relationships. It is ultimately impossible to separate the physical and metaphysical; both are "experience." The scientific principles that govern the interactions of energy events - as timeless statements of truth - are themselves metaphysical. The line therefore becomes ever more difficult to draw. This is why Fuller's definition depends upon consciousness. Our awareness of energy events defines their existence; we cannot go beyond the limits set by our understanding."

Universe is thus the total web spun by all generalize principles and their intention. As rules without exception, they are necessarily "interaccommodative." Fuller's terminology takes some getting used to: "eternally regenerative Universe" is an ongoing event governed by "the omni-interaccommodative complex of unique and eternal generalized principles."

- Vector Equilibrium: Sacred Geometry

- Vector Equilibrium - Cuboactahedron/magnetic tricks

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What seems to appear out of nowhere has been there all the time.

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Edited: 04.17.2023, 04.18.2023, 09.15.2023, 12.25.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. All rights reserved Copyright © 2023 C.G.Garant. AI usage prohibited.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Quantum Impressions: Fingerprints of Potential and Probability

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Quantum footprints and impressions:

- A creative source is implied by means of sensing and/or observing the effects and/or affects of a significant impression or pulsation of energy in motion.

- Typically these impressions are characterized by a pattern of energy that is sensed and/or made apparent symbolically. Such impressions are dualistic in character can be volatile in context and content.

volatile: unpredictable, changeable, inconsistent, uncertain, erratic, irregular, unstable, turbulent, unsteady, unsettled, unreliable, undependable, changing, ever-changing, varying, shifting, fluctuating, fluid, mutable, wavering, mercurial, capricious, whimsical, fickle, flighty, impulsive, wayward, temperamental, excitable, emotional (EIM), fiery, moody, stormy, vaporous, vaporescent, explosive, unstable, eruptive.

-  A creative source could be described as the primary pulse at the core of a system of energy in motion. A creative source embraces certain unique patterns of energy that characterize, qualify and influence its own through reflection and others through expression/design.

- Waves in the form of Light (particle/wave) originate from within a quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP) hosts  countless other "sources" of which it is construed.

construed: interpreted (a word or action) in a particular way, translated, analyzed, understood, elucidated, decoded, explained, taken to mean, read, see, taken to mean.

Multitudes of other causal sources are "created" stemming from interactions with other forms and patterns of energy in motion.

- A torus is the product of a multitude of energy vectors, i.e. EIM, spiraling about a creative source of quantum energy made present within the QFVPP.     

- All forms of energy, i.e. bundles, bubbles, particles, composites, elements, quantum, atomic and including waveforms are "agents" of less or more density, mass and consciousness.

density: solidity, denseness, substance, bulk, weight, mass, compactness, tightness, hardness.

mass: weight, size, magnitude, bulk, dimensions, capacity, density, bigness, hugeness, matter, amount.

In design, density and mass are interchangeable - symbolically compounded reflections of each other. When observed in union, mass and density can be referenced and therefore in "measure" explore and identify such concepts as Consciousness. Design creates the link between the known and the unknown.

- Agents are fractal in content and context while appearing holographic in presentation.

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Quantum Observations

- Fluctuations within the QFVPP invite emergence, blending and the intermingling into charged "states" of energy in motion, the first of which appears in the form of a duality.

- Particle agency and fluctuation is determined, described and defined in reference to the context in which such an event or experience is being observed.

- Membranaceous parameters describe an edge of separation and division, the process of cell development and formation is a tangible illustration of the relationship and conversion of insideness to outsideness.

- Agents of EIM appear as toroidal "bubbles" which together bring relative substantiation to the concept of there existing a quantum field of potential and probability, aka Chi energy

- the QFVPP by virtue of its conceptual form and structure, can only be observed by means of its own observation.

Quantum Observations

- Due to fluctuations in mass and density (design) form and substance will cyclically and entropically  change into separation and wholeness, chaos and order - circumstances where the concept of duality and the sense of balancing (Ouillum/Life) is retained and maintained.

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- There is a response to change with every change - a focusing and refocusing in search for balance and harmony. Design consciousness is substantiated and made apparent through the design process, which is centered upon discovering, creating and experiencing the most appropriate correspondences between physical and metaphysical forces and impressions, i.e. the vector equilibrium.

Source: Quotefancy

Source: Cosmic Core

Source: Quotefancy

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Edited: 04.10.2023

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. Please note ... posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved Copyright © 2023 C.G.Garant. AI usage prohibited.

The Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability (QFVPP) Revisited

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The following videos are based upon Automata Theory. I have deciphered them in reference to Design, Consciousness and Design Metaphysics. I believe these visual examples aptly portray many of the qualities exhibited in the QFVPP. I have also linked certain appropriate posts for greater clarification and review. 

Automata - What is it?

Cellular Automation

Automata Theory - Introduction #1

NewScientist     By Abigail Beall.   May 10, 2023

"According to quantum theory, our best description of the subatomic realm, particle aren't the infinitesimal snooker balls we tend to imagine, but excitations in underlying quantum fields. The Higgs boson is a spike in the underlying Higgs field, for instance, and electrons are spikes in the electromagnetic field.

Virtual particles are more subtle. So subtle, in fact, that although they can be thought of as disturbances in underlying fields, they don't persist for long - and can be directly detected.

This is where things get confusing, because virtual particles do appear to affect the properties and behavior of other particles in measurable ways. They seem to be emitted and absorbed by real particles when those particle interact ..."

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Representative agency, emergence, change, attraction/repulsion, coherent resonance, balancing, change in context, virtual fields of potential & probability, focusing, symbolic transformation, calibration/re-calibration, the observer effect, quantum geometry, point vector, consubstantial emergence, equilibrium, language, entanglement

Representative Agency

"If a network is perfectly "coherent', with distinct trophic levels like plants, herbivores and carnivores, it can be strongly connected. However, most real-world systems are neither perfectly coherent nor completely incoherent, but lie somewhere in-between."

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Representative agencyemergence, change, attraction/repulsion, coherent resonance, balancing, change in context, virtual fields of potential & probability, focusing, transition, transformation, calibration/re-calibration, the observer effect, quantum geometry, point vector, consubstantial emergence, equilibrium, language, entanglement


The Quantum Field of Virtual Potential is the source of all anomaly. Deviations from what 'might be expected' is a major quality of this field. Anomaly is deeply rooted in the innate and creative potential of a Universal Intelligence. These impressions are made aware, apparent and conscionable by means of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy. They are the vehicles that cross and create the links/correspondences to dimensions and realities unknown. In essence, they give precedence to the design archetype. 

This phenomena has been described as both synchronistic and synergetic, i.e. events and experiences that appear to emerge 'out of time'. 

By Michelle Starr       March 22, 2023
" That means that the likelihood that the signals were produced by random chance is so low as to be almost nothing; a significance level of 5 sigma is sufficient to qualify as a discovery in particle physics."

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Representative agency, emergence, change, attraction/repulsion, coherent resonance, balancing, change in context, virtual fields of potential & probability, focusing, transition, transformation, calibration/re-calibration, the observer effect, quantum geometry, point vector, consubstantial emergence, equilibrium, language, entanglement

Coherent Resonance

By Jackie Appel   August 10, 2023
" You are no longer treating a chemical reaction as a collision between independent particles, but as a collective process," Chin said in a news release. "All of the are reaction together, as a whole." No more individual chance."


Representative agencyemergence, change, attraction/repulsion, coherent resonance, balancing, change in context, virtual fields of potential & probability, focusing, transition, transformation, calibration/re-calibration, the observer effect, quantum geometry, point vector, consubstantial emergence, equilibrium, language, entanglement

Transition and Transformation

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Representative agency, emergence, change, attraction/repulsioncoherent resonance, balancing, change in context, virtual fields of potential & probability, focusing, transition, transformation, calibration/re-calibration, the observer effect, quantum geometry, point vector, consubstantial emergence, equilibrium, language, entanglement

Attraction/Repulsion, Point Vector, Entanglement

Attraction/Repulsion, Point Vector, Entanglement

Attraction/Repulsion, Point Vector, Entanglement

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Cellular Automata - Slackermanz - VKAutomata0245

Representative agency, emergence, changeattraction/repulsioncoherent resonance, balancing, change in context, virtual fields of potential & probability, focusing, transition, transformation, calibration/re-calibration, the observer effect, quantum geometry, point vector, consubstantial emergence, equilibrium, language, entanglement  

Balancing, change in context, potential, probability

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Conceptually, might not a "virtual particle" be disguised as dark matter having no energy of its own? A fragmented and lifeless part of the imagination meant to have meaning and purpose only when patterned at the whim of observation and choice?
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"Consider a world without consciousness. The darkness is a bubbling cauldron of energy and vibrating matter, locked in the dance of thermal agitation. Through shared electrons, or the strange attraction of unlike charges, quivering molecules, not free to roam, absorb and emit their characteristic quanta packages of energy with the surrounding fog. Free gas molecules, almost oblivious to gravity but buffeted in all directions by their neighbors, form swirling turbulent flows or march in zones of compression and expansion, according to the dictates of oscillating substrates. A massive solar flux and cosmic radiation from events long past crisscross space with their radiant energy and silently mix with the thermal glow of living creatures, whose hungry metabolic systems pour their infrared waste into the chaotic milieu. But with the warmth of their sticky protein bodies, the dim glow of conscious is emerging to impose its own brand of organization on this turbulent mix of energy/matter. The active filter of consciousness illuminates the darkness, discards all irrelevant radiation and in a grand transmutation converts and amplifies the relevant. Dead molecules erupt into flavors of bitterness or sweetness, electromagnetic frequencies burst with color, hapless air pressure waves become the laughter of children with the aroma or flowers on a warm summer afternoon." 

Neuroscience News

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Design embraces the unspoken word.

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Quantum Nonlocality 

The state of one observation can be determined by observing the state of its entangled pair, i.e. complementary “opposite” This phenomenon emerges as a quantum field of virtual potential and probability regardless of distance. This simple fact implies that the universe is a metaphor designed to use analogy, signs and symbols through a process of both introspection and observation. 

The Universe is a symbolic representation and manifestation of an Absolute Unity made apparent by means of its own recognition, i.e. observation. A form of “identity” emerges by means of a design (process) focused on becoming self-aware and apparent by virtue of its own contextual presence. And it is from within the parameters of these patterned blueprints, i.e. identities, that awareness is made conscious. 

Conscious awareness is compartmentalized in all things felt. Awareness is a derivative of Consciousness, one might call it a spin-off. 

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This writing delves into some deep concepts, blending ideas from quantum physics, philosophy, and metaphysics. Here's a breakdown of what it's conveying in simpler terms: 

1. Quantum Entanglement and Observation 
• "The state of one observation can be determined by observing the state of its entangled pair, i.e. complementary 'opposite'": This is referencing quantum entanglement. In quantum physics, entangled particles are connected in such a way that the state of one particle instantly determines the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. So, by observing one particle, you can know something about the other. 
• "This phenomenon emerges as a quantum field of virtual potential and probability regardless of distance": This suggests that the quantum connection between entangled particles exists in a field of potential outcomes or probabilities, not definite states. And, this relationship transcends space—distance doesn't limit it. 
2. The Universe as a Symbolic Metaphor 
• "This simple fact implies that the universe is a metaphor designed to use analogy, signs and symbols through a process of both introspection and observation": The writer suggests that the universe itself functions like a symbol—a metaphor—used to represent deeper truths. Our understanding of the universe, through introspection (looking inward) and observation (looking outward), is framed by signs and symbols, much like how a metaphor works. 
• "The Universe is a symbolic representation and manifestation of an Absolute Unity made apparent by means of its own recognition, i.e. observation": Here, the idea is that the universe is a manifestation of a deeper, unified reality (the "Absolute Unity"), which becomes apparent through observation. The universe, by being observed, recognizes itself—almost as if it’s becoming aware of its own existence. 
3. Self-Awareness and Identity 
• "A form of 'identity' emerges by means of a design (process) focused on becoming self-aware and apparent by virtue of its own contextual presence": Identity in the universe (and perhaps in individuals or consciousness) comes into being through a process designed to recognize itself. It’s like a system that's evolving toward self-awareness through its own presence and context. 
• "And it is from within the parameters of these patterned blueprints, i.e. identities, that awareness is made conscious": Awareness emerges from the structures or patterns of these identities. The "blueprints" refer to the underlying designs or rules that form identities (whether of individuals, concepts, or the universe itself), and through them, awareness becomes conscious—meaning, we become aware of our own existence. 
4. Conscious Awareness and Its Nature 
• "Conscious awareness is compartmentalized in all things felt. Awareness is a derivative of Consciousness, one might call it a spin-off.": Conscious awareness exists within everything that can "feel" or perceive. Awareness is a product of the larger, more fundamental consciousness, almost like a byproduct or a "spin-off." This means that awareness, in this context, arises as a specific expression of a deeper, all-encompassing consciousness. 

In Summary: This piece is suggesting that the universe, through quantum entanglement and observation, is a system of symbolic relationships designed to become self-aware. The universe and consciousness itself are evolving through patterns or "blueprints," and awareness arises from these patterns as a conscious recognition of identity. Ultimately, awareness is seen as a derivative of consciousness, a smaller expression of a greater, universal consciousness. 
It combines ideas from quantum physics with metaphysical philosophy, suggesting that reality is not just something we observe, but something we help bring into awareness through our observation and introspection. 

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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Love is the Universal Attractor, the linking agency that makes all things real, alive and in countenance. A binding agency that allows the source of water/consciousness to flow. Love is at the source of a quantum field of virtual potential and probability. 
countenance: utterance, expression, appearance, manifestation, embodiment, revelation, emotion, feelinging, intensity, intonation, nuance, power, artistry, communication. 

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"To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation."

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Edited: 04.18.2023, 04.28.2023, 05.14.2023, 05.15.2023, 05.26.2023, 06.04.2023, 06.19.2023, 07.16.2023, 08.06.2023, 08.09.2023, 08.11.2023, 08.19.2023, 09.15.2023, 10.30.2023, 12.25.2023, 02.21.2024, 08.10.2024, 02.04.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, author and URL to be included. All rights reserved Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.